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Nationwide strike: Civil society activists set to enforce total compliance

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.Say fuel subsidy removal self serving policy of economic slavery

.No agreement with FG to suspend strike –NLC

.As NUPENG mobilises  zonal councils to shut down operations

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The United Action Front of Civil Society, the Organised Platform of Civil Society Groups and Activists on matters of Governance and Democracy in Nigeria has fully endorse the indefinite nationwide strike action jointly declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), scheduled to begin on Tuesday October 3, 2023.

The indefinite strike became imperative following the 2-Day warning strike earlier embarked upon by the NLC on September 5 and 6 over the failure of the Tinubu administration to demonstrate commitment to implementing a series of agreements and pledges which the government reneged upon.


The civil society activists said it is unfortunate that while the arbitrary fuel price hike in the name of subsidy removal on premium motor spirit (PMS) has pushed most Nigerians below poverty line, government continues to play the Ostrich in spite of the promises made to labour leaders on the need for upward review of workers wages, inclusive palliatives to citizens, among others.


The leadership of the organised Civil Society therefore urged all Nigerians to rally behind NLC and TUC in protest against what it described as the insensitivity and dubious politics of the Nigerian government, which has, so far, demonstrated total lack of comprehension and sensitivity to the economic challenges facing the country.


The statement signed by Olawale Okunniyi,Head, National Coordinating Centre,United Action Front of Civil Society, yesterday, reiterated that the inhuman policy of arbitrary hike in fuel price has further impoverished and pauperised millions of households, who were hitherto merely coping with meagre wages and incomes for their livelihoods.


It said it was evident that the present government lacks the requisite wherewithal to fix the rots perpetrated by the immediate past government of the same party and may eventually end up worsening the situation.


The group expressed worry that rather than prioritise reduction in the costs of governance, the Tinubu administration is deliberately indulging in over-bloated appointments as typified by the appointment of the highest number of ministers and the largest cabinet yet in Nigeria history.


It said it was also regrettable that the National Assembly which only recently arbitrarily allocated public funds to its members who embarked on recess has also increased the number of its standing committees, which would also translate into additional costs of governance in an economy where overwhelming majority of the masses could barely cope with the costs of living in Nigeria or afford one square meal.


The leadership of the United Action Front of the Civil Society therefore urged Nigerians across public and private sectors to rally support for the NLC and TUC in demanding living wages for the working people and improvement in the living conditions of Nigerians, while decrying the insensitivity and deceitful ploy of the Nigerian government to pauperise and enslave them and ensure the reversal of the suffocating policies of economic slavery in the name of fuel subsidy removal.


It emphasised that the Tinubu administration cannot in good conscience insist on arbitrary fuel price hike while those who looted the national treasury in the name of subsidy are today being accorded red-carpet treatment all over the place.


It stated further that “government appeared determined to subject the citizens to more hardship with the prevailing abysmal exchange rate with consequences for higher inflation in the country.


“To this end, the indefinite strike action declared by the NLC and TUC is therefore inevitable to save the country from impending upheaval as the harrowing economic situation may heighten self help, insecurity and violent protests.


“It is deceitful for the government to have delayed the review of minimum wage considering that the present N30,000 monthly can no longer support an average Nigerian worker who, under the prevailing economic situation, has more than 3 dependants in addition to the immediate family. We call on the NLC and the TUC to remain resolute in defending the country against all forms of anti-masses policies that have foisted unmitigated poverty on millions of Nigerians and unprecedented unemployment and hardship in both the urban and rural communities.


“Finally, the leadership of the United Action Front of Civil Society wishes to enjoin all civil society Leaders, Activists, Working people in the private and public sectors as well as all well meaning Nigerians in general to team up with us in rallying support for the success of the indefinite strike action declared by Labour by making out time to be part of the Civil Society Coordinating Centre charged to enforce Citizens Sit At Home during the Nationwide Strike Action called to save Nigeria; push for living wages for the working people and better welfare conditions for Nigerians in the face of excruciating consequences of the exploitative and wrongheaded policies of government”,.


However,The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has said it has no agreement with the Federal government to suspend the planned nationwide strike action scheduled to begin on October 3, 2023 over what it described as anti people policies of the present administration of President Bola Tinubu.


