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Rivers Assembly Mourns Departed Colleague

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Emmanuel Nlewedum, Port Harcourt

Tragedy on Monday struck the Rivers State House of Assembly following the demise of the lawmaker representing Khana Constituency II, Hon. Barr. Dinebari Loolo.

The news of the death of the Lawmaker, Hon. Dinebari Loolo, broke out on Monday, September 18th, 2023.

The cause of his death could not be ascertained as o the time of filing this report.

Speaker of the house, Rt. Hon. Martins Amaehule, after receiving the sad news led members of the 10th Assembly to commiserate with the family of their deceased colleague.

Amaehule who spoke during the visit said Hon. Loolo’s death has thrown the Assembly and Rivers State at large into mourning.

He described his demise as a rude shock, severe blow and painful to his people, the 10th Assembly and the state in general.

He prayed God to comfort the family he left behind and grant him peace in His heavenly abode.

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