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Gov. Fubara to partner Austrian Govt in agriculture, educational devt.

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… Plans to revamp Rivers State Fire Service


Emmanuel Nlewedum, Port Harcourt

Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara has accepted the partnership gesture offered by the Austrian government in improving healthcare service delivery, agriculture and quality education for people of the state.


Fubara gave the nod for the deal after a closed door meeting with the Austrian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr  Thomas Schlesinger at the Rivers State Government House, Port Harcourt on Friday.


A statement signed by Governor Fubara’s media aide, Boniface Onyedi said the Ambassador was in company of a delegation of an Austrian company, Avsatel Communications Limited, which was seeking partnership between the Rivers State tertiary institutions and an Austrian University in delivering quality health education.


The governor disclosed that from the expertise of Avsatel, the state government will further engage the company to revamp the State Fire Service to be more responsive to the needs of Rivers people.


Speaking to newsmen after the meeting, Mr. Thomas Schlesinger, Austrian Ambassador to Nigeria said they discussed on areas of mutual partnership, which includes collaboration between Austrian Universities and Rivers State owned tertiary institutions for global training in health education.


He further noted that the state has also agreed to engage the expertise of Avsatel Communications in transportation technology, especially in areas of providing expertise in the installation and use of air traffic management systems as well as revamping the State owned Fire Service.


Former governor of Rivers State, Dr. Peter Odili who was part of the closed door meeting said there are lots of potentials in the State that Governor Fubara is harnessing to advance the fortunes of Rivers people.


Odili explained that a new level of collaboration was explored in the education sector that will encourage shared experience, exchange of programmes and making it possible for Rivers State and Austria to move into the future in the area of medical education.

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