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Oyetola slams Osun govt for converting SDGs Skills Acquisition Centre to Soccer base

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Blessing Akorowosi, Osogbo
The Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Adegboyega Oyetola, on Saturday, berated the decision of the Osun State government to convert the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) funded Skills Acquisition Centre built in Iragbiji by the Federal Government into a soccer base.
The former Osun State Governor disclosed that he believed that the Federal Government would take measures to correct the anomaly, saying it was ridiculous that a government could conceptualise such idea in the first place knowing full well the purpose for which the centre was built.
Speaking at the 32nd Iragbiji Day Anniversary, held at Oke-Iragbiji Grammar School, Iragbiji, Oyetola said it was unheard of that a centre purposely built to equip and empower the teeming youths with different technical skills would become a football campground in whatever disguise.
The erstwhile Osun Governor said: “It is ridiculous that the state government could think of converting a centre that is meant for youth development into a soccer base.
“As we all know, this is a project that is meant for our youths to acquire different technical and vocational skills thus promoting entrepreneurship and youth development. Turning the Centre into anything outside this is a disservice to the purpose it was meant for.
“As a person, I don’t have any problem with football, I love football but we won’t allow a project that is purposely built to cater for youth development in the area of entrepreneurial skills acquisition to become a football base for whatever reason.
“This is a project that we fought for and facilitated while in government for the benefit of youths in the state and anything short of what it is meant for is anti-development.
“I have taken it up already and I want to assure you that very soon, something will be done in that regard”.
Speaking on the concerted efforts to turn around the the Federal Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy under his watch, Oyetola noted that security had been beefed up across waterways in the country in a bid to ensure their potential are fully explored and actualised.
According to him, the ministry is committed to ensuring adequate security in all the coastal areas as part of efforts to attract more investments in the maritime sector.
Also speaking, the Aragbiji of Iragbiji, Oba Abdul-Rasheed Ayotunde Olabomi harped on continued communal unity, peaceful cohabitation and development among Nigerians.
The revered monarch who emphasised the need for communal development said it is worthy of note that his subjects have been prioritising the development of the town over the years.
He expressed profound gratitude to the sons and daughters of the town and the lovers of Iragbiji for their generous donations for the growth and development of the town just as he assured that the funds would be judiciously used for the goodness of the town.

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