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Valentine Day: Rights group calls on politicians, Nigerians to emulate St Valentine

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.As clergy urges residents to express love to reduce crime

By Phil Okose Onitsha


The Anambra state Chairman of Civil  Liberties Organization, CLO, comrade Vincent  Ezekwueme, has called on Politicians and Nigerians to emulate St Valentin, in words and actions at this period of Valentin.


His words, “they, the political class and citizens of this great country should display in words, deeds and actions absolute selflessness, sacrifices, service for humanity, patriotism,integrity and love for one another irrespective of tribe, religion, class or clans cleavage”


Ezekwueme made the appeal during public lecture he delivered to Youths and Coalition of Civil Society Organisations in Onitsha, to commemorate 2022 celebration of feast of St Valentine with the Theme: “He Lived and Died For Humanity”


Ezekwueme noted that, it is pertinent to note that for Nigeria to actualise its full potentials, hope and aspirations of our founding fathers,  it needs overarching patriotic ,servant leaders ready, willing and able to live above selfish, tribal and religious interest for the socioeconomic, political advancement of our dear country and citizens”


“In view of the fact that if, tremendous human, natural and materials bestowed upon Nigeria and Nigerians were judiciously utilised Nigeria will certainly be earthly paradise where peace, progress,prosperity and tranquility will be the order of the day.”


“Worthy of note is for all citizens to contribute immensely towards peaceful, harmonious , joyful and lovely coexistence of Nigerians. In the spirit of St Valentine”


He appealed for an end to herders /farmers clashes, banditry, terrorism,insecurity, insurgency, Boko Haram, kidnapping,thuggery and armed robbery.


“Let us sincerely in the tenets of St Valentine use justice, equity, egalitarian and social justice to restore peace, trust and confidence of the citizenry for the country and governments.


“Pertinently the political parties and gladiators should zone their presidential candidates to south east as happened in 1999 in the spirit of St Valentine


.It is of great relevance to note that much needed positive change should begin with you,if we should actualise Nigerian of our dreams, hopes and aspirations.


We must show and share love to all Nigerians as panacea to numerous challenges facing the country. Ezekwueme who is also Convener Movement For Election Of Nigerian President of Igbo Extraction posited”

Meanwhile, The Senior Pastor in charge of the House of Truth Church (HOT), Rev. Adedoyin Adeyinka, on Sunday urged residents of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to use the valentine period to express love to one another to help checkmate the high level of crime in the society.

Adeyinka said this at the church celebration of valentine’s Day in Abuja.

The cleric said that the main purpose of the celebration of Valentine was not for sexual fulfillment, but to express God’s kind of love which is Agape love.

He said that one of the major challenges affecting the peace of the nation is the absence of God’s kind of love because love is kind, it does not hold a record of wrongful doings and does not hurt.

“For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it just as the Lord does to the Church – “ Ephesian 5:29”

He noted that the rate of crime increased because men are now lovers of money, and the youths want quick wealth so they do not mind killing a fellow human for ritual.

Adeyinka said that the problem was not the environment but the people, adding; “love is the only thing that can correct the mistakes of the past that have brought insecurity and bloodshed upon the land”.

He advised Christians that the show of love should not be only on February 14 alone, but a daily lifestyle that should be expressed every day.

Adeyinka said that it would be difficult for people to express love every day and in every situation without first having the love of God in them, adding that whoever does not have God cannot be said to reflect love.

According to him, “Nigeria can be the country of our dream if we all demonstrate love to one another and be our brothers’ keeper.

He said there are three kinds of relationship, husband and wife, brethren to brethren, and the believer in God, but what bonds them together is a covenant.

Adeyinka said the love that would cause a change that would affect the whole nation, must first begin from the home before extending it outside.

He, therefore, appealed to parents to express love to their family members because; whatever affects the home would affect the entire nation.

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