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WORLD Tips For 2024: Bishop (COL) Paul Vincent shares 24 ways to Succeed in 2024

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As the year gradually gains momentum with the Month of January already singing and activities beginning to pick up everywhere, Bishop (COL) Paul N. Vincent, a US-based renowned and reputable man of God shared a few principles and nuggets that will help many to succeed in 2024 and life. This principle will also help in making progress beyond today’s life or where we have been in yester-years. Bishop Paul Vincent added that 2024 is their year of Increased and Abundant Harvest. He is married to Rev (Mrs) Edith Vincent.


Bishop Paul Vincent reiterated that many people often think that once they do a long fast at the beginning of the year, that’s all they need to succeed! A 21-day, 40-day, or 100-day fast at the beginning of the year doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be productive throughout the year! Without down playing the importance of fasting, there are other ingredients which if they are missing, fasting alone can’t take their place!


Here are a few things that can help many succeed and be more productive in the year 2024 & in life in generally!


Prayer is our lifeline to Heaven! Prayer is Communication & a Time of Fellowship with God! It’s the greatest Source of our spiritual Power! It’s the place where we can defeat Satan & all his demonic forces with the power that’s available to us through the name of Jesus! Prayer (& often with Fasting) is supposed to be a lifestyle for us, not just a ritual at the beginning of the year, but an ongoing practice throughout the year, so that we stay connected to God as our Source! We also win spiritual Victories in the place of Prayer! In 2024, secure your spiritual Victories in the place of Prayer! Fast as you are led, not because others are doing it or as a competition to see who will “out fast” another person or Church!


Fasting is a means by which we deny ourselves, our flesh especially, in order to focus & spend Time with God in the place of Prayer, the Word of God, Meditation & seeking God with all our heart: For Direction, Humility, for Freedom & Deliverance, for Repentance, (Joel: 2:12). Definitely there are times & situations that calls for Fasting, & beginning the year with a time with God spent in fasting is a good way to start the year seeking God’s Help for the rest of the year! In the place of Fasting (with Prayers) we also win spiritual victories & in 2024, as you seek God with Fasting and prayers, you will find God & experience a breakthrough in life & any area of life you desire! We also win spiritual Victories in the place of Fasting with Prayer. But Fast as you are led by God, not because others are doing it or as a competition to see who will “out fast” another person or Church!


Mark 17:21 “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.”

Joel: 2:12 “Even now, ‘declares the Lord, ‘return to me with all your heart, with fasting & weeping and mourning.”

Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”



Take Time to Read, Study, Meditate, Memorize, Confess & put the Word of God into Action in your life Daily, for man shall not live by bread alone but by the Word of God! Let the Word of God dwell richly in you as it’s the ONLY Offensive weapon we have against the enemy as it is the Sword of The Spirit!

Joshua 1:8  “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”


You will always need Faith to receive anything from God, including to succeed in the Year 2024! Our Faith in God is so Foundational in life & to succeed! We need to develop our Faith, grow it & begin to put it to use in every area of life, including our pursuit of Success in 2024!

Mark 9:23 “And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”

Mark 11:22 “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.”



Some of us have come this far in life by Giving and sowing Seeds! Until you begin to Give, Sow Seed of Faith & be faithful in giving God your Tithe, there are Doors that won’t just Open! Determine in 2024 to be Faithful in Tithing, to Sow Seeds according to the level of your Faith & to Give (to God & His Work, to help the needy when you can & to support charitable causes). I believe 2024 is our Year of INCREASING HARVEST! But you can’t Harvest if you have not taken time to Sow the Seed, Water it, then expect the Harvest! May your Harvest locate you in the Year 2024 in Jesus name!

Genesis 8:22  “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

Luke 6:38  “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”



An attitude of Gratitude endears you to God! How can we not be Thankful to God for life & all His Benefits? Take Time to Thank God always & for All He’s done for you & even Thank Him (by Faith) for what He is about to do for you in 2024! Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude unto God in 2024!

Hebrews 13:15  “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”


Unforgiveness simply hinders your prayers, blocks your blessing, makes God not Forgive you & brings damnation upon you! Don’t even waste your time in long days of prayer & fasting if you’re still harboring Unforgiveness against anyone! Forget about your Giving and sowing Seeds if you won’t Forgive people. It is said that Unforgiveness (including Bitterness, Anger and malice) does more harm to the Vessel it is Stored in, than the Vessel it is stored against! So Forgive People if you want the heaven over your life to be Open in 2024!

Matthew 6:14-15 “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”



The Favor of God upon your life will help you to accomplish much more in life with greater ease & more results! Often people try all year long to get things done all in their own human effort & head knowledge, but when the Favor of God is released upon us, things & people will act more favorably to us & we’ll be able to get more done! I pray for you now: In 2024, May God’s Favor rest upon you & may you find Favor with God & with Man, in Jesus’ name!

Psalm: 90:17a “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us …”

Psalm: 5:12 “Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.”

Luke: 2:52  And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”



You need Wisdom to make the Right Choices and decisions! Many people have had long days of Prayer and fasting, then made wrong choices or decisions that wipe out all the results of the prayer & put them in trouble! Ask God for Wisdom in life & to Plan in 2024!

James 1:5 “If any of you lack Wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”



In one of my books (by the Grace of God, I have published 20 books) titled, “Your Vision & What To Do With It” I talked about how to take your Vision From Conception to Realization! If you want to succeed & be productive in life & the Year 2024, you need to catch a vision of what you really want to do or accomplish in life or the year 2024! Without a Clear Vision of what you really want to do or accomplish in 2024, you may discover by December 2024, that you’ve wasted the year (again) & can’t account for what you really did, achieved, or accomplished in 2024! May this not happen to you! The way to avoid it is to catch, get, develop a vision of what you really want to accomplish, achieve, become, or do in 2024, then step out & begin working on it, step by step, one day at a time!

