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We are committed to supporting initiatives that foster robust, Independent ,responsible press – Kefas

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Emmanuel Awari-Jalingo


Taraba State Governor, Dr. Agbu Kefas has express his administration support to the Media.


The Governor represented by his Deputy, Alhaji Aminu Alkali stated this during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Radio Nigeria News Summit held at the Patient event center, Jalingo.


He said that  the 2024 Radio Nigeria News Summit, hosted right  in the heart of Taraba State is a great pride to Jalingo, a city known for its hospitality and rich cultural heritage.


“This summit, centered on the theme “News Production in a Transitional Media Landscape,” comes at a pivotal time in our nation’s history.


“As we navigate an era marked by rapid technological advancements, shifting audience expectations, and evolving journalistic practices, the role of news production has never been more crucial.


“Today, we are called not only to reflect on these changes but also to embrace the opportunities they present.


“The media landscape we operate in today is vastly different from what it was just a decade ago.


“The rise of digital platforms has redefined how news is gathered, reported, and consumed.


“Traditional boundaries have blurred, and with that, the responsibilities of news producers have expanded.


“In this transitional period, the core principles of journalism—truth, accuracy, and fairness—must remain our guiding lights.


“But we must also innovate, adapt, and find new ways to connect with our audiences.


“In Taraba State, we understand the power of the media in shaping public opinion, informing governance, and strengthening democracy.


“We are committed to supporting initiatives that foster a robust, independent, and responsible press.


“The news we produce today will shape the narratives of tomorrow, and it is incumbent upon us to ensure that these narratives are truthful, balanced, and reflective of our shared values.


“As we embark on the discussions and deliberations that this summit promises, I urge all participants to think critically about the challenges we face in this transitional media landscape.


“Let us explore how we can leverage new technologies while safeguarding the integrity of our profession.


“Let us consider how we can meet the demands of a diverse and ever-evolving audience without compromising on journalistic standards.


“And above all, let us reaffirm our commitment to delivering news that empowers, educates, and unites our people.


“On behalf of the government and people of Taraba State, I extend my deepest gratitude to the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria for choosing Jalingo as the host city for this significant event.


“Your presence here is a testament to our collective dedication to advancing the field of journalism in Nigeria.


“It is now my distinct honor to declare the 2024 Radio Nigeria News Summit officially open.


“May our discussions be fruitful, our insights profound, and our resolutions impactful – he said.


Earlier in his remarks, the Director General of FRCN, Mohammed Bulama, express his profound appreciation to  Governor Agbu Kefas for gracious agreeing to Host the FRCN News Summit in Jalingo.


“For me it is both an honor and a privilege to address this distinguished  gathering holding today in Taraba State, “Natures Gift to the Nation” and i say without any fear of contradiction that this pivotal News Summit, is taking place in Jalingo, under the able Stewardship of his Excellency Dr Agbu Kefas who can best be described as God’s Gift to Taraba State.


“And so, I strongly believe that the choice of Taraba State can best be described as divine, and Insha Allah the deliberations of this Summit, will come up very positive recommendations that will help reposition the FRCN.


“The theme of this News Summit—”News Production in a Transitional Media Landscape like Nigeria”—sets the stage for a critical and timely discussion.


“Since I assumed leadership of the FRCN 9 months ago i have been struck by the collective energy and expertise of the men and women within the organization and the enormous contributions they have continued to make in the broadcast industry.


“During my speech the day i took over office i promised a relentless  pursuit of the reposition the FRCN by improving its content and deploy cutting edge Technology in its operations, as well as training and retraining the rich and talented human capital resource within corporation, all targeted at making Radio Nigeria the most preffered radio not only in the Country but within the Continent.


“Today, the FRCN stands at the intersection of tradition and transformation, a juncture that is as challenging as it is exciting.


“Nigeria, with its vibrant and dynamic media landscape, provides the perfect backdrop for this exploration of how the FRCN can adapt and thrive in the face of change foisted on us by the digital, knowledge driven world that we live in.


According to him, in the last few decades, the media environment in Nigeria has undergone seismic shifts.


“The advent of digital technologies, the rise of social media, and the evolving preferences of audiences have all contributed to a landscape that is in constantly changing.


“These changes present both opportunities and challenges for news production, and it is our collective responsibility to navigate this transition with vision and resilience.


“First, we must acknowledge the monumental role of technology in reshaping news production.


“The rise of digital platforms has democratized information dissemination, allowing stories to reach audiences instantly and across the globe.


“But with this speed comes the challenge of ensuring accuracy and credibility.


“Our duty as news producers of a public broadcaster like Radio Nigeria is not merely to be fast, but to be precise, responsible, credible and ethical in our reporting.


“In Nigeria, where diverse voices and perspectives abound, our challenge is to harness these technologies to amplify the truth and provide a balanced view of events.


“We must leverage data analytics and artificial intelligence to understand our audiences better, tailor our content to their needs, and engage with them in meaningful ways. The tools are at our disposal, but it is the thoughtful application of these tools that will set us apart.


“Secondly, as Radio Nigeria, we must confront the evolving nature of audience expectations.


The DG said that Nigerian audiences are increasingly seeking more than just news.


“They want context, insight, and engagement.


He pointed out that Nigerians  primary constituency are no longer passive recipients of information but active participants in the news cycle.


“This shift demands that we rethink our approach to storytelling, making it more interactive, immersive, and responsive.

Engaging with our audience goes beyond just delivering news.


“It involves building trust and fostering dialogue. We must strive to create platforms where conversation can flourish, where diverse opinions are welcomed, and where transparency is not just an ideal but a practice.


“The transition to digital media has transformed revenue models and disrupted traditional funding sources.

In Nigeria, where economic challenges has further complicate this landscape, it is crucial that we innovate in how we finance and sustain quality journalism.


“Diversification, creative partnerships, and a renewed focus on digital monetization strategies will be essential for our continued success.


He  emphasize on the importance of professional development and ethical standards.


“In a rapidly changing media environment, continuous learning and adherence to the highest ethical standards are non-negotiable.


“We must invest in training our journalists, embracing new skills, and reinforcing our commitment to integrity and fairness.


“This explains the on going plans by FRCN Management under my watch to upgrade the National Broadcast Academy, in the curriculum, and facilities.


The DG said that the transition we are experiencing in Nigeria’s media landscape presents both challenges and an opportunities.


“It is up to us each one of us in this room—to lead with innovation, to uphold the principles of responsible journalism, and to seize this moment to redefine the future of news production within the FRCN.


“On our part as management, we shall strive to provide you with the very best in infrastructure, equipment and ICT facilities and other work tools, as well as provide a more conducive work place environment for you to perform optimally and effectively and realise your career goals/fulfilment.


“As we embark on this journey together, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to truth, to our audiences, and to each other.


“The future of news production in Nigeria is bright, and I am confident that, through our collective efforts, we will continue to shape a media landscape that is both dynamic and dignified and together make Radio Nigeria the most credible and most perfered source of News and entertainment in Nigeria.


He appreciated  Governor Agbu Kefas, the Government and People of Taraba State, for not only the warm hospitality by accepting to host them to carry out their satutory responsibilty, but for remaining a valued partner of our Corporation.


“We look forward with exicitment to further collaborating and synergizeing with you in a robust manner in serving our fatherland, in keeping with our motto of “Uplift the People and Uniting the Nation – he concluded.

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