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MAN DG extols RMRDC’s interest in sustainability of Nigeria industries

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Director-General, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), Mr. Segun Ajayi -Kadir has commended the interest of the Raw Materials Research And Development Council (RMRDC) in ensuring the sustainability of Nigeria’s industries through continuous and persistent research.

This is even as he said that the MAN has initiated discussions with RMRDC for collaboration towards the development of local raw materials for chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

Mr. Ajayi -Kadir who disclosed this in Lagos during a Sectoral Dialogue Session organised by the Chemical And Pharmaceutical Sectoral Group of MAN said the collaboration would help the manufacturers in improving their raw material sourcing based on the information and research findings

Themed “The Future of Chemical And Pharmaceutical Industry In Nigeria – The Role of RMRDC,”, he maintained that the collaboration would help the manufacturers in improving their raw material sourcing based on the information and research findings

According to him, the RMRDC research was geared toward the localisation of some essential materials needed for the survival of local industries.

Director-General, RMRDC, Prof.Ibrahim Doko while delivering his lecture noted that it was high time for investors in the manufacturing sector to partner with the council for the supply of competitive raw materials.

Doko who was represented by the Executive Director, Mineral Materials Development Department, RMRDC,  Dr Mohammed Buga said that the giant strides recorded by RMRDC has demonstrated its resolve to actualise the mandate of local sourcing of raw materials for industrialisation of the country.

Speaking further, he said that the discussion with the chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers was necessitated by issues of disruption in the global supply chain occasioned by COVID-19, the Ukraine/Russia War, and the competitiveness of the industry.

He listed other issues that occasioned the dialogue to include   Presidential Executive Order five for industries to source their content locally, scarcity of foreign exchange, and the role of raw material origin for the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

“The time to source for local material can never be as compelling as now. With local development of raw materials, importation will reduce, there will be less pressure on foreign exchange, increase the profit margin for manufacturers, employment generation, and improved overall condition of the economy.

“It is our hope that investors in the manufacturing sector would partner with the council for uptake of the developed technologies for sustainable supply of competitive raw materials for the sector,” he said.

According to him, RMRDC developed the National strategy for competitiveness in raw materials and product development in Nigeria as part of efforts to make industries more competitive.

He noted that the strategy was geared towards a gradual reduction of imported raw materials and products that could be produced in the country in the short, medium, and long terms.

He stated that a committee that includes MAN, RMRDC, and other stakeholders would be established to facilitate the commercialisation of the raw materials and bridge the gap between research, result, and the market.

Also speaking, the Chairman, Chemical And Pharmaceutical Sectoral Group of MAN, Mr Rotimi Aluko, commended the contribution of RMRDC to national development through publicity of research findings and other information relevant to local sourcing of raw materials for the development of industries.

Aluko said the collaboration between the association and the council was geared toward exposing manufacturers, particularly in the chemical and pharmaceutical sector to some research findings by the council to further boost the manufacturer’s business operations.

“We are mindful of the fact that sourcing forex for importation of raw materials has become like a nightmare for manufacturers in recent times. Hence, the need for the consideration of local sourcing of raw materials through the backward integration became a necessity,” he said.

According to him, if certain things, the right people, and enabling environment were put together, things would work favourably for the manufacturers and their business operations would boost.

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