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Ondo Assembly begins process of impeaching Akeredolu’s deputy

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The Ondo State House of Assembly has begun the process of removing the deputy governor, Mr Lucky Aiyedatiwa.
The House accused the embattled deputy governor of being involved in some acts of gross misconduct while in office as the acting governor.
To this end, at the plenary session on Wednesday, the directed the Clerk of the House, Mr Benjamin Jaiyeola, to communicate to Aiyedatiwa the allegations levelled against him.
The petition which has been signed by Nine out of 26 Members of the House was read during the plenary presided over by the Speaker, Mr Olamide Oladiji.

The petition was presented at an emergency plenary held on Wednesday, September 20.
There are strong indications that the lawmakers hoped to fast-track the process and remove the governor from office in a matter of days.
The clerk of the Assembly, Benjamin Jaiyeola, has been directed to write the deputy governor on the allegations against him.

How to impeach a deputy governor

To impeach a deputy governor, a notice in writing must be sent by not less than one-third of the members of the State House of Assembly alleging gross misconduct.
Ondo State House of Assembly has 26 lawmakers. Nine lawmakers, the equivalent of one-third, have already signed the impeachment notice.
The next process will require two-thirds of the House of Assembly to vote on whether to investigate the allegation against the deputy governor.
The Chief Justice of Ondo State shall then appoint a panel of seven persons who in his/her opinion are of unquestionable integrity to investigate the allegations.
If the panel determine that the deputy governor is guilty of gross misconduct, it will require two-thirds of the entire how to impeach him.

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