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“Massive Prosperity in Nigeria, April, May 2024” – C & S Church

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*everyone to own house ,agriculture, lucrative

*Ondo mad man gets healed in Iragbiji





The presidency of Nigeria under the watch of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has been described as divine intervention in the nation’s affairs and a fresh chance to fulfill its destiny as the largest black nation in the world and cannot afford to waste the opportunity on hand.


Special Apostle John Kolawole (JP) who was a Sunday ago, consecrated as Chairman of Cherubim & Seraphim Movement Church Worldwide (Ayo Ni o) Iragbiji District, stated further that the tasks and challenges of building Nigeria were too urgent to leave room for unnecessary bickerings and divisive distractions in the lobby of partisanship.


The new head of the church district headquartered at More, Ajegunle, Iragbiji, noted that the long suffering citizens of Nigeria yearned to have visible improvements in their lives, suggestive of their deliberate disquiet about the attendant consequences of poverty and corresponding excited desire for a better life as the only sure guarantee for the continued survival of democracy. He charged the governed to rise above the base instincts for strife and destruction to the creative potentials of civilization and democracy, human rights and good governance, and solidarity and popular participation, in terms.


Speaking on ‘Good Tidings (Luke 2:10),’ the church theme for the year 2024, Special Apostle Kolawole whose ordination as district chairman was part of the church’s 3-day and night Annual Ascension that just ended, publicly avowed that peace building, peace keeping was the good news from the church to the peoples and governments of the world to strengthen respect for our diversities and promote tolerance and solidarity, collaboration and dialogue, and reconcilation and understanding. According to him, “The good news that I bring, particularly to the government and peoples of Nigeria is the necessity to reject the culture of conflicts, violence and demonization of your neighbour, and embrace human co- existence, hospitality and respect for human dignity.”


Special Apostle Kolawole is said to be effective in communication with the church, one who consistently demonstrates his spiritual call and competence as well as confidence and decisiveness, with integrity, gratitude, and empathy for the feelings, motivations and emotions of others. He had the all- important milestone, his ascession to the office of the church district chairman, a position of higher rank and success in the church, held inside the Ori Oke Agbara Olorun Oniyo, Iragbiji auditorium, filled to its full capacity with guests and church members split on the surrounding mountain.


The Ori Oke Agbara auditorium, in the series of sanctuaries built by Special Apostle Dr Thomas Olaleye Ogungbangbe, is in memory of his father, Special Apostle Andrew Eniola Balogun Ogungbangbe, Atunluse of Iragbijiland and first Chairman C & S Movement Church, Iragbiji District (1999 – 2004). The auditorium, commissioned, 26 November, 2022 by HRM Oba Abdul-Rasheed Ayotunde Olabomi, Odundun IV, Aragbiji of Iragbiji and supported by HRM Oba Dr Akeem Ogungbangbe Ajagbusiekun, Owaloko of Iloko- Ijesa, is standing on an ideal square footage at 27m width × 60m length, long, the scale is just twice the size of the Biblical King Solomon’s 9m width × 27m length temple, built for the Lord.


The ordination ceremonies of the elevated Special Apostle Kolawole above his former horizon through the ranks of Aladura, Teacher, Evangelist, Apostle, Senior Apostle, and Most Senior Apostle to become Special Apostle, spiritually required for his new office in holy partnership with Jesus Christ in the mission to rescue, ransom and redeem mankind, were a scene akin proverbially to a space shuttled up into the earth atmosphere, a thrilling experience for the writer. The newly ordained Iragbiji district chairman has not less than 50 branches of the church under him as asset in leadership and prayer, worship and discipleship, and evangelism and team spirit. And the church members live everydayness for one another and make the church great; they reportedly, don’t speak negative at all, not even about themselves or the church leadership.


In a phone chat, Special Apostle Ogungbangbe, Ijesa-birthed business magnate and politician of the Osun State All Progressives Congress (APC) extraction, clarified the church’s year 2024 theme of ‘Good Tidings’ this way: “the good tidings of peace to Nigeria and the world is the bedrock of desired developments and the aggregate of the peoples’ commitment, and acceptance of the positive values and cherished ideals inherent in democracy at the family, church, community and government levels.” He explained, the church good tidings for the nation speak to the determined cooperative efforts of the government and the governed to uphold the rule of law, respect for human rights, and equitable justice. The theme is meant to generate awareness and internalized commitment in everyone to the culture of peace.


With the day’s suitable spiritual ceremonies that aligned the new church district chairman to the consciousness of his new position and gave him a quantum leap in the further understanding of the Divine, he was formally bestowed with the chairmanship of the Iragbiji District of Cherubim & Seraphim Movement Church (Ayo Ni O). And pointedly, from that moment, he became the highest religious authority at the church district level, primarily, to minister the Word of God and the rule of Jesus Christ to the church and congregations. The Iragbiji district church enjoy same official privileges as sister districts of the church in Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, Texas, Maryland, Canada, Europe, New York, Oxford, and UK-Parklane. In all, the church has well over one hundred and eight (108) districts across the globe. And the newest ones, still counting.