Proverbs 29:18a “Where there is no vision, the people perish: …”



If You Aim at Nothing; You’ll Hit Nothing! Set Goals of what you’ll want to accomplish in Year 2024! Actually, Set Long Term Goals (5,10,15,20,25- Year Goals – which is like the ladder you’ll need to climb to get to the Top in life or to your destination) & set Short Term Goals (Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly Goals – (which are like the rungs in the ladder that you need to keep climbing on the ladder daily)! These long & short-term goals of what you’ll want to accomplish in 2024, begin working on them! Don’t Procrastinate! Your Goals are your Desires, what you desire to accomplish in 2024 & life; & God says He’ll grant you your desires!

Psalm 20:4 “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans (goals) succeed.”



What you SAY (Your Words) are important & have control over your life & will have a lot to do with the outcome you get in 2024 & life generally! You can’t keep saying or confessing the opposite of what The Word of God says or His Promises to you & expect those promises to manifest in your life or 2024! Your Words must be in agreement with The Word and promises of God to you, no matter what your circumstances look like! So if you want to see certain things happen or manifest in your life, Change how you talk and change your Vocabulary in 2024!

Mark 11:23  “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”



Failure to Plan they say is Planning to Fail! Prayer and fasting is NOT a Substitute for Planning! You need to Ask God for Wisdom as you Plan; Ask God to bless your Plans and seek His Help as you set out to achieve your Plans, knowing that without Him, you can achieve nothing! If you’ve been working on something you planned for years ago & it’s taking you nowhere, maybe it’s Time to Revise your Plans, evaluate them & consider Changing your Strategy or approach, and choose a better way or route to achieve your goals & dreams in life & 2024. It’s a vital part of your Planning process! Don’t leave your Planning to God! It’s your responsibility!

Proverbs 16:1,3,9 “The Plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD… 3 Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established…9 The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”



The popular saying, “Business before Pleasure” is true if you want to succeed in 2024 & life! How do you manage your Time? How do you Plan to Manage your Time in 2024? We all have 24 Hours in a Day, which is a Total of 8,784 Hours in 2024! Each of those hours is Blank Checks (Cheques, as they’ll call it in the U.K./Nigeria) that God has given you for 2024! You can either use them, Spend them, Invest in them, or Squander and waste them! It’s your Choice! But determined to Spend and invest every one of those hours wisely & productively! Cut out any unnecessary thing that’ll waste your time & rechannel those hours to something more productive!

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2,11a “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;… 11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: …”



Don’t remain at the same level life met or kept you 5 or 10 years ago or even last year! Read Books (there are many good inspirational & self-help books out there, I’ve written 20 of such books) buy, read & learn from them. Attend Conferences, Seminars, or events that’ll add value to your life, and career or help you advance in your chosen field! Some of you may need to go back to School or learn a new trade, skill, or business! Don’t get scared to take such a step, so that you won’t look back in 5 years & regret not taking such a step! It’s never too late to start anything if you have the passion for it! It could be the best use or investment of your Time in 2024! Someone may just need to Re-Condition their Mind & drop negative patterns of thinking or beliefs that have held them back in life & over the years!  Commit yourself to Self-Improvement in 2024!

Ecclesiastes 9:10a “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;…”



Until you Step Out and take Action, Work Hard & Do what you’ve been planning to do; It’ll NEVER Get Done! So enough of all the talk & theory! Begin to Take Action, begin to Work Hard on that Project, Dream and career as you pursue it, and you’ll be on your way to actualizing your dreams & goals in 2024! Without hard work on your part, don’t expect much to be accomplished in 2024 or even in life! Anything of worth & that’ll be great in life, takes hard work! If you won’t put hard work into anything or any project, don’t expect it to be great! But when you work hard & have God’s blessings upon your hard work, then you can expect great results! To succeed in 2024 & life, Work Hard! I pray God’s blessings upon your hard work in 2024!

Psalm: 90:17b “… Establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!”


To be continued. Watch out for the continuation of 24 Ways to Succeed in 2024 by Bishop (COL) Paul N Vincent.



Bishop (COL) VINCENT N. PAUL is a Motivational and anointed Preacher, Teacher, Chaplain, Prolific Author, Publisher, and broadcaster. He’s President of: Vincent Paul Ministries Int’l.; Kingdom Power Ministries Int’l; & Bishop, Kingdom Power Chapel. He’s also the President/CEO, of Vincent Paul Group, Inc. and president/CEO, of Persistence Works TV Network! He’s a Major in the U.S. Army Reserve & also a Kentucky Colonel.


He’s appeared on: ABC 7, CBN ‘Turning Point’, NTA Network; WHTV; TCT TV; KCHF TV; BEN TV London & PWTN. He’s been featured in the New York Daily News, Vanguard’s Papers, etc. He’s published 20 Books in his Persistence Works Book Series & publishes Persistence Works Magazine & Persistence Works E-Newsletter – reaching over 100,000 people in 150 nations!


He holds a B.A. degree from the University of Ibadan; an M.A. [Leadership] & Master of Divinity [M.Div.] both from Liberty University. He also holds an Executive Master’s in Public Administration from Golden Gate University, San Francisco CA. He’s been awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters from Westgate University for his prolific writings!


Bishop Paul & Edith Vincent are based in El Paso, Texas, USA. Visit his websites:


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