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Presidential zoning: PDP has committed political suicide, says Ohanaeze Ndigbo

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Ohanaeze Ndigbo has said that the Peoples Democratic Party ( PDP) has committed political suicide by its decision not to zone its presidential ticket ticket for the 2023 general elections to the southern part of the country like the All Progressives Congress (APC).


A statement by Chiedozie Alex Ogbonnia, its National Publicity Secretary, quoted the President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide, Prof George Abiozor as condemning the reported position of Samuel Ortom-led PDP Zoning Committee to throw the contest open now that it is the turn of the South, especially the South East geo-political zone to produce the president of the country.


The statement reads: “The President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo World Wide, Amb. (Prof.) George A. Obiozor condemns in its entirety the political suicide that has been committed by the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) by its position on Zoning.


“Obiozor was reacting to the decision of the Governor Ortom-led PDP committee on zoning of the office of the presidential ticket.


“The committee is reported to have thrown the presidential ticket of the party open to all the aspirants from all parts of the country.


“Obiozor wondered why the PDP has decided to jettison zoning when it is the turn of the South and particularly the South East of Nigeria. For purpose of clarity, rotation and zoning principle was engrained into the PDP party’s Constitution in 2009.


“Article 7 (2) (c) of the PDP Constitution states: ‘In pursuance of the principle of equity, justice and fairness, the party shall adhere to the policy of rotation and zoning of party and public elective offices, and it shall be enforced by the appropriate executive committee at all levels.’


“Obiozor deplored the unconscionable shifting of the goal post at the middle of the game. Such unscrupulous violation of the zoning principle that has been well entrenched in the PDP constitution simply changes the rules of the game in order to deprive Ndigbo the opportunity to produce a president for Nigeria.


“According to Obiozor, it is a political blunder and betrayal given what Ndigbo have suffered in our own country and most recently for supporting the PDP.


“Obiozor adds that history has never been kind to betrayers and the treacherous. The machinations and conspiracies to deny Ndigbo their due place in Nigeria is an ingratitude that daily cries to God.


“Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide reiterates the position of the Southern and Middle Belt Leadership Forum led by Chief E. K. Clark that any party that does not zone its presidential ticket to the South should not expect the support of the Middle Belt and the entire South.


“It is therefore curious that the PDP should commit political hara-kiri at a time it is struggling for a fresh air. It is unfortunate that the PDP glomourises inordinate ambitions; any political ambition that undermines nation building should be checkmated. One of the roles of a political party in a democracy is nation building and for the PDP to shirk its responsibilities is an unfortunate path to Golgotha.


“Let it be known that it runs contrary to the indomitable Igbo spirit to swallow any form of indignity, disdain or condescension from anybody or group. It is therefore highly inconceivable that the Igbo will validate a party or group that runs roughshod over its sensibilities.


“For the avoidance of doubt, there is hardly any society that can develop amidst crises. Development is a product, an effect that arises from peace, unity and national coherence. On the other hand, the basics of peace, unity and sustainable national development is justice, equity and human dignity.


“In other words, to expect sustainable economic development rooted in injustice is mere shadow chasing. This is an irrepressible scientific, philosophical, historical and moral assertion that may be ignored at one’s peril.


“Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide urges all the Igbo presidential aspirants to remain focused and undaunted because of the PDP shenanigans. This is because history will always vindicate the just”.


Chiedozie Alex Ogbonnia, National Publicity Secretary, Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide.



Meanwhile, Benue State Governor and Chairman, Zoning Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Samuel Ortom has dismissed insinuations in the media that the committee has thrown the presidential ticket of the party open.


He insisted that the committee was being quoted on what it did not say.


The governor who bared his mind  Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 while appearing on the ‘Morning Show’, an AriseTV prime time programme, querried why those who were not part of the meeting of the committee would want to “force words into the committee’s mouth.”


The governor who frowned at the caption on the news bar while the interview lasted quipped: “I want to clear the  insinuation that the zoning committee has thrown open the presidential ticket. I did inform the media yesterday (Tuesday, April 5, 2022) that the committee has adopted a  unanimous position to be presented to the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the party. Where did I say that the committee has thrown open the presidential ticket?




He maintained that “The committee will present the report to NEC. It is NEC that has the final authority on the zoning of positions.”


He explained that, “As far as the committee was concerned, there were arguments that the presidential candidate should go to the South. While some said it should go to the Northern part of the country. There were others who were of the opinion that it should be thrown open for the best candidate who will be able to deliver good governance and make Nigerians feel like human beings again.”


He continued: “As the chairman of the committee, we did not say that. So it is very wrong for anyone to insinuate that we have thrown the presidential ticket open. I am  still repeating that, whatever we did, we have submitted our report to NEC. So it is wrong for the media to come out with a position despite the fact that they were not members of the committee.


“I came out to brief the media. So it is wrong completely. I did not say that. And like I said, NEC is the final authority on deciding where this position will be zoned to.”


Governor Ortom recalled that, when the party positions were being zoned before the national convention, “NEC directed us that in zoning these positions, go and do it rightly without minding where the president will come from yet. That when the time comes for the presidential, a mandate will be given to people and NEC will take a decision. That is what we have done.”


