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I’m an apostle of restructuring; power in the centre is too much –Alhaja Sinatu Ojikutu, ex-Lagos dep. gov

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ALHAJA SINATU OJIKUTU, former deputy governor of Lagos State ex-Lagos State, speaks on the assessment of President Bola Tinubu in the last one year in office; what must be done about the insecurity in the country among other issues with ISAAC NGUMAH. Excerpt:

The President has said he met a struggling economy and promised to adjust very soon. What is your take?

The economy is struggling and there is no economy that does not struggle; it is what you have that will outgrow the struggle to let it survive.It is like nothing is planned, subsidy should not have been taken out the way it was taken out and there is no sign that it has been taken out. You have to create an atmosphere where people can make money and be able to pay for whatever they have to pay to make their business grow.Taxes are increased. How do you want people to pay the taxes when the means of earning has been jeopardized? The margin has not improved; the country is heading towards stagnation. We need something to revive the economy.

What can you say on the inflation caused by subsidy removal?

It has impoverished everybody. Now, everybody is hungry and angry but how to channel that anger positively to get change is what is lacking.

What is your advice to the President on how to reform his economic policies?

He first has to come out of the pride that he has the ability to do and undo it. It is God that has the ability to do and undo; so, he has to acknowledge the fact that God exists to change situations; acknowledge God as the doer of all things and give Him credits and you will see that things will change for better.

What can you say on the 2014 National Confab?

He is already implanting some of things in the confab.The return of the old National Anthem is part of it. some of the things of the confab he is already implementing them quietly.

What is your view on constitutional amendment? Will it solve Nigeria’s problems?

It should; some of the contents need to be reviewed.

Some people are saying that constitutional amendments and restructuring will not solve Nigeria’s problems? Do you agree?

So, what will solve it? Part of what will solve Nigeria’s problem is Nigerians themselves; our attitude and our behavior. Corruption has eaten into every fabric of the society even if you put constitutional amendments and the way the modus-operandi of the people is such that it is the way of the people they can make money and we will still go back to square one. People are corrupt in everyway; corruption has eaten into every fabric of the society, there is nothing that you want to relate to somebody that they will not introduce a corrupt practice into it and the National Orientation Agency has been set up but it is not actually functioning the way it should function.

Should Nigeria be restructured?

I am an apostle of restructuring; power in the centre is too much. You will say I am a former deputy governor; I am actually for grassroots’ developments. I will love a situation where the local government chairmen are in-charge of developments so that people can see in their environment what is being done, power needs to be decentralized.

What can you say on the state of insecurity in the country?

It is highly appalling; it is getting worse everyday. People are being killed, murdered, kidnapped and all that it is highly appalling.

What can you say on anti-open grazing?

I am for ranching; let the animals be ranched so issue of banditry will not arise again.

Should Nigeria co-operate with other foreign countries to tackle insecurity in the country?

It will be a time-spaced action; it can be done, it will be within a period of time. Co-operate and let them come in and do what they want to do and out.

What can you say on the state police?

It is a double-edged sword; I am for the state having its own police but also the politicians can misuse it. The terms and conditions have to be stringent but it is very necessary. How can you as the Chief Security Officer of the state and the man under you has to take permission before he can act?

Ten years after Chibok Girls were kidnapped, what can you say about this?

It is sad that these girls are not back and many of these girls are gone.People in the area know where they are. Nigeria land space is not that impossible to fish out whatever is going on if the political will is not there but the political will is not there and how the whole thing was uncastrated we wonder if it is not a grandmaster plan to take these girls to that place as at that time and all of them are matured and ready for marriage.

What can you say on those that are agitating for their own country like the IPOB and the Oduduwa Republic?

1914 to 2014, 100 years of Nigeria, is there not an amalgamation?  So, as far as the law is there is no Nigeria right now? In 2014 but we are still together. I don’t believe in the suppression of any tribe. Suppressing any tribe, I don’t subscribe to it. So, people in power should be up and doing.

What can you say on the trial of Nnamdi Kanu?

People are afraid that when he comes out, he will mobilize people and break away. I am not for force, we will have to agree to stay.

What can you say on the present government in Lagos State?

I reserve my comments.

What can you say on the increase of electricity tariff?

The increased electricity tariff is not matched with productions. We are not having light but the tariff has been increased.

What have you been doing since you left office?

Communing with my maker and reaching out and helping anybody that comes my way and mentoring.

Why did you drop out of partisian politics?

I will not steal and will not allow others to steal.

The country is gradually going into one-party system. What is your take?

If the people want it to be and if the people don’t want it to be, it will not be and the greed for immediate gratification is the driving force for one-party system. If people have to hold their own without looking for government’s patronage, there is no need for one-party system.

Should there be a revamp of the judiciary due to what happened in the last general election?

The judiciary will always revamp itself because not everybody in the judiciary is happy with what has happened. So, it will always revamp itself.

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