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Attack on Ajaero: Workers disrupt business, govt activities as NLC, TUC nationwide strike records substantial compliance in states

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.Civil servants in Plateau ,Osun, Ebonyi, Kwara, others down tools, barricade govt offices,

.Labour leaders chase workers out of offices in FCT, block NASS gate

.As Taraba, Oyo workers shun strike

.ASUU orders members to join

.NLC, TUC must obey court injunction –FG

.Govt planning to unleash terror on union leaders -Group

.’Those who brutalized Ajaero must brought to book’

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Stories by


Daniel Dauda, Jos

Clement Nnachi (Abakaliki)


Blessing Akorowosi, Osogbo

Favour Ishember, Abuja

Phil Okose, Onitsha

Joseph Okwuofu, Ibadan

Emmanuel Awari-Jalingo

Gbenga Olarinoye, Ilorin

Emmanuel Nlewedum, Port Harcourt

As the Nigeria Labour Congress, (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) commenced their nationwide strike on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, there was substantial compliance in many states of the federation as workers disrupted businesses and government activities were grounded.

As a matter of strong solidarity, nineteen unions have so far directed their workers to comply with the directive of the two labour unions to embark on an indefinite nationwide strike.

The National Executive Council meeting of the labour unions, held on November 13, 2023, in Abuja, resolved to embark on the strike.

The development was a result of the alleged failure of the Federal Government to address issues affecting workers, such as the minimum wage, insecurity, corruption, and poor governance.

Also, unions had made some demands, which the government had allegedly failed to address following the recent crisis in Imo that resulted in the alleged brutalisation of the NLC President, Mr Joe Ajaero, and other members of the labour unions. Some of the unions that have complied with the directives include,

  1. The Academic Staff Union of Universities.,2. The Senior Staff Associations of Nigerian Universities. 3.The College of Education Academic Staff Union.4. The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics.5.The National Union of Food Beverage and Tobacco Employees.6. The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Polytechnics.7. The Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria.8.National Association of Academic Technologists.9. National Union of Postal and Telecommunication Employees.10. Nigeria Union Of Local Government Employees.11. Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria.12.Nigeria Union of Public Service Reportorial, Secretarial, Data Processors and Allied Workers. 13.National Union of Textile Garments and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria.14. National Associations of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives.15. National Union of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions Employees.16. Maritime Workers’ Union of Nigeria.17. The National Union of Electricity Employees.18.Parliamentary Staff Association of Nigeria.19. Nigeria Union of Railway Workers.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities on Monday, directed all zonal coordinators and chairpersons of the union to instruct their members to embark on the nationwide strike in line with the directive from the Nigeria Labour Congress and the Trade Union Congress.


This was contained in a letter which was signed by ASUU’s National President, Emmanuel Osodeke, was issued on Monday night.


The letter read, “The Nigeria Labour Congress at a Joint National Executive Council of NLC and TUC directed all affiliate unions to commence the withdrawal of services with effect from 12 midnight today  November 13, 2023.


“As an affiliate of NLC, all members of our union are hereby directed to join this action of NLC to protect the interest of Nigerian workers and the leadership of the union.”


Also, the National Union of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions Employees directed its staff to join the strike, saying, “We hereby direct all our members in all Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions to stay off duty as from 14th November 2023 until otherwise directed  by the Congress.”

Meanwhile, The Nigeria Labour Congress, (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) in Plateau State has joined nationwide strike action as directed by the national Secretariat of the organized Labour Unions.


Daily Champion who observed the situation in Jos reports that there is a high level of compliance.


It was learned that the workforce such as Joseph Gomwalk State Secretariat, Federal Secretariat, Courts, Banks, schools were lock and key as business patronage slow down.


Speaking to newsmen in Jos Tuesday, Comrade Eugene Manji, NLC Chairman Plateau state chapter confirmed there is a level of compliance in respect to the strike action.


According to him, the reason why Labour Unions embarked on nationwide strike action is as a result of ill-treatment and brutalization meted against NLC president comrade Joe Ajaero by the Governor of Imo State Hope Uzodinma using thugs.


“The compliance is absolute on the Plateau. The reason why Labour went to Imo state is because of the lingering and pending issues we are having with the Imo State Government.


