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Lawmakers move to revamp FERMA,  canvass funding for road rehabilitation.

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…Urge security agencies to ensure rescue of missing farmers in Jere, Borno


Jonas Ezieke, Abuja



The House of Representatives Committee on Federal Roads  Maintenance Agency FERMA has pledged to work towards revitalizing the agency  through Funding and enabling legislation to ensure effective rehabilitation of the nation’s road networks.


Chairman of the House Committee Hon Engr. Aderemi Oseni made the pledge during the inuagural meeting of the committee on Tuesday at the National Assembly in Abuja.


The Committee he stated is committed to the betterment of our nation’s road infrastructure and the selection of members of the committee after the inauguration of the 10% National Assembly is commendable.



He further stated that the expertise and diverse backgrounds of the committee members will undoubtedly contribute to the success of the mission even as he expressed no doubt that they will work harmoniously to achieve these goals.


3.0 As we embark on this journey to revitalize FERMA and address the challenges plaguing road maintenance in Nigeria, it is important to first acknowledge the significance of our roles. FERMA plays a critical role in ensuring the federal road networks are safe, efficient, and reliable. However, we must also recognize the numerous problems that have hindered FERMA’s effectiveness in the past.


He noted thatNigeria’s road networks have experienced a multitude of challenges, including insufficient funding, inadequate maintenance strategies, a lack of modern infrastructure, and bureaucratic bottlenecks.


These issues he submitted have led to deteriorating road conditions, increased accidents, and significant economic losses. Our task, as members of this committee, is to tackle these challenges head-on and rebirth a new FERMA that works.


The lawmaker also hinted that he had drafted a 14-point legislative agenda for FERMA revitalization and the document will serve as a roadmap for repositioning, rebirthing, and reengineering of the agency.



The House Committee he said ‘ll work towards achieving improved road maintenance and use the instrument of effective legislation, oversight, partnership, knowledge sharing, collaboration, and adherence to the best global practices to revitalize, reposition, reengineer, and rebirth FERMA, ushering in a new era of improved road maintenance and efficiency for Nigerians.


This new approach recognizes the need for a knowledgeable, professional, upright, and diligent legislative committee that will prioritize the best interests of Nigerians.By engaging as partners rather than adversaries, the committee and FERMA will be able to foster a collaborative environment focused on achieving common goals.


The lawmaker posited that FERMA Acts, other related regulatory frameworks and legislation, and the Nigerian Constitution empower them to make a significant impact through oversight functions.


The Committee he urged the lawmakers  must ensure that their actions are guided by these laws and that the decisions are transparent and just.


Also, The House of Representatives on Tuesday urged the Chief of Army Staff and the heads of other sister security agencies to intervene and rescue some farmers recently abducted by Boko Haram insurgents from Jere in Mafa Local Government Area of Borno State.


The House resolution was sequel to the adoption of a motion moved by Hon. Ahmed Satomi (Borno, APC) on the matter on the floor of the House at plenary.



Satomi while debating the motion informed the House that on Saturday,  November 4, 2023, heavily armed Boko Haram terrorists attacked Zabarmari farmers working in their rice fields in the villages of Koshebe, Karut and Bulabulin of Jere Mafa Local Government Area killing several of them.



He expressed worries that this attack was carried out by terrorists less than 20 kilometers from Maiduguri, the Borno State capital


The lawmaker further said he was worried by the dynamic and strategy deployed by these terrorists attackers who were on motorcycles , divided themselves into three groups and attacked not with guns but rather used cutlasses and knives to stab and butcher the victims .


Satomi also posited that currently security forces and civilian joint task force groups in the Nigerian North East of Borno have recovered 9 dead bodies while search continues in a bid to find more people who are still missing


Alarmed that inspite of the terrorists attack of Saturday , 4th November and the current search and rescue operations which is still ongoing , another attack and massacre of about 50 persons was again carried out in the night of sunday , 5th November, 2023.


He said: “Further alarmed that if urgent and drastic steps are not taken, the area may be overrun by terrorists with attendant dire consequences”. – mandate the Army.. to immediately mobilize troops to the affected areas to neutralize the terrorists and restore normalcy to the villages


Consequently, the House presided over by the Speaker Hon.Tajudeen Abbas unanimously adopted the motion with a voice vote.


He mandated the National Emergency Management Agency, North East Development Commission and the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs to as a matter of urgency mobilize humanitarian and relief materials to the affected villages


Furthermore,the presiding officer mandated the Committees on Army and Disaster and Emergency Preparedness to ensure compliance


.Call on Security Agencies to Tackle Rise in Gangsterism in Ogbaru, Anambra



The House of Representatives on Tuesday urged the heads of security agencies in the country to rise up and urgently tackle the rise in gangsterism and violent criminal activities in Ogwuaniocha community of Ogbaru Local Government Area in Anambra State.


The resolution followed the adoption of a motion titled: “Urgent Need to Rescue Ogwuaniocha Community in Ogbaru Federal Constituency, Anambra from the Jaws of Violent Criminal Gangs By Hon. Afam Victor Ogene at plenary.


Ogene while debating on the motion stated that he is aware that the security of lives and property is the primary purpose of government;


He is also aware that Ogwuaniocha in Ogbaru Federal Constituency, Anambra state is an oil bearing community, (contributing over 20,000 barrels of crude oil per day), which earned the state its oil producing status;


He further said that he is alarm that violent gangs have set up camps in and around Ogwuaniocha Community, sacked the residents, kidnapped the traditional ruler (Igwe), killed and maimed many, unchallenged, which is a desecration of the traditional institution and erosion of our cultural values;


He said: “Worried that there is a resurgence of crisis in the community and its environs last week, leading to abduction of over 20 people who are yet to be accounted for, a trend that has kept recurring since November, 2021, without meaningful steps by the Anambra State Government, aimed at rescuing the Igwe, who is still unaccounted for, or explore any administrative measures to finding solution to the problem.


“Concern that the displaced people of Ogwuaniocha are going through difficult times without any provision for shelter or relief materials as they have no Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps; Further concern that while oil production goes on seamlessly in Ogwuaniocha, the people have been forced to stay off their community for two years now – since Monday, November 15, 2023 – no farming activity, no school for the children, no business activities as a result of the occupation of the community by the criminal gangs, who have relocated from other parts of the state and set up camps in and around the community”.



Consequently, the House presided over by the  Speaker Hon Tajudeen Abass unanimously adopted the motion with a voice vote.


The House set up an Ad-hoc Committee to unravel the remote and persisting cause of the crisis and come up with suggestions on how to resolve same.


The green chamber also directee the Committee on National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), to set up an IDP camp for the people and provide them with relief materials.

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