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Nigeria’s common wealth cornered by minority few –Falana

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.Advocates African-grown solutions to continent’s challenges

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A human rights lawyer, Mr Femi Falana (SAN) has identified the failure of Africa to connect her roots as responsible for its backwardness, noting that Africans continue to suffer in the midst of plenty.

A Non-Governmental Organization at the forefront of connecting Africans to their roots, Correct Connect African Foundation, CCAF organized its 5th edition of Africa Memorial Day at Terra Kulture, Victoria Island Lagos on May 1.
Giving a background, the General Coordinator of CCAF, Rev. Fr Anthony Aleakwe Odior said, “Today’s annual commemoration of Africa Memorial Day by the Correct Connect Africa Foundation (CCAF) serves as a reminder of the strong and lasting connection that binds us as Africans.”
The CCAF is a Pan-African organisation created by Africans that are passionate in connecting to their African roots and heritage through functional sensitization and education. The theme of this year’s event, “Historical Consciousness and National Unity” emphasized the importance of the African journey, the awareness thereto, and its transmission to future generations.
Delivering his keynote address at the event, Falana said, “In Africa we suffer in the midst of plenty. As the richest continent, yet we suffer in the hands of rulers.”

The common wealth of Nigeria is being cornered by an infinitestimal minority of the people. You have now in the country where ordinary Yahoo Yahoo boys are being enroaded to jail while those who loot the country are being celebrated by giving them national honours. This is not our culture, in our culture, you don’t honour a thief.”
He recalled the Afro beat legend, late Fela Anikulapo Kuti challenging him, ”what do you call money laundering? Call them thieves, so that they would be ashamed.”

Speaking on the economy, the Senior Advocate, stated that section 44(3) of the Nigerian constitution gives the power to manage the mineral resources to the government on behalf of the citizens, saying Nigerian Government is fond of giving mining licences to their friends and cronies.
The legal luminary stated, “We must interrogate the language we speak, majority of our names were given to us. Those who enslaved us, then turned around to colonialize us. They had bible and we had the land, they asked us to close our eyes for prayer and they have the land and we have the bible.
“We must begin to ask our pastors and Imams, why are they praying for the rich? Those who have looted, why do you organize thanksgiving service for those who rigged elections?”
He therefore charged parents, saying “we must practise democracy in our homes. Why are parents speaking English to their children at homes instead of our languages?” He queried.He further urged parents to teach their children and wards on democratic process, saying “Let our family members beging to ask questions.”In his welcome address, the General Coordinator said,

“Our continent is a mosaic of diverse landscapes, languages, and cultures woven together by a common thread, which is our shared heritage. Despite the numerous differences that exist among us, we find unity in our collective experiences, struggles, and aspirations.
“From the shores of the Mediterranean to the plains of the Serengeti, from the bustling streets of Lagos to the tranquil villages of Malawi, the heartbeat of Africa resonates within each of us. It’s in our shared history, marked by triumphs and trials alike, that we find the roots of our unity. Our rich cultures as potently defined by vibrant colours, rhythms, and traditions – enable us to discover the essence of our common identity.
“It needs not be over emphasized that history is a sacred tool that helps us understand our existence and provides the needed path to progress.
“By harnessing the collective memory of a people in a developmental manner that unity is engendered. History is not merely a collection of dates and events; it is the collective memory of a nation, a narrative that shapes our identity and informs our sense of belonging.
“In tracing the footsteps of history, we encounter the struggles and triumphs of our ancestors, the challenges they faced, and the values they held dear. It is through this exploration of our past that we gain a deeper understanding of who we are as a people and the journey that has brought us to this moment.
“With CCAF stands in educating and illuminating the historical, cultural, continental, and national identity of the learners, Odior stressed, “as we reflect on our journey as Africans, let us celebrate the bonds that bind us. Let us honour the sacrifices of those who came before us, and chart the needed way to our progress.”



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