“The only reason we embarked on nationwide strike is because of the malhandling of our leader Comrade Joe Ajaero. Whatever anybody would said should go ahead and said we don’t care. We are defending our leader because once this thing happened to a leader you’re not safe.


“If a leader have been beaten it means nobody is safe. Your not safe as a Journalists and even the masses.Labour is the only institution that is protecting the masses in this country.


“We lost out in the religious leaders and traditional rulers that supposed to defend the masses and call government officials to order. The only body that is standing firm to checkmate the excesses of this government is Labour. And if they killed the Labour nobody can stand.


“Labour is fighting for justice on him and the welfare of their members and the masses. We are the voice of the voiceless, and even what we’re doing now is to curtail the excesses of what is going to happen in the future, protecting the future of upcoming generation.


“If the government did not meet up with our demands the strike action will continue indefinite, but if they know what they doing at all by losing Billion of Naira per day they should be able to know, just one day, Nigeria is the only country that takes things for granted but we were ready for it”, Comrade Manji stated.


On whether the strike action which Labour Unions embarked upon is against the content of Court, Plateau NLC Chairman acknowledged they are not obeying such court because it was illegal.


He alleged that,”the Government went and brought the court order on Saturday 12th November, 2023, in some body’s house and you want us to respect it? We are the same indigenes of this country, if the court is just for the Government let’s continue that way.


“But what I am telling you is that they are breeding a lot of anarchy in this country the way they are going with this kind of injustice, one day they will see the result.


“This is just the beginning. #ENDSARS has come and gone because of injustice and were all witnesses to that God forbid the one that is going to come would be deadly than that”, he stated.



In FCT, Abuja: Some government offices such as the Nigeria National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) ministries of Environment, housing and urban development and others were barricaded in Abuja yesterday to ensure compliance to the indefinite nationwide strike embarked upon by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) over the brutalisation of the NLC president, Joe Ajaero at Owerri, the Imo State capital recently.


As at 8pm Tuesday, workers were seen stranded at the entrance of the NNPCL, as they were blocked by the labour union from having access to the tower.


Also at the ministry of Environment, Journalists who had press event, were denied access to the minister’s conference room, as the gate of the ministry was locked by the organized labour to enforce compliance to the strike.


Moreso, the ever busy federal secretariat was not having it’s usual turn, just as few people were seen moving in and out of the building in fear of the operation of the officials of the organised labour.


Some public schools were not left out in the compliance to the strike action. Students were turned back home after arriving at the school premises.


However, banks, commercial drivers and other private businesses were in operation in the Federal Capital Territory, despite the industrial action.


Speaking on the progress of the strike, the Head, press and public relations of NLC, comrade Benson Upah said the level of compliance to the strike was reasonable.


He however said the compliance would improve in coming days, adding that the action will continue until government responds to Labour demands.


Recall that the organised labour declared the strike action in response to the silence of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led government over the recent brutalisation of the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Comrade Joe Ajaero in Imo State.


Labour earlier demanded that President Tinubu Government,  should bring the perpetrators that brutalized Comrade Joe Ajero to justice to serve as deterrent to others.


The NLC and TUC at an Emergency National Executive Council Meeting (NEC) in Abuja, vowed that  the strike remains indefinite until government meets the demands of the workers.


Similarly, Workers in Osun State, on Tuesday joined the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) nationwide strike as public schools’ children were asked to return home in the early hours of the day.


It was observed that the security agencies in the state beefed up security as they deployed more personnel at strategic locations in the capital city, Osogbo.


While the public school students returned home, the private schools continued their usual academic activities.


Few banks who reportedly were in operation were forced to close while customers opted for the option of using the bank ATMs for their transactions.


A visit to Osogbo High School, CAC Grammar School, Fakunle High School area in Osogbo, students were seen turning back as some Teachers were sighted discussing the development.


One of the teachers who don’t want his name mentioned stated that the students were asked to go home in accordance with the directive of NLC.


He said “We all are suffering from economic hardship of this government which has been seen to be insensitive to the plight of Nigerian workers after subsidy was removed.


“Some labour Union visited our school asking us to shut down and we gladly obeyed them because what they are fighting for is benefit of us all.”


