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Ed-el-Kabir: Uzodimma lavishes gifts on Muslim community in Imo

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… Raps Muslims on love, sacrifice, kindness


Governor Hope Uzodimma of Imo State on Friday put the Muslim community in Imo in celebration mood for the Ed- el- Kabir, giving them two cows and two truck loads of 50 kilograms of rice to the admiration of their leaders.


In the Governor’s message to our Muslim brothers and sisters, he admonished them to emulate all the good virtues of Prophet Mohammed that include love for one another, sacrifice, peaceful co-existence with neighbours, kindness among others.


In demonstrating his love for our Muslim brothers and sisters the Governor presented  600 bags of rice and two live cows to those of them in Imo State.


Represented by the Chief of Staff, Barr Nnamdi Anyaehie, Governor Uzodimma  said the gift is a way of extending the government’s and Imo people’s warmest felicitations and goodwill to our Muslim brothers and sisters in the State and for them to know that “Nigerians are one and that the major religions are  also the same.”


Anyaehie said: “The Governor very much appreciates the Muslims that are living in Imo State and sees every citizen of Imo State, be them  Christians or Muslims as one and should live in harmony, unity and be our brothers keepers.


“Most importantly, the Governor feels that we should love one another bearing in mind that both religions have co-existed for a long time.


“Since the Muslims celebrate with Christians during the Christmas and Easter, it is equally right and proper that Christians should celebrate with them this time.”


Receiving the gift items, the Sariki Hausawa in Imo State, Alhaji Auwalu Baba Saidu Suleiman said “it is not the first time His Excellency, Senator Hope Uzodimma, the Governor of Imo State is giving palliative and gifts to the Muslims Umrah during their Salah celebrations.”


He expressed the gratitude of the Muslim community in Imo to the Governor and described Uzodimma as “a man who has shown that he is detribalised and does not segregate.”


He prayed that Allah should make  Governor Uzodimma’s tenure the best in Imo State.


On the significance of the celebration,  the Saraki Hassan said that it is to emulate the sacrifice Prophet Abraham made to Almighty Allah when he asked him to use his son to make sacrifice to him.


Furthermore, he said that while some Muslims travelled on pilgrimage to Mecca, others who could not make it show appreciation by slaughtering rams as sacrifice to Almighty Allah.


The  entire Muslim Community In Imo State which include the Hausas, the Oba of Yaruba in Imo State, the Chairman and Secretary of the Hausa Community in Imo State and other leaders were around to receive the gifts.


The Chief of Staff was assisted at the presentation by the Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Hon. Declan Emelumba, the Deputy Chief of Staff,  Barr. Emeka Agbo, the Chief Press Secretary/Media Adviser, Chief Oguwike Nwachuku and other members of the State Expanded Executive Council.


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