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Proposed shutdown Of Ladipo, Oyingbo markets, an economic attack on Igbos in Lagos – Labour Party

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Obiora Ifoh, Abuja


The Labour Party (LP) has reacted to plans by the Lagos state government to indefinitely shutdown the Ladipo and Oyingbo Markets following what the government described as the indescriminate disposal of waste in the markets thereby causing environmental problems.


A statement issued in Abuja by the  National Publicity Secretary of the party, Arabambi Abayomi, expressed shock at the planned shutdown of the markets, adding that it is a further sign of the intolerance of the APC led administration in Lagos.


The statement read; “Our party attention was drawn to the announcement made by the Lagos State Government plans to shut down both Ladipo and Oyingbo markets in the state indefinitely by this week Thursday 22nd September 2022 due to Lagos State claims of traders’ indiscriminate waste disposal.


“Our party further noted with utmost shock the  state government deceptive reasons was  because they could no longer tolerate any more violations including reckless waste dumping, non-payment for waste services, and general poor waste management situation in these markets


“Our party wishes to categorically state here that the APC Govt in Lagos State is a very intolerant Govt and highly crude, is not the news but it , being completely dictatorial, Hitlerite and recklessly very undemocratic is what is now getting known.


“The Public will easily recollect that the IGBOS who in the main are loyal and are confessed supporters of LP in Lagos State were officially prevented through the use of thugs by the APC Government from taking part in the Voters registration exercise a few months back.


“Considering the fact that these South East Nigerians are huge population of land/ properties and blue chip businesses in Lagos. They are in truth, responsible for a very huge and heavy percentage contributors to the IGR in Lagos .


“It is beyond any form of argument that the population of the South Easterners in Lagos is clearly a very substantial percentage of the total population of Lagos.


“In a democracy, the Citizens are free to choose which party to support and vote for by law and can not be intimidated, harassed or in any way victimized by the Government. It is now emerging as the APC official policy all across the Nation to visit harassment and varied threats, even using the police to shoot confessed supporters of LP.


“However, the new trend of targeting the businesses of the supporters of LP for annihilation as an official policy and direct political victimisation by the Government really stinks and highly condemnable .


“As a corollary, the highly successful one million and more Obedient movements rally across the States of the Country has been openly proved by the APC to be a great source of great worry which frightens and make the APC jittery enough to grow warlike tendencies in the unfortunate Party.


“This is the reason that official Lagos has become totally criminally inclined and desperately threading the path of unreasonable politics increasing the level of disunity and insecurity in the Country.


“Unfortunately for APC it is so much guaranteed that evil always come back to haunt the Evil doer. Justice is not always absent though it may be late. LP reminds the APC that it is not possible for a toad to turn into a Princess, and of course an ugly duckling can also not turn into a Swan .


“LP is very confident that even though, a Governor or President may be blind , it doesn’t mean that the Sun is not up in the sky. LP is firmly, strongly and totally poised to sustain all the factors that keep granting LP the grace and favour that makes it the preferred political party by the mass of the people to invest their votes in 2023 this is in spite of and of course notwithstanding whatever level of crude politics the APC may begin to unleash.


“The people are very determined and are really ready to do all it takes to get their Country back from the rule of the the politically dead APC .


“Funny enough, the Government very brazenly said that poor and careless disposal of wastes in both Ladipo and Oyingbo markets are the reason why all businesses in the two districts must be shut down indefinitely.Can any silliness, deceit and insincerity be more displayed by this ?.


“The Security Agencies should not just appear to be deaf , mute and blind to the current growth of the APC undemocratic and unconstitutional ways and means that is fast growing beyond ordinary at the moment. APC must be check – mated.


“LP totally, entirely and absolutely condemns this act that points in the direction of babaric and dangerously primitive politics of the APC all over the Country.


“Closing Ladipo and Oyingbo markets in Lagos indefinitely, two predominantly major centers of Igbos businesses with a view to ruin their businesses because they are confessed and very unrepentant loyal supporters of LP in Lagos is intolerant , callous ,insensitive, repressive , a direct discriminatory and oppressive act by the Lagos APC Government.


“Of course, Lagos is not unaware that her own Citizens also work and live in other States in the Country. Must Lagos Government be this given to evil against fellow Nigerians. It is the one that is hurt by another’s action that is challenged to defend himself and secure his own personal freedom anyhow , in anyway he is capable .


“The Constitution of Nigeria guarantees every Citizen the freedom to live and work in any part of the Country , also it is a Constitutional duty binding on the Lagos Government to guarantee for all Citizens under its rule the right to all the fundamental human rights. But again , revolutions, social insecurity and people’s rebellion are born by oppressive and wicked Governance.” the statement concluded.

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