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Uwazuruike presents Biafra Govt. to UN, begs for recognition

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By Phil Okose Onitsha


The Leader and founder of Biafra Independence Movement, (BIM) and Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Chief Ralph Uwazuruike who was recently Invited by the Unrepresented Nations and People’s Organisation (UNPO) to attend her General Assembly meeting that took place in District of columbia, Washington DC United States of America, has urged United Nations, UN, to recognize Biafra as a sovereign state.


His words, “”we assure United Nations and the global community that we as a people are prepared, able and fully ready to take off and stand on our feet as a Sovereign state.”


“Through the UNPO, we argue and request that the UN and all global bodies legalize and grant recognition to Biafra Sovereign status immediately,” he pleaded.


In a press statement signed and presented to newsmen in Onitsha by the BIM-MASSOB Special Assistant on Social Media matters, comrade Emma N. Nnadi, Uwazuruike was represented in the General Assembly by the democratically elected officers of Biafra Internal Government led by their Prime Minister, Mr. Michael Mbaji.


Uwazuruike noted that Biafra now has a legitimate functioning democratically elected government that represents the people of Biafra.


Accordimg to the release the prime minister participated in the program virtually and introduced his government to the world body.


Hear him, “we are the democratically elected government representing the Biafran people, sitting beside me is the President, Mr. Emmanuel Ejiaga, also with us here is the Speaker of the parliament, Honourable Elijah Emetu and the Chief Justice of the Federation, Monday Didia”.


“The Biafra Internal Government (BIG) was constituted by the process of the democratic election by the Biafra people, it started on the 1st of January 2020 and have run for three years with a regime running for only one year in office.


I, Mr. Michael Mbaji, was elected on 30th December 2021, our government took the oath of office on the 17th of January, 2022 and we control the majority seats in the parliament.”


“We Biafrans have standard population of over 70 million people and expansive Landmass greater than most of the European, Asian, American and African countries.”


“We have appropriate and viable human, natural, mineral and material resources by which we can adequately cater for the wellbeing of Biafrans and Biafra Nation, as well as contribute to the overall promotion and development of global peace, progressive economy and stable democracy with those and many more.”

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