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Nonye Soludo harps on healthy living as ASMATA inaugurates Nnewi market SSG

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Phil Okose, Onitsha

Doctor (Mrs), Nonye Soludo, wife of Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo of Anambra State, has at Nkwo market, Nnewi stressed the need for natural food consumption instead of consuming chemically preserved/mixed food if people want to live healthy lives.

She gave the advice shortly after the inauguration of Anambra State Markets Amalgamated Traders’ Association, ASMATA, six-man Solution Support Group, SSG, of the market, led by the market chairman, Chief Chukwudi Ulasi, and prayer session conducted by the ASMATA State Prayer team coordinator, Pastor Jeremiah Ezeh, which preceded her arrival to the market.

The governor’s wife commended the ASMATA President General, PG, Chief Humphrey Anuna, for his efforts towards taking the state and markets to the next level, adding, “You are trying so much.”

According to her, “Healthy living is good, go to your garden and cultivate vegetables and other things, whenever you want vegetables go to your farm and get whatever you want, prepare it and eat.

” All those things you are buying in the market were cultivated with chemical substance which is killing us slowly. Stop preserving your food stuffs with snipper, it is not adviceable, it is so cheap and helpful living a healthy life. Anything prepared outside that you don’t know, don’t eat it because you don’t know what they sealed inside the can with.

“You can cultivate tomatoes in your farm, it will grow well, then eat it fresh and stop eating tin tomatoes, they are all killing. Go for natural food, is good,” she encouraged the traders.

Also on Personal and environmental hygiene, she emphasized that one should always wash his hands possibly with soap before eating anything, as part of healthy living.

“Mothers should do their jobs as mothers by keeping healthy environment despite their age. Youths should stop engaging themselves in consumption of metamorphine (mkpurummiri), we should be our brother’s keeper by trying to caution children going astray. We should stop emulating them,” Mrs Soludo affirmed.

She went further to stress that, “We came with a lot of things that will help your market to keep a healthy environment which include, nylon bags, soap, apron, polo and buckets to keep in your surroundings for washing of hands in the market”.

Earlier in his speech, the ASMATA PG, Chief Anuna, said that in two years Governor Soludo has been able to achieve what previous administrations were not able to achieve in 16 years adding that it was a tip of the iceberg of what the governor will achieve in four years.

“What we are saying is that his achievements have started speaking for him in two years when we are yet to get to four years.the achievements are there for all to see not ear marked but eye marked.

“On health, it is free for pregnant mothers, free education from nursery to Junior Secondary School 3, employment of teachers, medical personnel, one youth two skills initiative, about 500 kilometers of road rehabilitated, security restored, among others,” he stated.

The ASMATA PG also stressed the need for traders in the market to always stand by the truth if they want to make it in life and at the same time make heaven.

“We lack knowledge and it makes us to mess up, if you believe in God you will not have problem in your life. With truth you will progress in life.

The ASMATA PG also informed the traders of #40 billion loan by WEMA bank to traders and urged them to apply to boost their business even as he recalled the #.5 million given to each of about 5,000 apprentice traders that learnt different skills.

Inaugurating/swearing in the six-man team, comrade Peter Okala, who is the state chairman of ASMATA SSG, enjoined those inaugurated to take their job serious stating that the governor who they are going to project has in two years done a lot that has surpassed what the previous administrations were not able to achieve since the inception of the state

Okala charged the newly inaugurated team to spread the good news of the various achievements of the governor which according to him included, roads construction, employment of medical personnel, teachers, installation of street solar lights, free medical care to pregnant mothers, employment of youths through one youth two skills initiative, among others.

He reminded both indigenes and non indigene traders in the state of the need to procure voting cards as instrument of power to re- elect Governor Soludo for second tenure adding that those who voted outside the state should transfer their cards to the state for Soludo.

“This is a state where you make your business, built your house, married, trained your children, among others. The state does you well, why can’t you vote for governor Soludo who has done all these things for you,” he querried.

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