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Nigeria @61: Gov. Ishaku appeals to Tarabans to shun religious, tribalism, ethnicity sectionalism

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Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku has appeal to Tarabans to shun all forms of vices, such as ethnicity, religious, tribal and sectionalism for the state to move forward.

He stated this in his Broadcast to Tarabans on the occasion of 61st, Nigerian Independence Anniversary.

“I once again appeal to all Tarabans to reject fundamental concepts such as ethnic division, religious intolerance, tribal feelings, and sectionalism, which have conspired to endanger the collective foundations of our society and people. Indeed, the aforementioned characteristics are what distinguishes us as a people, and they should be favourably promoted to the glory of the State.

He emphasize that this country is experiencing financial difficulties and that Taraba as a state, is not exempted from these tough realities.

“This has not discouraged us from carrying out our constitutional obligation of ensuring good governance, the safety of people and property, and the equitable distribution of development across the state.

He said that it is now time to redirect and rededicate energies to positive prospects and privileges to re-channel pursuit of economic growth and development so that the state can become a force to be reckoned with in the North-East sub-region and among Nigeria’s Federating States.

“In the domain of agricultural transformation and modernization, we have made significant progress, the Green House project is a novel project that aims to kick start technologically driven agriculture and innovation- driven farming practice.

“Although we are currently being frustrated by funds being withdrawn by CBN, as a largely agrarian state with the majority of the population engaged in agriculture, this administration places a premium on timely and adequate provision of farm inputs such as improved seedlings, Agro-allied chemicals, and low-cost farm machinery, which have propelled the state to the forefront in the production of commercial cereal crops like rice, maize, sorghum, millet, benniseed, Avocado pear, cocoa, coffee, etc. Taraba state has large producers of root crops like yam, cassava, cocoyam, etc. We are proudly the largest producer of tea in West Africa.

“All these were achieved as a result of the continuous provision of free seedlings to our citizens and we are happy that they made good use of them. For instance, rice production was very low and mostly for subsistence purposes, however, our farmers are now economically empowered as they get better returns and are eager to embrace new ideas such as dry season farming.

He said that in Karim Lamido local government area alone, in 2016, over 16 thousand dry season farmers were empowered in dry season rice farming.

“I am also pleased to announce that 10 of these farmers have bought brand new tractors and many more are in the process as their income from rice continues to increase, but however, the CBN has still refused to grant the state loans to enhance this laudable programme.

He disclosed that efforts to end the herders-farmers clash have continued to yield a positive outcome, for more and more people are willing to go into farming.

“Taraba state is contributing to the food security of this country more than any state as a result of our huge investment in agriculture, which has not been adequately acknowledged at the national level.

On the educational sector, he said that it is another area where his administration has excelled.

“We met a neglected sector and immediately injected sufficient finances into the deteriorating infrastructure by rehabilitating primary and secondary schools, to create a healthy learning environment, provision of books, teaching aids, and welfare of teachers. We recruited 3000 rescue teachers who are being paid from monies saved on Ghost workers for our secondary schools, supplied 10,000 pieces of furniture for pupils and teachers in primary schools; a step that had an immediate impact on the quality of education.

According to him, the result has been a steady improvement in our pupils’ enrolment and performance in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations.

“The students’ success in WASSCE before we came in used to be less than 20 percent. There has been a steady improvement since then.  In 2016, the score rose to 67 percent, 2017 59.91 percent and did better by scoring 75.3 percent in 2018, to emerge first in the north and eight in the whole country and in 2019, we scored 85% and still remained 1st in the North.

He added that tertiary institutions also witnessed expansion in terms of quality and quantity of lecturers.

“The Taraba State University, Jalingo had only 3 Professors when we came in, but can now boast of over 50 Professors, the physical infrastructures such as lecture theatres and offices have been added and this led to an increase in the number of faculties, departments, and courses on offer.

“As a result, more competent students of the state can pursue their dreams of obtaining a higher education.  TSU which was ranked low in the country is now among the 80 leading universities in the country as a result of my administration’s intervention.