It said the strike would hold as planned, if government fails to address the demands bordering on welfare, sufferings of the masses and on the issues of the National Union of Roads Transport Workers (NURTW) put before it.


The congress is reacting to the release said to have come from the press unit of the ministry of Labour,  purportedly stating that labour had an aggreement with the congress to call of the planned strike.


But the statement signed by the Head of information and Public Affairs of NLC,  Benson Upah, yesterday said the Congress has not reached any agreement with government.


It reads:”The press statement issued by the Director of Press, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Mr Olajide Oshundun on our proposed strike  action and illegal occupation of the secretariat of the National Union of Road Transport Workers has  been brought to our attention. We note some inconsistencies.


“Accordingly, we find it necessary to make clarifications. Firstly, we do not have any agreement with  the government to suspend the planned strike action. Neither do we have any date for a meeting with government that may lead to  the suspension of the proposed strike.


“While we do not intend to demean or minimise the office of the Honourable Minister of Labour and Employment, this  matter is beyond the Ministry. This  should have been obvious to them during our most recent meeting.


“Secondly, while we appreciate the role played by the Honourable Minister of Labour and Employment, Barrister Simon Lalong in securing the release of the executives of the National Union of Road Transport Workers from unlawful/illegal police detention, we take exception to the Ministry describing these executives as factional leaders.


“They were lawfully elected into office. We still find it necessary to advise the police and those elements  behind their travails to desist from this  despicable and shameful conduct. They are advised to retrace their steps.


“If democracy is to be of meaning to us, then we should resist the urge or temptation for impunity. Enough is enough”,.


.as NUPENG directs zonal councils to shut down operations


In compliance with the directives of the organised labour to embark on strike over hard policies of the present administration, the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas (NUPENG) has directed the leaders in the four Zonal Councils of its Union to mobilize all their members in the formal and informal sectors to shut down services effective 3rd October, 2023.


NUPENG also asked it’s members, including the Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD), Petrol Stations Workers (PSW), Liquefied Petroleum Gas Retailers (LPGAR) and all other allied workers in the value chain of petroleum products distribution to comply with the directive.


The statement of the Union signed by the National President, Williams Akporeha and the National Secretary Afolabi Olawale, urged the branches and Units of the Union to take note and ensure full compliance by setting up Compliance and Monitoring Teams in all operational locations.


NUPENG statement reads: “Consequent upon the joint resolution of the National Executive Council of the Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress as the outcome of the joint National Executive Council meeting of the two Labour Federation, held on 25th September, 2O23, we wish to inform all our members in the formal and informal sectors of the Nigeria oil and gas industry and alert the general public that the rank and file members of our union are hereby directed to commence full mobilization and ensure an unwavering compliance with the directive of the two labour centres to all affiliate unions to embark on a nationwide industrial action from midnight of 3rd October, 2023.


“The leadership of NUPENG finds it so disturbing and unfortunate, that the federal government of Nigeria and other tiers of governments are so insensitive to the excruciating and debilitating socio/economic pains Nigerians are passing through as a result of very harsh and sudden economic policies taken by this administration without any accompanying socio/economic policies to ameliorate and cushion the immediate effects and impacts those difficult and harsh policies are having on the citizenry.


“Further worrisome to us is the apparent lack of regards and respect to the cries and yearnings of the organised labour, civil society organisations and the general public by this administration. lt appears the administration is arrogantly taking the good will and the tolerance level of the workers and Nigerians in general for granted.


“This arrogance is demonstrated clearly and loudly by the ways and manners meetings with organized labour and outcomes of such meetings are taking with levity anddisrespect.


“The Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) is aware of the huge impacts a 24hours industrial action by the organized labour can have on businesses and socio/economic lives of the nation, unfortunately, the government’s actions and inactions are inextricably forcing the organized labour to take this very hard and painful route of last resort to demand for needful socio/economic policiesto ameliorate and cushion the debilitating and dehumanizing living conditions of Nigerians generally.


“Beyond any reasonable doubts, the government has demonstrated high insensitivity, lack of respect and regards to organized labour and the Nigerian masses.


“Therefore, it is in the light of the above, that NUPENG as a responsive and responsible affiliate Union of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), will fully comply with theresolution of the joint NEC meeting and we hereby direct the leaders in the four (4) Zonal Councils of our great Union to mobilize all our members in the formal and informal sectors to shut down services effective 3rd October, 2023.

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