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 Illegal revenue collectors dare Soludo, beat Keke driver to pulp over refusal to pay N200 levy in Anambra

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By Pamela Eboh Awka


Despite the ban on all forms of touting and cash payment of taxes in Anambra State by Governor Chukwuma Soludo on the day of inauguration, a gang of illegal revenue collectors over the weekend attacked a tricycle rider, beating him to a pulp for refusal to pay N200 levy.

A gang of illegal revenue collectors weekend descended heavily on an unidentified tricyclist for reportedly refusing to pay daily collection of N200 at the park where he operated in Awka, Anambra State.

According to an eyewitness, who gave his name as Emelike Ukeje, he said the touts, numbering three accosted the tricyclist and requested him to pay them the usual ₦200 tricyclist pays at the pit (park) before his first loading.

He said, “The tricyclist had laughed and mocked at them, asking them to go and look for something else to be doing, as touting has expired in Anambra.

“But the touts insisted and told him they were not ready for such jokes, boasting to have survived similar policies during Obiano’s administration.”

He said the angry touts in rage forcefully pulled the tricyclist out of his tricycle and threw punches on his face, resulting to swollen cheeks and blood gushing from his mouth.

Meanwhile, The Commissioner of Police, Anambra Command, CP Echeng Echeng has ordered strict enforcement of the pronouncement by State Government’s on ban on touting and self-acclaimed revenue collectors in the State.

The CP through the state Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga  urged Heads of Tactical Units, Divisional Police Officers (DPOs) and Heads of Departments (HODs) across the Command to ensure full compliance with the order especially at motor parks and other designated places within the State.

He added, “The CP also warns all unscrupulous elements that engage in touting and other unlawful acts to desist forthwith as the Police and other security agents have been deployed around the State to arrest and bring to justice any one caught flouting this order.

“The CP, while reaffirming the commitment of the Command towards crime prevention, restoration of law and order, enjoins Ndi- Anambra and all residents of the State to be vigilant and security conscious at all times and to report all suspicious movements to the Police. “

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