One of the clergy on the expansive rostrum or raised platform built on the sprawling prayer mountain preached salvation to wit the exposition of the church theme for the year 2024 and made altar calls; and another, on works of miracles, signs and wonders. And yet another, penultimate Sunday at the consecration service for Special Apostle Kolawole had, in the Ori Oke Agbara auditorium, preached on the ascession to the position of authority in the church. At the service and through the entire 3-day and night, chorused songs of praises and live music of exhortation, edification, comfort, and expansion of the kingdom of Christ rented the air. The renditions by choirs were rich in rhythms and loaded in lyrics, complemented by the penetrating melody from guest artists. There was a particular treat that started with slow rhythms and suddenly swept through the heart of the church like the rush of a mighty wind, harvesting souls for Christ and healing the sick just as prayers were offered for the salvation of human souls, nations and governments of the world.


Miracle vigil hours were preceded by salvation, preached in clear terms of genuine necessity for ‘new birth,’ ‘twice born,’ ‘birth from above,’ ‘born spiritually’ or ‘born again’ into God with the proclamation of Jesus Christ’s blood shed for the remission of sins. “The moment you receive Jesus Christ, the virgin born, pre-existent God, second of the Trinity, blood covered, ransomed for the sins of the world, resurrected God-man, and the ‘Sent One’ into your heart and have a born again experience, you spontaneously get the power to become a child of God and have eternal life,” the preacher said, adding “that’s the year 2024 good tidings of peace. To bypass the good tidings is evidently to miss the good news.” Calls to altar in the 3-day and night prayer events at Ori Oke Agbara Olorun Oniyo, Iragbiji, made estimated 5,425 get off the old rotten nature of Adam and accepted Jesus Christ as personal saviour. And they were thought how to keep their holiness to God, victory over Satan, and love for neighbours.


The salvation sermon treated all to a foretaste of miracle hours as another cleric, firebrand, bold, confident, comfortable and at home with his well familiar terrain of miracles mounted the podium, intermittently, kneeling and returning all honour and praises to God. The cleric, marked out by his charismatic spiritual ingenuity in supernaturals, declared that signs and wonders were deeply rooted in the salvation of soul, filled with faith in the Word of God and restless prayers to unveil the Divine glory and power, working through at the name of Jesus Christ. And spontaneously, the scenario became rupture, sudden and complete burst like a volcanic eruption, in contrast to the rapt, gentle attention as it were with the salvation season. Momentously, all directions, all sights, everywhere on the prayer mountain, the writer beheld astonishment, awesomely mysterious and new to experience.


This year, there were not less than 14,000 worshippers from the nation’s federated states and the world over at the Ori Oke Agbara, Iragbiji, up for all nights into dawn, sometimes, early morning into noon and characteristically dove tailed into the reins of revelatory visions, clearer than dreams, with visionaries induced by the intense showers of Holy Spirit. God spoke directly to the visioneries about 25 of them at different spots on the prayer mountain, teaching, rebuking, encouraging, restoring, interceding, and revealing. One revelation, most interesting to the writer, was “by April and May 2024, there shall be unprecedented prosperity in Nigeria, all and sundry will build houses, and agriculture will become most lucrative,” the spiritual foretellers, five of them, in isolation, emphatically said.


The Annual Ascension wrought signs and wonders in the lives of worshippers who had faith in God strengthened and good accomplished. Many worshipers with worries, sorrows were alleviated, and quite a good number of others got saved from spiritual death into abundant life. Several other cases were attended to by God: rheumatism, hearing impairments, barrenness, bonds of diseases, excruciating pains, fainting fits, ailments or infirmities, curses or woes, evil spirits, and twenty five pregnancies knotted for between thirteen to three years, all already pronounced incurable, gave up in the lives of certain individuals who were ready to share testimonies in the open but were heard privately.


A middle aged man had insanity cast out of him; the mad man, wrathful, violent, destructive and feared, held perforced by armstrong relatives from Akoko in Ondo State, had the touch of Jesus Christ, the divine physician and healer.The maniacal, lunatic man regained sensibility and spoke normal. He renounced Satan and gave his life to Jesus Christ at the prompting of the man of God who also charged him to go out and healed somebody at Jesus’ Name. The man of God had earlier proclaimed on the praying populace physical, spiritual and moral redemption from all fetters and everyone to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. And God granted his declaration and permitted signs and wonders.


The differential lies in the date and dramatis personae. While God used Baba Aladura Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase, prophet and founder of Cherubim & Seraphim (worldwide), the first African initiated church, very active in Europe and USA, and well known for many wonderful miracles and healings, reportedly between 1920 and 1925, the same unchanging God performs many works of healing, deliverance, forgiveness of sins, and great spiritual reawakening through today’s prophets, on their toes at the Ori Oke Agbara Olorun Oniyo, Iragbiji. Meaning, yesterday and today, God’s power stimulates miracles of diverse kinds. But spirituality, holiness, generosity, patience, endurance, long suffering, total submission to God’s will, fervency in prayers and faith are just what pull the strings.


Iragbiji, headquarters of Boripe local government council area of Osun State, came alive recently, with economic activities at the base of the prayer mountain, somewhat 3Kilometers to the mountain top, as the church’s annual ascension lasted.


OLUSESI writes via

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