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Buhari commiserates with Zenith Bank’s DGMD, Dame Umeoji on mother’s death

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President Muhammadu Buhari commiserates with Dame (Dr) Adaora Umeoji, the Deputy Managing Director of Zenith Bank, and the entire family of Umeoji of Aku Village, Anambra State on the passing of their beloved mother and matriarch, Chief Lady Ngami Umeoji, KSJI, (Adagbaodu 1).

“Mama” as she was fondly called was indeed a towering personality.

Her passion and commitment to humanity, advancing the good in others resonated in the church, education field and the local community, where she touched the lives of the less privileged, and especially widows, in the society.

“While her transition has left a void too difficult to fill, I urge the family to be unwavering in advancing her ideals and take solace in the truism that her memory will always be a blessing.

“I pray that God Almighty will grant her soul peaceful rest and equally grant all her children, grandchildren, numerous friends and relations the fortitude to bear the loss.

“Kindly accept my profound condolences,” the President said.




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