The governor then implored the media not to, “crucify us. Don’t kill us before you get the answer because PDP has not brought up a report, insisting, ” that will be done by NEC.”


He said the party leadership was “consciously working towards ensuring that the party gets it right thing this time. I believe that at the end, the right thing will be done,” stressing however that, “preempting the committee’s work and NEC decision is not correct. I want to appeal that NEC will soon invite us to a meeting and then we can move on from there,” the governor stated.


Governor Ortom maintained that “At the end of the day, the most important thing to the PDP is what the party can do to bring the economy and security situation back to normalcy,” because “If nothing drastic is not done about the present situation in the country, a time will come when even the Presidential Villa and other government houses will be taken over by the terrorists. They are already closing in on us and we seem to be helpless. Everyone must team up to fight for justice, equity and fairness.”


A foundation member of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Mr Osita Okechukwu has mocked the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for jettisoning the zoning of its presidential ticket, saying it is akin to buying vehicle with the name tag, “no refund after payment.”


Okechukwu, who is also the Director General of Voice of Nigeria (VON), said that by jettisoning zoning convention that the main opposition party had violently breached its own constitution and the national convention which governed “our 4th Republic.”


He further ststed that by discarding zoning, PDP had shot itself in the foot and put itself in harm’s way, thus endangering internal democracy, national unity and had abandoned its original stronghold, the southern belt.


Accordingly, by jettisoning the zoning convention, PDP has purchased vehicle tagged, “No refund after Payment”. The Bazaar Carnival stage in the next few weeks has branded PDP’s vehicle: “No Refund after Payment.”


Okechukwu spoke while reacting to the news that the PDP had thrown open to all the geopolitical zones, in the country for the contest for its presidential ticket.


Answering questions from journalists, Okechukwu noted that the latest decision taken by the PDP would expose its presidential aspirants to extortion by party members, who were fully aware that there was no refund in money politics.


Asked why he tagged PDP’s new vehicle, “No refund after payment”? Okechukwu retorted, “Firstly, the PDP has shot itself on the foot, has breached its own constitution and the golden zoning convention governing our 4th Republic; hence endangering its internal party democracy and national unity.


“In addition by this singular unforced error of selfishness, PDP has thrown away the baby and the bathe water.


“Secondly, and most importantly PDP by jettisoning the zoning of president has abandoned the Southern belt which is its original stronghold. Especially now that APC has patriotically zoned the presidency to the Southern belt.


“Thirdly, PDP has committed error of judgment by banking on northern voters; forgetting the sophistication of Northern Voters, who voted MKO Abiola against Bashir Tofa and who voted Chief Olusegun Obasanjo when Yorubas did not vote for him in 1999. They are gambling with the wrong horse, all Northerners and Nigerians in general need is healing, unity and peace.”


Speaking further, Okechukwu said PDP had opened the Pandora’s box of Stomach Infrastructure, by exposing her presidential aspirants to “money bags-rat race”, a scenario where members with full knowledge that there was no refund after payment would swoop and milk the aspirants dry.


According to him, “in the absence of a father figure like President Buhari in the fold of PDP, the outcome and huge crack in jettisoning zoning convention is unimaginable, therefore PDP’s center can no longer hold.”


Reminded that PDP has father figures like IBB and Obasanjo, Okechukwu quipped, “The Generals are operating from outside the ring; they don’t have the much-needed political clout to weep anyone into line.”


Okechukwu summed up by noting that Nigerian voters definitely would pay PDP in its own coins as was the case in 2015 when they flouted the zoning convention


Also, Rivers State governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike on Wednesday had a closed door meeting with some presidential aspirants jostling for the ticket on the platform of the Peoples Democratic party (PDP).


Those at the closed door meeting on Wednesday that held at the Government House in Port Harcourt were Governor of Bauchi State, Senator Bala Mohammed; Governor of Sokoto State, Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal; the former Senate President, Senator Bukola Saraki, and the former Managing Director of FSB International Bank, Dr Mohammed Hayatu-Deen.


Governor Wike, who spoke to journalists after the meeting said their interest is to ensure that there is unity in the party.


He also expressed their interest in making Nigerians happy by developing a formidable strategy that will enable the PDP coast to victory in the 2023 presidential election.


“Our interest is the unity of the party. Our interest is to make Nigerians happy by making sure that by 2023, PDP takes over the reins of government because Nigerians are patiently waiting.


“And I can assure you that we are going to work as a team to make Nigerians happy.”


On his part, the leader of the delegation, Senator Bukola Saraki said their discussion was on identifying the best available way in ensuring that there is unity within the party and among the various presidential aspirants.


According to him, they are aware that Nigerians now look up to the PDP as the only option that will provide the needed direction for the country.


“We are here to have a discussion and we just finished talking about how best way for us to reunite our party, bring unity among all those who are aspiring to lead this country under PDP.


“We all realize the importance of this and PDP is the only option ready to redirect this country in the right direction and bring progress and provide a better future for our people.


He further continued,” We have been to some of the other states and today we are here with Governor of Rivers State, a key stakeholder of this party to discuss frankly.


“He has given us his views and make some suggestions and we will continue to work with that as we move away from here. But the key thing is unity, the key thing is to put the country first and put the party first.”

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