In an interview, the acting State chairperson of NLC, Modupe Oyedele, said workers in the state complied with the directive of the National body.


“Workers in Osun complied fully. Osun is in full compliance with the strike directive.”


Also, Commercial and Business activities in Abakaliki the Ebonyi State capital were paralysed on Tuesday, as banks, courts  shut down their gates, in compliance to the nation-wide indefinite strike action embarked upon by Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC).


In a similar vein, the State Chairman of NLC Comrade Ogugua Egwu has expressed regret that the ruling class no longer believes in the people.


During a visit to the State High Court Abakaliki, the entrance gates were barricaded by officials of the  Judicial Union Staff of Nigeria (JUSUN) .


In an interview, Comrade Ogugua Egwu commended workers in the State for their resilience and support.


“The Federal government should listen to the yearnings of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), we have been pushed to the wall, the ruling class no longer believe in the people,


“The moment the ruling stops believing and fearing the people that they rule, that means anarchy has begun”


“So far so good, I can say that we are 90 percent compliance,  the Secretariat is scanty, the banks are locked, the judiciary are not functioning”


“We are happy that the people are understanding that, they are willing to come together to make their strong committed voice”


“We need to make a strong statement that will stand the test of time, by the grace of God, an injury to one is an injury to all, what happened in Imo State speaks volume on every body,


Leading a team of enforcers at the entrance gate of the State High Court Abakaliki, the Assistant Secretary Judicial Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN), Ebonyi State Branch Comrade Awoke Emmanuel, said that that Chapter was complying with the directive of the NLC and TUC.


“There is no court sitting, there is no activity going on in the court, because of our faith and belief in the powers of NLC, and the right of the workers”.


“As an affiliate of NLC, we have to live by the principles of the Union Laws, even the workers are here having the enthusiasm to do their work, but we can not violate the laws of NLC”


Reacting on the issue, a legal practictioner Barrister Onwe S Onwe, said that the judiciary was not against the strike action.


‘Assuming without conceding that the judiciary was against the strike, I don’t think the gates would be locked, the consent were sought and obtained”


“If this is the only option we have to take in order to drive home the message, there is  need to drive it,  every body is suffering it,


“We are in a democratic era, I don’t know whether we are practicing democracy or autocracy, which one are we practicing, the NLC is the nucleus of the country”


At the Alex-Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo, the offices were locked, even the students are not around, ”


Labour earlier demanded that President Tinubu Government,  should bring the perpetrators that brutalized Comrade Joe Ajero to justice to serve as deterrent to others.


The NLC and TUC at an Emergency National Executive Council Meeting (NEC) in Abuja, vowed that  the strike remains indefinite until government meets the demands of the workers.


.Labour leaders chase workers out of offices in FCT, block NASS gate


The wind of the nationwide industrial action declared on Tuesday by the Nigerian Labour Congress also blew across the FCT Administration as members of staff who resumed work Tuesday morning were forced out of their various offices.


Leadership of the Joint Union Action Committee, JUAC swept through offices in the FCTA secretariat chasing workers who had barely settled down for the day’s work out of their office.


Even though the main entrance to the Secretariat was open for workers and visitors coming to the premises, the  Union members ensured that the various offices within the secretariat from the Minister’s block to other departments were locked.


The Premises was later left deserted after the members of staff went back home leaving only the minister’s office sustaining the activities of the Administration.



From all indications, compliance will be very high in the Federal Capital Territory tomorrow for the action taken by Labour and FCTA JUAC.


However, Partial compliance was recorded Tuesday in Onitsha and its environs, Anambra State, as Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, embarked on its indefinite strike action over alleged beating of its National President, Comrade Joe Ajaero, in Owerri, the Imo State capital.


At High Courts in Onitsha there were skeletal services as workers were seen in groups discussing the development.


Others were loitering around at the premises of the courts while the gate was shut to prevent any unforeseen catastrophe that may befall those that were on duty posts.


Most of the banks, markets,  schools, offices, among others remained open and closed during normal closure hour of 4pm.


At New Market road where most of the banks cluster, customers were seen in their large number as there was no banking business last Monday that was sit-at-home exercise.


It will be recalled that NLC had issued a nationwide strike notice over an assault on the President of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Joe Ajaero, in Imo State on Nov. 1 2023.


