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Police officer feared dead as hoodlums attack Nnobi police checkpoint 

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Tragedy struck at Nnobi police checkpoint  Friday morning, August 16, 2024 when hoodlums attacked the place leaving one police officer feared  dead.


Sources said the hoodlums stormed the police station in two cars at about 6:30 am that Friday morning.


It was gathered that the hoodlums believed to be gunmen engaged the policemen at the checkpoint beside the Nnobi police headquarters located along Nnobi-Nkpor Road in a gun battle that lasted about an hour, and in the process allegedly killed one of the police officers identified as Nwaibi, said to be driver at the Nnobi police station.


According to sources, the hoodlums had lodged in a house  close to the checkpoint, at the compound of woman identified as  Mama Amanda .


It was said that they broke open a wall through which  they entered the compound and forced the residents to open the gate to drive in their cars.  They were also said to have collected the handsets belonging to the residents and forced then into a room and warned them not to raise an alarm failing which they would all be shot .


Sources explained  that the hoodlums captured a young man  said to be going on an errand that Friday morning, adding that the hoodlums had in their possession objects said to be snipers, AKs, launchers ,chains .


The unidentified young man told our correspondent his ordeal .


“I was going on errand that morning .They asked me where I was going to.  I told them.  They asked  me who my parents were. I told them.  One of them shouted at the one questioning me saying  ‘if he cannot say anything fire him.’ Then they dragged me into one of their cars inside the compound and continued to ask questions. They were about ten in number. Then one of them told me that I should find my way if I heard gunshot. So, as they started shooting I laid flat on ithe floor of the vehicle and later crawled out to the wall climbed it and Jumped out of the compound.” ,said the source.


When Daily Champion reached the place  the victim’s body had been removed to the hospital. A pool of red liquid said to be blood of the victim was congealed inside the gutter along the road near Umuagu Primary Health center, the place police usually mount to check vehicles.. Policemen were seen around the police headquarters in Nnobi but one of the police officers asked our  correspondent  to leave saying people were not wanted to cluster around the place.


The incident caused fear among travelers and residents and it thinned down the  size of Afor Nnobi Market as traders from Ojoto,  Alor, Uke, Ideani among other places ran back home to avoid being caught by stray bullets. Traffic flow was also reduced in the town on  Friday due to the incident .


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