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2023: Elect right leaders that can salvage Nigeria, Atiku pleads with Nigerians

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Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar has tasked Nigerians to use the 2023 general election to elect leaders who are capable of salvaging the nation and preventing it from total collapse.

Atiku, who stated this when he visited the House of Representatives Caucus of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Abuja, to declare his intention to run for President in 2023, added that the coming election is not for personal interest, but about salvaging the country.

He said: “This is the last chance for this country to get it right. Any failure to elect the right leaders now means Nigeria is doomed. That is why this election is not for us or our personal interest, it is about salvaging the country and I want to seek your support to help me do that.”

Atiku noted that the job of a legislature is the most important one, adding “you make the laws that govern both the executive and the judicial arms of government. That is why I believe the most sensitive organ of democracy is the legislature.

“I want to commend you for uniting and protecting the interest of the party at the National Assembly.”

The former Vice President said that he understand how tasking it is to be a member of the parliament in Nigeria, especially this period.

“You are closer to the people than the President; you also generously sponsor our party at the grassroots. One thing that also impresses me is that despite being a diverse party, the PDP caucus has never been this united.

“I have seen you fighting and protecting the interest of Nigerians and upholding the rule of law. That is why I admire you a lot.

“Our party is truly blessed to have you. You will be the one that will transit our party from being the minority party to the majority party. PDP will be the majority party in the next National Assembly and we will deliver progress and development for the people.

“I recognise your immense influence on our great party and my respect for you is beyond measure. That is why I chose you to be among the first set of people that I will be meeting to personally declare my intention to contest for the President of Nigeria in 2023.

“Therefore I humbly present myself to you and seek your support to win our party’s Presidential ticket,” he said.

He lamented the situation of the country, stressing, “We are in one of the trying times in our history as a country. With the increase in poverty, joblessness, insecurity, inflation, economic recession and serious division. There is never been a time when Nigeria need credible leadership than now.”

Atiku, however disclosed that he has designed policy that will help to liberate this nation, adding, “I am designing a policy document that will guide effectively in the implementation of our solution. The policy document is now undergoing review. I want to work with you, to collect your feedback and input.”

Responding, the House of Representatives Minority Leader, Ndudi Elumelu said that PDP must unite to take over from APC-led government.

“What we have always said is that we are not happy with the way and manners we are not trying to unite ourselves. What is important is that we must unite ourselves to take over from APC led government.

“They have corrupted this nation and the only way we can get that power back, which Nigerians are hoping and praying that God will answer Nigerians’ prayer through PDP is by us getting united.

“We need to avoid any form of assault or attack on ourselves. It will not help us. Sometimes we read in the newspapers where people from the same party are fighting themselves, I do not think that it will be a very healthy development for us to gather the momentum that we require to take over. So I believe that it is the unity that we will need to get the power,” Elumelu said.

He, however, told Atiku that he is the second presidential aspirant to visit them to declare his intention.

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