In his reaction, the state Chairman of the NLC, Mr Humphrey Nwafor, said that they have gone round the government offices in the state capital to ensure compliance and they will replicate same tomorrow in Onitsha.


“Well, its just the banking sector, by tomorrow we’re going to go round to ensure compliance, today we’ve gone round government offices to ensure compliance.


“So, I believe by tomorrow, the compliance will be higher, maybe the banks and so on, we will just visit them to see why they are not going to comply to the directive because they have their own union”, he said.


Likewise, Government  offices in Ilorin, the Kwara capital were on Tuesday deserted as workers complied with the directive of the Nigeria Labour Congress’ (NLC) indefinite strike action.


Leadership of the NLC has directed its workers to embark on indefinite strike to protest the assault allegedly inflicted on its president, Joe Ajaero in Imo state to fight for the welfare of workers in the state.


The entrances leading to the state secretariat in Ilorin were under lock and key as civil servants heeded the call and stay at home.


Also, teachers in public schools around the state secretariat were not in school, some students were seen playing in field as their classes were also under lock and key.


The strike action did not affect most private schools as teachers were in their respective classes teaching the students.


Speaking with our Correspondent on the strike, NLC chairman, Comrade Saheed Murtala Olayinka expressed joy on the level of compliance by workers in the state.


“In Kwara State there is a compliance on the strike with the latest development I was made to understand that we have some offices that are opened.


“We want to stratagise how we are going to picket those offices. Strike has commenced fully in Kwara, we want to organize a picketing committee; we are trying to make ours to be solid,” he said.


National leadership of the labour movement in the country had declared the nationwide strike beginning on Tuesday in reaction to the assault allegedly inflicted on the national president, Joe Ajaero while in Imo state to fight for the welfare of workers in the state.


The NLC alleged that the workers in the state were being owed 31-months salary while thousands were classified and declared as ghost workers, according to a statement defending the strike action.


However, in the course of the struggle for the workers’ rights and welfare, Ajaero was assaulted and hospitalized in the state.


The nationwide strike declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC and the Trade Union Congress,TUC, on Tuesday witnessed partial compliance in Rivers State.


Daily Champion observed that commercial banks were closed in Port Harcourt, capital city of the state, while public outlets witnessed reduction in business activities.


Visits by our Correspondent to the State Secretariat complex and High Court premise revealed that the gates were opened to workers and the public.


Civil servants at State Judiciary partially complied with the industrial action, though courts did not sit but the High Court premise was open to the public and lawyers and litigants were seen entering and exiting the court and different courtrooms.


Similarly, at the state secretariat complex workers were seen in their offices carrying out their assigned duties but the attendance was low, making the environment scanty.


At the ever busy Mile One (Education) axis in Diobu, Port Harcourt, observed that most banks were locked with padlocks, while customers stood outside the gates stranded, as they were denied access to the premises except for those using the bank’s automated teller machines (ATM).


One of the bank customers who regretted his frustration occasioned by the strike, berated the organised labour for going ahead with the strike, despite a court order restraining them from carrying out the action.


He said, “Honestly I thought that this strike would not hold because court has told NLC not to embark on this strike, so I’m surprised that they defied that court order and continued with this strike.


“I thought that the bank could help me to rectify an error on my bank app, but the gate is locked. I don’t know when this strike will end and this is urgent for me.” He said.


.ASUU orders members to join


Also, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has asked its members to join the nationwide strike declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and  the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC).

President of ASUU, Prof Emmanuel Osodeke, gave the directive on Monday evening in a letter sent to all the union zonal coordinators and branch chairpersons of the union.

The letter read: “The Nigeria Labour Congress at a Joint National Executive Council (NEC) of NLC and TUC directed all affiliate Unions to commence withdrawal of services with effect from 12:00 midnight today 13th November 2023.

“As an affiliate of NLC, all members of our union are hereby directed to join this action of NLC to protect the interest of Nigerian workers and the leadership of the union.

Zonal coordinators and branch chairpersons should immediately mobilise our members to participate in the action.

A people united cannot be defeated,” he said.

.As Taraba, Oyo workers shun strike


Taraba state workers were seen in their various offices on Tuesday, November 14, despite the sit at home order by the Nigeria Labour Congress’ (NLC)  for a nationwide strike.


