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Peace Mass Transit Passengers, Among Over 40 Persons Kidnapped – Victim’s Family

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By Cosmas Chukwu

“They have not communicated to us, their phone numbers switched off: family of kidnap victim in Enugu said”

The above statement was made by a relative of someone kidnapped along Ugwogo Nike, Enugu-Nsukka Road, yesterday, October 27th, 2022.

Members of the family who are scared of revealing complete identify of their daughter held hostage by kidnappers, stated that she boarded Peace Mass Transit, PMT and was among those kidnapped on October 27th, 2022.

“We were told that all the PMT passengers in the bus including our daughter were kidnapped. Their phones collected and switched off”

“We can’t reveal her identity for now, because of it’s sensitivity”.

“We can not verify the numbers of people kidnapped, but we keep hearing over 40persons; both PMT passengers, other buses and private cars”

Meanwhile, a source close to Peace Mass Transit, PMT who doesn’t want his name mentioned denied that their passengers were kidnapped.

“We acknowledge that PMT is the ” largest transportation company with more vehicles on the road. So, once anything happens, people conclude it’s PMT”.

“At the moment, none of our passengers were kidnapped and the persons in question are not our passengers”.

“What happened was that vehicles, buses and private cars were rounded up and kidnapped”.

“The former SSG of Enugu State Dan Shere was also kidnapped, can anyone say that he was in our bus? At the moment, we have not gotten report of our passengers being kidnapped”

However, Police Public Relations Officer, Daniel Ndukwe when contacted stated that police have take needed action to end security threat along Ugwogo Nike, Enugu -Nsukka Road.

In his words “Following the receipt of the report of alleged attack and abduction of some travellers at Agu-Ekwegbe community axis of Ugwuogo-Nike/Opi/Nsukka highway, in the evening hours of 23/10/2022, the Commissioner of Police, Enugu State Command, CP Ahmed Ammani, fdc, has ordered the maximum deployment of operational and intelligence resources of the Command to ensure adequate security on the said road, rescue unascertained number of persons allegedly abducted and arrest the hoodlums”.

Meanwhile, it is still confusing on number of travelers kidnapped. Where as many sources believe that two Buses, One fully loaded PMT bus and Another and not fewer than five other cars conveying travelers were abducted.

Also, at press time, we are unable to get official statement from PMT confirming or denying that their passengers were kidnapped, rather a reliable source to the company spoke to our correspondent on anonymity., maintaining that their passengers were snatched.

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