Champion Newspapers Limited
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Coalition: NRM dispels rumour

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The National Chairman of National Rescue Movement, Hon. Ambassador Isaac Udeh, has urged the general public to disregard the reports on some online media that seven parties have joined forces with Labour Party against All Progressives Congress (APC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).


Reacting to the report, Hon. Udeh stated categorically that National Rescue Movement was not part of the coalition of allied parties and would never be a party to such arrangement.

NRM, according to Honourable Udeh is the third largest political party in Nigeria and has the capacity to take on and wrestle power from APC.


He further said NRM has come a long way and was not ready to identify with any party on basis of any coalition, adding that he will address a press conference in Abuja on Tuesday,  May 24, 2022 to further clear the air on this issue.

Presidential aspirant under NRM, Rev. Emmanuel with former NNPP members who moved to NRM.


Ambassador Udeh in a ground-breaking event on Monday at NRM headquarters, Abuja welcomed into her fold over 16,000 members from the New Nigerian People’s Party (NNPP) and some structure of immediate past exco of NNPP from 17 states ably led by Rev. Emmanuel Olorunmagba.


Also, during this event, a presidential aspirant, (Dr. Solomon Uchenna) picked up an expression of interest form and a party nomination form to run for the exalted position.  Hon Udeh told the new NRM members to disregard such rumour making the round and that Nigerians should not believe such reports on coalition in the social media.



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