Daily Champion visited the state secretariat where most of the ministries and parastatals are situated and workers were busy with their work while others were hanging around the premises.


Normal activities were going on in the banks at the opening of business in the morning.


Efforts to reach the state NLC chairman to comment on the situation were not successful as he was unable to pick up his calls.


However, a staff disclosed that the NLC team was going around enforcing the order.


At the Taraba State University, lectures were going on as normal.


One of the lecturer told our correspondent that he was just been informed by his colleques about the strike.


‘I am just told that ASUU are part of the strike. Maybe the strike would take up fully tomorrow.


Efforts to reach the ASUU Chairman for comments prove abortive.


The state workers were yet to receive their October salary which the governor ordered must be paid with the new N30,000 minimum wage.


The latest order delayed payment since a new voucher was to be generated to reflect the increase.


Also despite directives issued to workers by the national leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) to embark on strike, workers in Oyo State resumed at their various duty posts on Tuesday.


The situation at the Federal Secretariat was a slight different as few workers who appeared were in fear of intimidation by union leadership . Many offices thus were deserted at the federal Secretariat Ikolaba, Ibadan


However, it was observed that Banks in the state shut their doors in compliance with the strike.


It was also observed that workers at some government agencies resumed work early in the morning.


Other essential services were busy attending to customers.


Similarly, both private and government owned schools were open while there were classes in different parts of the state.


A civil servant who spoke on condition of anonymity, blamed the leadership of both NLC and TUC over the non-compliance with the strike directive, saying they failed to act when the ovation was loudest.


There were heavy vehicular movements on major roads,  while the markets were opened for businesses.


The indefinite nationwide strike action was declared by the Organized Labour in protest to the arrest and brutalization of the NLC President, Comrade Joe Ajaero, allegedly by Police operatives in Owerri, Imo State.


.Govt planning to unleash terror on union leaders -Group

.’Those who brutalized Ajaero must brought to book’


The United Action Front of Civil Society has alleged that the federal government, instead of looking for a way to meet the demands of Labour that led to the strike action, is planning to unleash more attacks on the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) respectively during the ongoing industrial action.


It further asked president Tinubu and governor Hope Uzodimma of Imo State to apologize to Nigerian Workers over the brutalisation of the President of NLC Joe Ajaero in Owerri, the Imo State capital recently.


In a statement signed by the Head, National Coordinating Secretariat, United Action Front of Civil Society, Olawale Okunniyi in Abuja yesterday, the group expressed worry over government’s silence on the brutalisation of the comrade president, Ajaero.


It alleged that government has planed to rough handle the union leaders over the strike embarked upon and called for a change of attitude.


The statement reads: “Enamoured by the dehumanizing treatment of Comrade Joe Ajaero in the hands of Hope Uzodinma agents and thugs in connivance with the men of the Nigeria police, the United Action Front of Civil Society is aware of plans by the federal government to unleash more terror on the leadership of the NLC / TUC through orchestrated anarchy to be machinated by paid thugs of government in Lagos and Abuja as well as other locations across country.


“The planned attacks on labour unionists and civil society activists is aimed at further stirring up confusion and to blackmail NLC and TUC leadership as irresponsible and plotting insurrection against the government.


“In the same manner armed thugs were unleashed on peaceful and defenseless EndSARS protesters, the plot against the NLC / TUC is to deploy agent provocateurs to unleash terror and then blamed the incidents on the leadership of the labour and its allies.


“The leadership of the United Action Front of Civil Society again wishes to reteirate our demand that the Bola Tinubu Presidency and Hope Uzodinma of Imo State apologize to Nigerian workers and people in general for the brutalisation of No 1 Worker of Nigeria, Comrade Joe Ajaero by State Agents and political thugs of the APC during a peaceful workers rally in Imo State as we condemn the deployment of soldiers to intimidate labour leaders as witnessed at the Abuja Airport during last rally of NLC and TUC to protest the brutalisation of NLC President.


“We therefore  condemn the hypocrisy of President Tinubu and the APC who exploited the gains of popular democratic struggles of the Nigerian Civil Society to gain accendancy to power, only to turn intolerant and monstrous against popular protests and Civil resistance against injustice and all forms of undemocratic practices.


