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Osun communal crisis: Adeleke reduces full day curfew to 12 hours in Ifon, Ilobu

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Osun state Governor Ademola Adeleke has directed that the 24-hour curfew imposed on the two warring communities, Ifon and Ilobu be reduced to 12 hours.

According to a statement made available by the Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Kolapo Alimi, the curfew would now run between 6am and 6pm daily.

The Governor’s latest directive was anchored on the good compliance to last week Saturday’s peace agreement signed by the communities in both Orolu and Irepodun local governments to bury their hatchets and embrace a lasting peace over the communal clashes.

He maintained his earlier directive of taking complete possession by his administration, of the disputed lands until when the imbroglio is finally seen to have been amicably brought to an end by the natives.

The statement read: “Based on the recent Peace Agreement signed by Ifon and Ilobu Communities of Orolu and Irepodun local governments respectively, the administration of Senator Ademola Adeleke is happy to state that the two communities are gradually embracing the need to engender peace and harmony, forthwith.

“Premised on this, His Excellency, Senator Ademola Adeleke, the Executive Governor of Osun State in his capacity as the Chief Security Officer of the state, has relaxed the 24 hour curfew to 12 hours daily, beginning from 6am to 6pm with immediate effect.

“That the Joint Security Task Force comprising of the Nigeria Army, Police and Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps and other security agents should however, continue their normal 24 hour surveillance of both Ifon, Ilobu and Olokanla communities.

“That the good people of the two local governments should go about their businesses without any fear or apprehension anymore as their security are guaranteed with the eagle eyed security personnel in place.

“That, anyone or group of persons found or caught doing or instigating any act, knowingly or unknowingly, to mortgage the lasting peace being currently envisioned in the warring communities would be made to face the music, via necessary prosecution, in line with the dictate of the law of Nigeria.

“That, Governor Ademola Adeleke, for the umpteenth time, appreciates the resolve of the leadership and people of the warring communities to embrace peace.

“That, the present administration under the executive watch of H.E Senator Ademola Adeleke holds unity and peaceful co-existence of the people of Ifon, Ilobu and Olakanla sacrosanct, just as it holds it for the entire villages, towns and cities of the state of the living string; and

“That, Osun State government, once again, sympathizes with the families of victims of the communal clashes.”

For a better society

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