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FG bemoans slow growth in mining sector despite abundance of mineral resources in the country

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Despite the glorious contribution of the mining sector to our national economy in the past and the abundance of mineral resources found in almost every state of the Federation, the growth of the sector has stagnated for many years, especially since  the early 1970s.

President Muhammadu Buhari stated this, Tuesday in his address at the opening ceremony of the 6th edition of the Nigerian Mining week in Abuja.

Represented by the vice president, professor Yemi Oshinbajo, the president said the mining sector has always needed a transformational leap to contribute meaningfully to the envisioned economic growth of the country.


In line with the vision and sustained effort to accelerate the growth of the mining sector as a major contributor to  Nigeria’s economic diversification programme,  president Buhari stated that there have been many notable efforts by previous administrations to wake the sleeping giant that is in the mining industry up.


In the words of the president: “At the beginning of our administration in 2015  we intentionally prioritised  the development of the country’s mineral resources as one of the frontiers for economic growth”

This, he said led to the comprehensive Roadmap for the Growth and Development of the Nigerian Mining Sector “and we have steadily followed the steps set out in the roadmap. So far, we can say without fear of contradiction that this administration has committed more resources to the development of the mining sector than any other government in the history of this country”

“And we are proud that the indices of development in the sector are rapidly changing. Part of these is the increased revenue generation and of course, the unprecedented investment interest that the industry has attracted in the past few years.

Nigeria, for the first time, has a world-class gold mine in Segilola, Osun state, operated by Thor Exploration. Also, Eta Zuma Mining and Industries Limited, Mosra Enerji is mining and supplying the coal needs of Dangote and Bua Cement factories”

He highlighted that in the steel industry, African Natural Resources and Mines Limited, owners of the Kagarko Integrated Steel plant, is about to produce liquid Steel from its Iron ore mine in Kaduna State. Several other investors are at different stages of mine development in various parts of the country, and these strategic milestones will hopefully catalyse more mining investment in the country.

He continued “I firmly believe that the sector when fully developed,  will outstrip other sectors of the economy in export earnings, and the creation of good paying jobs and opportunities. Besides, it will stimulate industrial growth as a local source of raw materials and improve the quality of lives in rural communities”

President Buhari however, commended the efforts of the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development and other stakeholders in providing a conducive environment for investment. Some of the thematic activities that have been delivered include The deployment of a digital application at the Mining Cadastre Office, Abuja, and its offices in the six geo-political zones of the country for the grant and administration of mining titles “and by the way, I will have the pleasure of commissioning this online innovation, the Electronic Mining Cadastre Plus,  today”

Of great interest also is the escalation of geological information gathering, data storage and dissemination. This has led to increased mineral finds across the country and the issuance of exploration licenses to miners. We must also appreciate the return of the geological data generated in Nigeria during the pre-independence era by the British Geological Survey Agency.

The availability of these data in the recently established National Geodata Center at the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency is a big boost to the sector. He said.

Also in his keynote address, the minister of Mines and Steal Development Arc Olamilako Adebite said with the unprecedented support and direction of President Muhammadu Buhari and the National Assembly, the Ministry has recorded some significant achievements that have defined a growth trajectory for the Nigeria Mining Sector.

Consequently one of the priority goals of President Bihari’s administration, the minister said is to reposition the mining sector, within the framework of the country’s economic diversification policy, to become one of the frontiers of sustainable economic growth for Nigeria.

The highlight of some Ministerial deliverables targeted to attract investors into the huge opportunities and markets in the Nigeria Mineral value chain, Arch Adebite said include: The up-grade and Automation of the Mining Cadastre Office and the creation of Zonal Offices in all the Geopolitical zones in the country. The new Mining Cadastral System will be commissioned at this conference. Nigeria now has Cadastra System that is efficient, non-discretionary, transparent and accessible to investors throughout the world.

Also, the Generation of Geological and Exploration Data to improve investment competitiveness. The Nigerian Geological Survey Agency intensified its exploration activities throughout the Country. The National Integrated Mineral Exploration Project, a flagship project of the Ministry to generate geological information and discover more minerals is nearing completion.

The National Integrated Minerals Exploration Project generates geological information and discovers more minerals. The results are fascinating as new mineral finds are discovered. Target mapping and drilling have been completed in the Bitumen Belt and prospectively areas are being advertised for concessions.

The NGSA laboratory in Kaduna is being strengthened and is undergoing an ISO Certification process. The laboratory will no doubt aid in the local analysis of mineral samples. The Fire Assay equipment has been commissioned.

Also among them is the application of Digital Processes in the Governance of the Sector. Several strategic investments are made in the development of digitized platforms and technology infrastructure to support digital systems in the governance of the mining sector.

The minimum hinted that the government is currently establishing a complete and comprehensive national electronic geo-databank which will assist in quick and effective information management and investment decisions. The geo-data will be easily findable and accessible in a digital format throughout the world

Earlier in his welcome address, the president of, the Miners Association of Nigeria, Alh. Musa Muhammad said the platform of the Nigeria Mining Week has been utilized over the years to do a wholesome critique of the national mining ecosystem, viz: the challenges, stages of development, the potentials and emerging opportunities, and the ways forward.

However, Alhaji Musa said, even though some of the legacy challenges are yet unresolved and new ones are emerging, there are quite some notable developmental strides being driven by the regulatory Ministry and its agencies.

Few of these developments, he said include the appreciable increase in sectoral contributions to the GDP;

Increased interest of foreign investors due to the verifiable geological data being generated by the National Integrated Mineral Exploration Project (NIMEP), of the Nigeria Geological Survey Agency.

Digitalization of mineral titles administration by the Mining Cadastre Office; Development of Cluster Buying Centers across the geopolitical zones, Standardization of the Nigerian Barite to meet up with global specifications, he added.


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