“To this end, we condemn the deployment of soldiers and armed thugs to intimidate and attack protesting workers and opposition leaders, who are simply exercising constitutional rights within the ambit of democracy.


“Furthermore, the United Action Front of Civil Society calls on Nigerian people and masses to manifestly support and back up the nationwide strike action declared by the NLC and TUC to protest the brutalisation of Comrade Joe Ajaero.


“We call on Nigerians and the masses in general through organised neighbourhood mass protests and Sit At Home Protest Action to demand respect for the rights of workers and dignity of civil opposition in Nigeria.


“The infringement on the rights to protest and demand better welfare is most undemocratic, condemnable and unacceptable.  We call on Nigerians across cities, communities and neighbourhoods to rally support for the national strike.


“Lastly, we call on civil society groups, community associations, faith-based groups, students organisations, women groups, peoples with disabilities (PWDs), professional groups, artisans, farmers, traders and well meaning Citizens and individuals across board to be united in demanding the stoppage of intimidation and dehumanisation of labour leaders and indeed of Opposition leaders.


“We call on Nigerians from all walks of life to join forces and make their voices heard in the defence of labour rights and dignity of the opposition as we commend the courage of both the NLC and TUC to embark on this defining indefinite strike action, while reaffirming that the national strike declared by the NLC  and TUC is in the collective interest of the citizens and masses of our country.


“We demand Justice for Comrade Joe Ajaero and Nigerian Workers!! We Say No! To The Use of Political Thugs and the Military Against Civil Protests in our Democracy!!


“We Say No! To The Use of Black Market Court Order To Frustrate The Legitimate Rights and Demand of Workers and Citizens!!!


“The United Action Front of Civil Society strongly condemns the hostile disposition of the Tinubu administration constructive Opposition and Labour activism since assumption of office. It is becoming crystal clear by the day that the APC led federal government is out to criminalise civil opposition and labour activism in a desperate attempt to cripple vibrant platforms of the of the Nigerian polity in furtherance of its dubious agenda of neo colonialist policies fraught with profligacy and corruption with attendant negative consequences manifesting in excruciating multi-dimensional poverty as well as codified hardship on the masses.


“The federal government has so far remained evasive and appeared not committed to fulfilling the agreement it reached with labour. We are concerned that rather than fulfil the agreement with labour and bring succor to the downtrodden working masses of Nigeria, it is unfortunate that government is embarking on smear campaigns, criminalisation and targeted attacks and brutality of labour and opposition leaders.


“The manipulative use of court orders by government to frustrate and truncate the legitimate rights and demand of workers and masses by the present administration is another condemnable and irresponsible trend to be employed by a supposed democratic government


“Prior to the most condemnable brutalisation of NLC President, Comrade Joe Ajaero in Owerri, Imo State capital recently by agents of the Supreme Court Governor of Imo State, Mr. Hope Uzodinma, the leadership of the United Action Front of Civil Society had observed with consternation, the subtle and naked tactics of blackmail being deployed by officials of the Tinubu administration.


“Since the inauguration of the Tinubu’s Presidency, his handlers have embarked on deliberate but futile media campaigns aimed at denigrating the leadership of the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC and Trade Union Congress, TUC in the desperation to discredit principled demands for better welfare package for Nigerian workers and unflinching commitment of Workers to the defence of the rights of the masses.


“It is on record that officials of the Tinubu administration; particularly his spokespersons have embarked on media campaigns aimed at discrediting the NLC and Comrade Joe Ajaero, their Leader


“For the avoidance of doubt, the United Action Front of Civil Society wishes to reiterate unalloyed support for the NLC, the TUC as well as rank and file leadership of labour and civil opposition in Nigeria, who have remained committed to ameliorating the sufferings and unprecedented hardship of Nigerian masses.


“We therefore wish to salute the unshaken and unbroken commitment of the NLC and TUC for the defence of the rights of Nigerian workers and masses whose future has been mortgaged through the anti-people policies of government, which continue to make flamboyant lifestyles of public office holders seemingly justifiable in the face of excruciating hardship of the masses who unfortunately are persistently called upon to make sacrifices; and more sacrifices”.



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