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No prepaid meters, no payment, Mushin residents tell EKEDC

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Hundreds of Mushin residents have called on Eko Electricity Distribution Company, EKEDC to provide them with prepaid meter or make charging not more than N4,000 per house, saying failure to comply would mean no further payment to the company.

The residents made known their grievances through a communique issued at the end of a meeting between the residents and their representatives, Hon. Bolaji Yusuf Ayinla and Hon. Olayiwola Sobur popularly referred to as ‘Omititi.’

The meeting, which took place at Mushin Local Government Secretariat, was to find amicable resolution to the alleged extortions and harassments of residents of the area by EKEDC.

Speaking on behalf of the community, the Secretary of the Citizens Group, Mr Osinowo Adekunle, narrated their ordeals in the hands of the Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC), saying that the electricity company disconnected the Daleko Market for about one year.

Adekunle explained that the electricity company went ahead to arrest youths who severally complained against the poor services by the electricity company.

He added : “The EKEDC came up with a prank by arresting two old man and woman accusing the duo of beating up officials of their company. They went to the home of Mr Muniru Lawal at 14, Yusuf Street, Papa Ajao. Baba and Mama are of age 78 and 76. The two old citizens were arrested and arraigned in the court and thereafter sent to Kirikiri prison for doing nothing. How can EKEDC claim the two old citizens beat up its official?”

Adekunle stated that the solution to the over billing was a distribution of prepaid meters in all the houses in the constituency, saying that if the electricity company fails to distribute prepaid meters in the constituency, the community would not be paying more than four thousand per building.

The Secretary however, reeled out the resolutions of the community which includes distribution of prepaid meters, cancellation of all accumulated bills in the community, reconnection of Daleko and Amu Plank Markets.

Also included in the resolutions are that there should not be any isolated areas in darkness rather all areas in the constituency should be disconnected and that police officers should not accompany EKEDC officials while embarking on their official duties.

He added that all their transformers should be attached to certificated meters and that the certificated meters must be read every month to determine the actual usage.

Also, speaking with journalists, the  Chairman of Mushin Local government, Hon. Emmanuel Bamgboye, disclosed that the local government had made efforts to resolve their challenges, saying that there was a time he led the residents on protest to the House of Assembly to express their dissatisfaction.

Bamgboye stated further that it was clear that the EKEDC finds it difficult to provide the services expected of them, stressing that the Minister of Power had promised the community the distribution of prepaid meters.

The facilitator of the meeting, Hon. Omtiti who is representing Mushin constituency II said during his welcime address that “my office has received series of complaints and petitions from my constituents in respect of EKEDC and its officials bothering on issues of lack of adequate pre-paid metres, crazy and estimated d billings.

“The objective of this interactive meeting is to provide a platform for stakeholders to deliberate on the challenges facing by consumers in Mushin and provide practical solutions at addressing the issue,” he said.

Also speaking, the House of Reps member, Hon. Ayinla popularly called BYA assured the residents that he would table the matter before the Lower Chamber in Abuja.

He also said the minister of Power, Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola has given assurance to look into it, saying however that the current electioneering was causing the delay.

For a better society

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