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Paul University laments paucity of funds; says classrooms, lecture theaters, laboratories not adequate

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Phil Okose, Onitsha

The Acting Vice Chancellor, VC, Paul University, Awka, Anambra State capital, Prof. Nwosu, weekend, lamented poor funding, acute shortage of classrooms, lecture theatres, laboratories, offices, students’ hostels, among others as issues currently bothering the University.

Nwosu made the disclosure at the 4th convocation ceremony of the university hinting that there is just one hostel each for the male and female students, and each accommodates only 400 students.


“Let the Diocese, groups or Individuals come to our aid, build, operate and be given the university a good percentage for her IGR.


“It is only the Faculty of Law that has a dedicated Faculty building. The six other Faculties are sharing the few buildings,” he said.


He disclosed that the management of the university is planning to build a shopping complex in front of the University as a way of getting fund to run the school.


“Let interested Diocese, group or individuals come and build, operate after recovering the cost of building or sign MOU with the university,” he pleaded.


Nwosu urged parents to enroll their children in the institution because of stability in the academic calendar since strike actions will not be entertained in the school.


“ If your child enrolls for a four year course it will certainly be fours years, therefore I advise parents to enroll their wards into the university,” he said.


The Pro-Chancellor and Chairman Governing Council, Mr Chris Okoye, says “Our award recipients are distinguished personalities in their own right and I call upon them, to be ambassadors of Goodwill for Paul University”.


The founder of Paul University, Awka, late Archbishop Maxwell Samuel Chukwunweike Anikwenwa, received a posthumous award for his labour of love.


The VC commended the graduands of the university saying, “As you receive your degrees and/or diplomas after several years of toil and sweat, you can now smile with a great sense of pride.”


“I congratulate you all and urge you to realise that a university environment is quite different from the one you will encounter outside.


“The former is protective, the latter could be hostile; I urge you not to forget the well-structured and rigorous programmes you have gone through here to prepare you for the tomorrow you are going into.


“You must raise high the flag and showcase, the standard of Paul University Awka, always remember our motto: “ecce ego mitte me” which translates as “Here am I, send me”


“You should be intentional to exhibit and propagate; ‘the culture of service for the common good’, which was inculcated in you during your stay at the University,” he said..


Okoye however, encouraged them to join their Alumni Association’ and contribute their own quota to the development of the school.


He commended the parents, saying ‘it is not easy’ as the Nigerian parlance goes; but here you are today beaming with joy and smiles.


“Yes, the joy today, is also yours, because you played major roles in bringing it to pass. Congratulations,” he said


He noted that Nigeria and Nigerians have been passing through difficulties for about a decade now.


“My prayer is that our graduands of today, would be leaving the university with the spirit of enterprise, to conquer the world and make it a better place. Your parents and sponsors have planted good seed in you in the rich soil of Paul University.


Speaking, Mr Valentine Ozigbo, Founder, VCO Foundation in his convocation lecture said that the journey of elevating private university to world class standard is a collective responsibility which requires the concerted efforts of all stakeholders.


Ozigbo said that stakeholders needed to play their part diligently with the title of the lecture “Managing Private universities in Nigeria: challenges and prospect”..


He said that for the journey towards building a stronger Nigeria and a more robust academic ecosystem to be, we must embrace a fundamental paradigm shift.


“The culture of continuous improvement central to this ethos is a philosophy originating from japan but universal, Kai meaning “change” and “zen” meaning better, together forming “kaizen”, represents the concept of continuous, incremental improvement


“it is not just a methodology but a mindset and attitude and  a cultural cornerstone that believes in improving processes ,product and even our very selves, day by day, step by step.


“so why is kaizen crucial for us ? why should an ancient Japanese philosophy matter to the educational institution in Nigeria? he querried.


He said Kaizen transcends borders and industries adding, “It is a universal call to action that drives organisations and individuals to constantly challenge the status quo and look for ways to do things better.


Ozigbo said that with kaizen philosophy things are done more efficiently, more effectively, adding, “It is about harnessing the collective intelligence of all stakeholders making incremental changes that overtime leads to significant transformation.


“Allow me to share my personal testament to the power of kaizen in my tenure at Transcorp, we did not achieve our monumental growth through radical overhaul or  dramatic shifts instead we embraced the kaizen philosophy.


‘We embraced kaizen philosophy ,we dedicated ourselves to making small, continuous improvement  by ensuring that we were just a bit better each day than the day before.


“This consistent incremental progress transformed Transcorp from a four –star enterprise to a shining star conglomerate.


“For kaizen to work it must be more  than just an executive strategy or a managerial tool, it needs to be a pervasive culture.


“everyone from top echelon of leadership to the newest  member of an organization must believe in and practices kaizen,” he said.


Ozigbo said it requires consistent efforts, an open minded approach to feedback,a genuine commitment to seeking excellence in everything we do as a people, adopting the kaizen philosophy can be revolutionary for our universities.


He said this age of rapid technology and socio-economic changes, could lead to dramatic improvement in curriculum design, teaching methodologies, research output and administrative process and responsive action to students needs


Ozigbo said that we need to hold on to hope , for hope is the bedrock of change but hope alone is not enough as it must be paired with action, with commitment with eternal vigilance.


He said that  “We must recognise that creating a Nigeria we need is not a sprint but a marathon that demands perseverance, dedication and continual heavy lifting and grinding work of a nation building as only daily actions and collective resolve will truly shape the future of the nation


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