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NGO calls for urgent measures to tackle irregular migration, advocates youth empowerment

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A non-governmental organisation, called the Blacks Ancestral Native Communities (BANC) Foundation, has called on Nigeria and other African governments to adopt more effective and proactive strategies to address the root causes of irregular migration.


It also expressed concern over what it termed as the harrowing experiences faced by many African youths during dangerous migration journeys, stating that despite the tragedies, a significant number of youths continue to embark on perilous migration routes.


The NGO further highlighted the inadequacy of current efforts aimed at discouraging the hazardous journey and emphasized the need for better alternatives for the youths.


It called on countries with high rates of irregular migration to establish safer and more transparent regular migration pathways to protect individuals from exploitation, human trafficking, modern slavery, and, in extreme cases, death.


The Founder and Chief Executive Officer of BANC Foundation, Dr. Chibuzor Ephraim Onyeama who made the call at the Anti-Irregular Migration Summit tagged: “Japa Conundrum”, organised by the NGO on Thursday in Abuja, said the summit was put together to speak to the issues and proffer solutions that will effectively curb the menace.


Onyema further stressed the need for African governments to address pressing issues like poverty, unemployment, insecurity, political instability, and poor educational quality—challenges that push citizens to seek opportunities abroad.


He described irregular migration as a “profound human tragedy” and highlighted the dangers many face, including exploitation, organ trafficking, and fatal journeys across the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea.


The founder urged governments to prioritize creating environments where young people can thrive and called for enhanced awareness campaigns about the life-threatening risks of irregular migration.


He said “Community leaders, religious institutions, and civil society organizations play a critical role in addressing irregular migration.


“They should actively promote regular migration pathways and collaborate with governments on youth empowerment programs.”


He added that countries that are popular destinations for migrants must create safer, more transparent regular migration pathways to reduce reliance on dangerous, irregular routes often controlled by traffickers and criminal networks.


Onyeama stressed that stronger international collaboration is essential to combat human trafficking syndicates and protect vulnerable migrants.


He, at the summit, unveiled BANC Foundation’s initiative: STARCARE, meant to curb irregular migration. This initiative focuses on Sensitization, Training, Advocacy, Rehabilitation, Campaigns, Advisory, Reintegration, and Empowerment to provide viable alternatives for potential migrants.


“We must prevent our youths from embarking on these perilous journeys that put their lives at risk,” Onyeama stressed. “Migration, when pursued through legal channels, can unlock opportunities, but irregular routes often close doors permanently.”


On his part, BANC Foundation Chairman, Sani Bako, noted that while the causes of irregular migration differ from country to country, corruption remains a common underlying factor across Africa.


He emphasized the importance of collective action in addressing this pressing issue.”This marks a significant milestone in our efforts to address one of the most pressing issues of our time: irregular migration. It has negative consequences for both the sending and receiving countries, as well as the individuals involved,” Bako said.


He called on all stakeholders, including embassies, governments, NGOs, and international organizations, to collaborate actively to combat irregular migration and its wide-ranging consequences. BANC is committed to strengthening border control, implementing effective asylum systems, and addressing the root causes of migration while promoting regular migration channels and skills development programs.


“Our mission is grounded in compassion, justice, and solidarity. We recognize the courage and resilience of migrants, and we are committed to amplifying their voices,”


Bako added. “Through research, advocacy, and community engagement, BANC will work tirelessly to prevent human trafficking, support migrant integration, and promote international cooperation.”


Also, the guest lecturer, Dr. Anthony Chibo, emphasized that irregular migration is a crisis that must be tackled from its root causes to prevent Nigeria from further decline. He revealed that over 1.3 million Nigerians had migrated in the last five years, with many lives lost, yet these numbers are often underreported.


“Out of every five irregular migrants, only one reaches their destination. We do not know the fate of two, and the remaining two are likely trapped in slavery, particularly in Libya,” Chibo lamented.


To address this issue, Chibo proposed enhancing entrepreneurial skills, harnessing technology and innovation, and strengthening educational systems as long-term solutions.


In the same vein, Kenyan lawyer and activist, Prof. Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba, delivering the keynote address, expressed regret that African countries have failed to make meaningful progress even decades after independence from colonialism.


Lumumba stressed that a change in mindset is essential to addressing irregular migration. He called for reforms in African politics, creating opportunities in agriculture, and developing clear policy guidelines, research, and innovation.


“African politics is in dire need of reform. Good governance creates the oxygen that the economy needs to breathe. When the economy breathes, opportunities arise,” he stated. “We must create an environment where young men and women can thrive. Without addressing these systemic issues, the problem of irregular migration will persist.”


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