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Int’l Day of the Girl Child: Bayelsa commits to greater inclusion

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Bayelsa State Universal Basic Education Board (BYSUBEB) has committed to greater inclusion in its public primary schools as the global community marks International Day of the Girl Child.
The Executive Secretary of the Board Chief Victor Okubonanabo made the disclosure while remarking on the importance of gender parity in education.
“Our commitment to female education remains unwavering. As a basic education board, we are pushing the frontier of basic education in our schools by ensuring that our enrolment drives cover both genders, Chief Okubonanabo said.
Baylesa State launched BayelsaPRIME, its signature basic education reform programme to promote quality education in the basic education ecosystem.
Since inception teacher attendance has improved, and teachers have improved their commitment to their duties. BayelsaPRIME has prioritized not just quality education for boys, but also for girls.
“At present, 48 percent of pupils in our schools are girls and we are pushing for greater inclusivity as we push ourselves to attain the relevant Sustainable Development Goals in Bayelsa State,” the Executive Secretary noted.

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