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Minister Advocates Physical Activities To Curb Heart Diseases

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The Minister of State for health Tunji Alausa has advocated for physical activities to curb the rate of morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases in the country.


Alausa said few minutes of physical exercise daily could help in avoiding cardiovascular diseases that can cause sudden death.


The Minister who stated this at a Press briefing on 2023 World Heart Day in Abuja at the weekend, listed some of the physical activities to include using the stairs instead of the elevator, trekking instead of taking the bus for short distances and standing up from your seat intermittently to stretch your body.


He maintained that physical activity relieves stress, keeps one fit, and controls body weight, stating that, in addition to avoid tobacco use and exposure to second-hand moke and avoid harmful intake of alcohol, physical exercise is very important”,.


He noted that majority of heart diseases are preventable, while urging Nigerians to adopt a healthy lifestyle always to make their hearts age longer and healthier.


The Minister further advised Nigerians to avoid tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke, avoid harmful intake of alcohol, stating that abstinence is the best.


He urged then to eat a healthy diet containing a minimum of 3-5 servings of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables spread over each day,  eat a variety of whole grains, lean meat, fish, peas, beans, and lentils.


Others were to limit processed foods, limit salt intake to less than 5 grams (1 teaspoon) daily, reduce dietary cholesterol, and avoid industrially produced trans-fats.


He enjoined Nigerians to know their numbers by regularly checking their blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels.


The Minister beseeched them to draw inspiration from this year’s World Heart Day theme “Use Heart, Know Heart”, to join hands and use their hearts to ensure the wellbeing of every other heart by educating one another on how to keep their hearts healthy, while supporting the victims of heart diseases, and also supporting the government in its effort to promote and protect the lives of the citizens.

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