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Senator Allwell Onyesoh: Track Record Of Performance, Character And Probity.

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A brilliant beacon of hope and excellence, quintessential lawmaker and cosmopolitan Senator Aliwell Onyesoh is the toast of many within the political terrain. He is loved for his unwavering passion by impacting positively on the people of his constituency and others in the larger society.
An erudite and audacious politician, Senator Aliwell Onyesoh who represents Rivers East Senatorial District of Rivers State at the National Assembly. A day spent without spreading love and kindness, without the contemplation of the essence of human life, or without feeling any connection towards our shared fate as a people with a common destiny is a poverty-stricken day; and the continuation of such days portends fatality to the sustenance of the human race.
Whilst we joggle the race of having these contemplations in mind and dealing with our days squarely as life throws them at us, there are men who have continually stood tall amongst others by living not just for themselves but for the world around them. And Senator Aliwell Onyesoh is one of such rare men. It was the great Wole Soyinica who wrote that human life has meaning only to the degree and as long as it is lived in the service of humanity. And powered by an unrestrained commitment towards availing hope to those in the shadows of life, Senator AlIwell Onyesoh has continually given meaning not just to his own existence, but to the existence of many others whose love for life became animated once more, upon their encounter. The philosophy that animates Senator Allwell, is the idea that we all have a role to play in bettering the world around us, and have all it takes to share our own narratives. He believes that kindness must be powerful enough to trump sentiments, and that in our exhibiting love, our focus must be placed more on the things that unite us than on the things that divide us. This philosophy has been exemplified overtime by the way he works with all, by the way he spreads love to all, beyond the divisive sentiments of political differences. The
widespread nature of his influence around the Rivers East political sphere, the diversity of his support group beyond party lines, and the massive endorsement of his programs and projects by a divergent demography of people all give credence to his stature as a man of the people and audacious icon. No society has developed by alms giving. For humans are designed to evolve into their best selves when their dreams are nurtured and not when their immediate wants are met or satisfied. There is no greater empowerment than availing people the resources to invest in their minds and chisel their own aspirations. Senator Allwell understands this, and recently exemplified the profundity of his understanding of the need to invest in the development of the human mind by paying, in full, the fees for the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) professional program for several law students of the Rivers East descent, across the various campuses of the Nigerian Law School.
Despite its popularity as a word, owing to the inevitability of challenges as we live through life, hope is quite rare. When push comes to shove and the silver lining on our gloomy skies are nowhere visible, asking someone to be hopeful is akin to asking them to do the almost impossible — to see possibilities in a word that is falling apart. Whilst words of encouragement may do some holding together, the miracle is in acts of encouragement. From the payment of purse-draining medical bills to school fees grants and social welfare programs for his constituents, Senator Allwell has continued to represent the miracle of hope to the world around him. Aliwell’s legacy is an endless litany of good deeds and remarkable commitment to the service of others; but what is even more remarkable is the consistency of his personae through varying times and seasons. This one, can be called a friend. This one, is without doubt, a ceaseless sources of inspiration for all those seeking to live life beyond the shackling grip of the desire only look out for the self. Going forward, Senator Onyesoh is bringing dynamism and putting his people first in the affairs of Rivers East Senatorial District.
The Senator has not only redefined the district’s outlook but has also driven all key performance indicators towards regaining the lost glory of River East Senatorial District. Onyesoh’s leadership style is not merely about steering the ship; it is also about charting the course towards a future that is equitable, prosperous, and reflective of the aspirations of his people. Senator Aliwell Onyesoh is presently riding on the wave of the greatest public acceptance in the history of Rivers East Senatorial District of Rivers State and Nigeria in general. This is borne out of gratitude to the senator for his people centric policies, which have impacted many positively. Within his short time as Senator, AlIwell Onyesoh has become a household name in Rivers East Senatorial District, River State and Nigeria in general. He has rekindled hope and built trust, mutual respect and understanding among his people.

Chief Greg C. E. Ukaigwe, fnipr
Is from Ndoni, in Rivers State,
An Author and Lecturer.

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