“Dear fellow patriotic Taraba State residents, you are also living witnesses to our administration’s huge investment in road development, we hope to see all of the road projects we have awarded completed before the conclusion of our tenure. The network of roads in Jalingo has been completed or about to be completed.

“These include the first phase of Jalingo-Kona-Lau Road, Palace Way, Abuja Phase 2 road network, FMC quarters road, Jolly Nyame road, Magami road, and the TSBS-NNPC-Deeper Life Camp Road and the crown jewel will be the 18-kilometer dual highway connecting Pantinapu and the NYSC camp, which will not only improve the city’s physical beauty but also relieve traffic congestion.

“Work is also in progress on road projects like Mararaba to Pantisawa, Wukari to Tsokundi, Mararaba-Baissa-Abong and Pamanga to Dakka & Mararaba Gassol to Gassol town, recently awarded.

“Our hospitals and clinics, ladies and gentlemen, are no longer mere consulting clinics in the field of health. Three state-of-the-art hospitals have been completed in Wukari, Gembu, and Bambur, with additional qualified medical professionals recruited, quality pharmaceuticals purchased, equipment, and other consumables procured to eliminate the out-of-stock syndrome. The hospitals will also be provided with solar power as a backup and MRI machines installed in the hospitals, it was the massive investment in health that made it easy for the state to be well prepared to handle the covid 19 outbreak. We are proud of the fact that Taraba state had only a few cases of infection and no fatality recorded. We intend to keep it that way.

“I, therefore, encourage Tarabans to take the covid 19 vaccine which is safe as I have already taken the two doses. Similarly, we must not be complacent but remain vigilant by complying with all the covid 19 prevention protocols.

In the area of water supply,  he said that Taraba State has never had it this good.

“The state water agency was split into Taraba water supply agency, (TAWASCO) small-town water supply agency and rural water supply agency (RUWASA). This has led to an upgrade in water supply to most parts of the state, these efforts coupled with the recruitment and training of 100No indigenes in Kenya has had an immediate and tremendous impact.

“The multi-billion naira ICONIC 5.3 million litres greater Jalingo water project is ongoing and when completed, it will house three restaurants for unique occasions, the facilities also include an open-air theatre.  In short, parts of the metropolis that have never had water since state creation now enjoy a clean water supply. Our efforts have been recognized at the national level with two awards: Waterman award 2018 by the Nigerian Water Supply Association and Governor of the year 2020 in water infrastructure by the Daily Independent Newspapers.

Similarly, the Governor said that 8,000 Youths and Women empowerment programmes was also introduced, while series of skills acquisition training have been carried, adding that the youths have been trained in profitable trades such as tailoring, carpentry, computer operation and maintenance, solar power installation, traditional fabrics manufacture among others.

“They were given starter packs immediately on graduation and many of them have set up thriving businesses and are employing others as well.

He pointed out that the women and youth programme of Her Excellency, Barrister Ann Ishaku has been complementing our drive in this direction with the construction of a skills acquisition centre, Kona which, unfortunately, was vandalized during the ENDSARS.

He added that all the existing 25 government industries were moribund in 2015, Eight of them have been resuscitated which include Viva feeds, Tom Oil Taraba, Highland Tea or Mambilla Beverages, etc.

“The 400KW Tunga Dam, which I initiated as the then Minister of power, became the first project I commissioned as the Executive Governor and it is serving the company well in terms of reducing the cost of production in Highland Tea. The State Government for the first time received dividends payment from the company. The company’s out-growers scheme has captured many local farmers in its net. The revival of Highland Tea has made Kakara town the most economically viable settlement in the whole state.

He said that the State civil service has witnessed a boost in morale and welfare through regular promotions, prompt and regular salaries as well as training and seminars. Since the creation of the state, there has never been any transparent and formal recruitment process into the service until the advent of my administration.

“Today, a data bank of qualified Tarabans is with the Civil Service Commission so that where vacancies exist in the state and federal service, they can be selected. The state has just emerged number 6 out of the 36 states and the FCT on the transparency international’s index for transparency and integrity in the conduct of government business. This is a remarkable positive rating worth celebrating”, he said.

He wished the President, Vice President, National and State Assembly Members, Tarabans, and all Nigerians a happy independence anniversary.

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