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You must perform or leave my cabinet, Tinubu warns ministers

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President Bola Tinubu on Wednesday in Abuja urged members of his cabinet to work assiduously towards achieving the mandate of their ministries or be ready to leave the government.


Tinubu stated this in his address at the three-day 2023 Cabinet Retreat for Ministers, Presidential Aides, Permanent Secretaries and Top government functionaries, with the theme: “Delivering on the Renewed Hope Agenda.”


According to NAN, the president reminded the ministers of their responsibility to serve the people who entrusted their mandate to him.


Tinubu reiterated the commitment of his administration to take 50 million Nigerians out of poverty, saying, “Poverty is not a shameful thing, it is only unacceptable. And we have to banish it because it is unacceptable.”


He also enjoined the ministers to focus on the progress of their respective ministries and come up with bold endeavours, stressing that his administration was determined to turn the nation’s population into an asset.


”That is why we established Results Delivery Units. At the end of this retreat, you are going to sign a Bond of Understanding between the ministers, the Permanent Secretaries and myself.


“If you are performing there is nothing to fear. If you missed the objective, we review, if no performance you leave us. No one is an island and the buck stops on my desk.


“I assure you will have a free hand. You must be intellectually inquisitive to ask how,  why, when, and why it must be immediate.


“I have taken a young lady, very dynamic Hadiza Usman to Head that delivery unit. If you have any complaints about her, see me. If you are ready to work with her stay there. Delivery? Yes! We must achieve it for the sake of the millions of the people.”


He said that the country was blessed with great talents around the world, adding that Nigeria was the biggest intellectually sound country in Africa.


”Yes we have challenges in the Sahel, we have challenges of climate change. South and North of Nigeria are battered, we’ve all seen such.


”You have desert encroachment in the north but we are still blessed with arable lands. We can do it, we can build our country.


”It is not about the theoreticians, it is about practical determinations and focus evaluation. Yes, it is our country, we have no other one.


“Let’s be proud that we are Nigerians, that we can do it, you can show leadership. We can fight to make democracy a lasting reference for the rest of Africa.”


The President, who enjoined ministers and other government officials not to be afraid in taking decisions, however, warned them against being antagonistic to their supervisor.


“If they are wrong debate it. I stand before you and I have clear several occasions and I will be saying today again as the President I can make mistakes.


”Point it to me I will resolve that conflict, that error, perfection is only that of Almighty God, but you are there to help me succeed. Success I must achieve by all means necessary.


”We have great minds, great intellects, and all that we need. When we were discussing this retreat. I said other than members of the diplomatic corps to give us goodwill and inspiration.


”Don’t invite any foreigner to give me a lecture about governance. I have been through it and I believe in Nigeria.


”It started from the day I was sworn in that bold endeavor is only achieved through courage, determination, and focus leadership.”


Tinubu said that the country was going through a reform painfully, saying ”and we still have other challenges.


”Don’t be a clog in the will of Nigeria’s progress. Let us look forward. Let us be determined that corruption will go, progress will be achieved.


”Better living wages for our workers. We will transform the economy to work for millions of our citizens. We must take 50 million people out of poverty.


”We must build healthcare that works for all. Look around don’t be wicked. Look at the standard of education. Look at the classrooms, look at the roads.


”We can only spend the money. We will find it, we cannot spend the people. No crime in borrowing,” Tinubu said.

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