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Ijaws vow to defend Fubara, slams Rivers Assembly, LGA Chairman over lack of respect for the Gov

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The people of Ijaw Ethnic Nationality, under the aegis of the Ijaw National Congress, INC, Worldwide, has vowed to resist any move by the Rivers State House of Assembly to impeach the Governor of Rivers State, Sir Siminalayi Fubara.

The President-General of INC, Professor Benjamin Okaba who sounded the warning during a press briefing in Port Harcourt on Wednesday, condemned the lack of respect and use of abusive words on Governor Fubara by the members of the Rivers State House of Assembly and the Chairman of Ikwerre local government council, Engr. Samuel Nwanosike.

The INC President, in the briefing titled; “Macabre Dance in the Rivers State House of Assembly” said any move to impeach the governor or further disrespect to his person or office would be totally unacceptable by the Ijaw nation, and that they would do everything to defend the governor.

Okaba also condemned the unwarranted attack on the Governor by the Rivers Assembly over the recent appointments he made in the state.

He noted that lack of respect on the Chief Executive officer of the state and abusive statements would “inflame the blood and do not lead to harmonious living or working environment within a people’s, corporate and public setting.”

Professor Okaba said, “The Ijaw National Congress as the umbrella operative organization of the Ijaw nation and as guardians of the socio-political and cultural interest of Ijaw people worldwide, has observed with deep dismay, the recent political wrangling in Rivers State between the legislature and the executive.

“The House of Assembly’s duty in civilized democracies around the world is the making of laws for the welfare, peace and good governance of the society, while the duties of the Governor are clearly defined; governance, appointment of senior state officials in the political arm of government and thirdly, through his cabinet, to bring about infrastructural and human capital development.

“The constitution is very clear as to which officers and in what capacities clearance has to be sought. The conditions for Acting appointments are not the same as substantive ones. Substantive appointments need clearance, while temporary appointments are stop-gap appointments and do not need any form of clearance or approval. This is clearly evident in the case of President Tinubu and the Service Chiefs, and the Inspector General of Police.

“It would be recalled that all the Service Chiefs were given temporary appointments before their names were submitted for confirmation by the National Assembly for their respective substantive positions. What is good for the President at the Federal level is also good for the Governor at the State level of governance.

“It is also worthy of note that central to the issues of this imbroglio is RESPECT. A situation where there is no decorum, protocol and decency in the way and manner the House of Assembly and certain Local Government Chairmen in Rivers State address the Chief Executive of Rivers State is unacceptable to the entire Ijaw Nation and all people of decency in the whole wide world.

“Rumours abound and signs are palpable that this entire macabre dance is for the Rivers State House of Assembly to proceed with impeachment notice on the Governor, should he be confrontational. This, if carried out will not be tolerated or accepted by the Ijaw Nation across the Niger Delta and beyond.

“The Ijaw National Congress, therefore, wish to restate that ours is to sue for peace, and therefore, ask for serious caution,” he warned.

The INC President further urged all those involved in flaming up crisis in the state to give peace a chance and allow the governor to concentrate on governance of the state. He particularly warned lawmakers from the Ijaw extraction to be cautious of the consequences of selling out an Ijaw son.

“This plea for restraint is not from a position of weakness but from a position of advanced knowledge and education. Nobody can define the path of any lit fire and indeed no one can define the direction of a lit fire on an harmattan grass lawn. We give this advice in good conscience believing that the volatile Oil-Rich Niger Delta and the Ijaw Nation are watching.

“Finally, we hope that the drums and the signature tunes for this macabre dance are not coming from outside influencers, for we know how to respond appropriately to such dramatis personae.”

He however commend Governor Siminalayi Fubara for demonstrating character in his approach in handling the crisis that has plagued the state in the past 5 months, and for refusing to be distracted.

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