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Gov. Adeleke visits proposed University of Ilesa, promises due establishment process

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Blessing Akorowosi, Osogbo

Osun State Governor, on Friday visited the proposed University of Ilesa in the state to inspect its structures and establishment process.

Recall that the College of Education, Ilesa was upgraded to the University of Ilesa during the tenure of Former Governor Adegboyega Oyetola in 2022.

Addressing staff and students of the institution after receiving the report of the review committee at the TETFUND hall in the school premises, Governor Adeleke said his administration will build the University of Ilesa on a solid ground and make it a sustainable institution.

He noted that he was the first person to propose an upgrade of the College of Education to a University, saying the promise was made at the Palace of Owa of Ijeshaland during 2018 governorship election.

“Mr Oyetola, the former governor for three years do nothing on the University until approached to 2022 election, he rushed to establish the University as a political project.

“My goal is to ensure that the University is properly established just the PDP government did on the Osun State University

“It’s not always easy for a state that is trying to get on her feet to have two Universities, before you can do that you have to follow due process, you have to look at the funding, and structure at hand, that is why I said I don’t want anybody to rush me to do this, I have already established that the University of Ilesa is here to stay.

“The review committee has submitted its report and I am issuing a white paper as soon as possible. I declare today that our administration is not stopping the establishment of the University of Ilesa.

“Our administration will soon release details of its plan on the University, my visit in the last stage before releasing the next line of action,” the governor said.

Earlier in his presentation, Chairman of the Review Committee, Prof. Taiwo Ashaolu said multiple sources of income is encouraged for the smooth running of the institution and to make it affordable for the students.

He gave more recommendations— “the process of appointment must follow the extant law, the university should commence with eight faculties, namely; Education and vocational technology, Management Sciences, Social sciences, Science, Technology and Innovations, Humanities and Cultures, Agriculture and Agric Business and Basic Medical Sciences.

“All the existing staff both academic and and non-teaching of Osun State College of Education Ilesha are to be transited to the university. Recruitment process shall be by advertisement in national newspapers and other medium.

“An institute of education should be established under the faculty of education in the university to oversee the completion of the programme of the current students.”


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