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Nasir Ado Bayero’s coronation as Emir of Bichi, uncommon grace – Akpabio

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Minister, Niger Delta Affairs Ministry, Senator Godswill Akpabio, has described the coronation of  His Highness, Nasir Ado Bayero, as the Emir of Bichi, less than 24 hours after he gave out his daughter, Zahra in marriage, as an uncommon grace and mercy from almighty Allah.

Akpabio stated this while answering questions from newsmen in Bichi, shortly after the coronation of the Emir.

A statement by the Minister’s Chief Press Secretary, Jackson Udom, quoted him saying, “the events of yesterday and today are clear indications of God’s grace and mercy upon the newly installed Emir.

“His coronation coming less than 24 hours after giving out his daughter, Zahra in marriage to Yusuf Buhari, the son of the president is indeed an uncommon grace.”

” I wish His  Highness a fruitful and peaceful reign on the throne of his forebears. I pray that his tenure ushersg in the most peaceful and productive era in the history of Bichi in particular and Kano State as a whole.

“His late father lived building bridges across Nigeria and it is my prayer that he continues in that same spirit of fostering lasting unity and peace among Nigerians no matter their political or religious persuasions, ” he stressed.

Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Sen. Godswill Akpabio (left) and the Emir of Bichi, His Highness Nasir Ado Bayero.

For a better society

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