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Obi Nnaemeka Achebe still ASTRC Chair

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The story making round the country that His Royal Highness Alfred Nnaemeka Achebe,the Obi of Onitsha has been removed as Anambra State Traditional Rulers Council chairman has been verified as false .

The Press Secretary to Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo. Christian Aburime stated this yesterday.

Aburime noted that the story was fabricated by mischief makers, stressing that HRH Obi Nnaemeka Achebe had not been removed contrary to what is trending on some media.

Other sources told Daily Champion that the story was false, allegedly fabricated by the APC to create bad taste between the incumbent Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo and tratditional rulers in the state as means to achieving acceptance and cheap popularity among the citizenry ahead 2025 governorship election in Anambra.

According to sources the APC had since the suspension of HRH Damian Ezeani as Monarch of Neni allegedly been faking the news through its paid media group, Daily Champion excluded, saying that Neni monarch was suspended for conferring Chieftaincy title on senator Ifeanyi Ubah when the issue was conferment of Chieftaincy titles in contradiction of the Chieftaincy laws of the state as it pertains to conferment of Chieftaincy titles in the state.

“For instance, the latest fabricated bout of fake news and misinformation being spewed out from the factory of mischief makers is that Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo’s government has removed the respected Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Nnaemeka Achebe, CFR, as the Chairman of Anambra State Traditional Rulers’ Council.

“The story is not true but totally fake too! The government via its press statement yesterday clearly stated what transpired during the meeting between Governor Soludo with the traditional rulers. Nothing of such was discussed and neither was it pronounced by anybody”.

“It is therefore pertinent that those who derive joy in mischievously spreading fake news of this dangerous nature without considering the consequences of their action should immediately desist from it or be ready to face the wrath of the law”, Aburime said.

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