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Economic woes: NLC suspends protest, extends ultimatum by 7 days

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.Urges FG to quickly address hunger, hardship

. Massive turn-out as workers begin protests in Abuja, Lagos, Kogi, Anambra, Ondo, other states

.As Falana seeks Social Security Bill

.Restore wage award to cushion hardship, Soludo urged

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Akor Sylvester, Abuja,

Victor Duruamaku Owerri ,

Emmanuel Nlewedum, Port Harcourt,

Ibrahim Quadri ,Lagos


Joseph Okwuofu, Ibadan.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has suspended the continuation of its two-day protest and extended its ultimatum given to the federal government to implement the agreement by 7 more days.

It said the suspension of the protest was as a result of the success it recorded in Tuesday’s rally, while the extension of the ultimatum was to give more room for government to implement the agreements signed with it.

The congress however, said the nationwide action will continue Wednesday with simultaneous Press Conferences across all the states of the federation by the state Councils of the Congress including the National Headquarters.

The statement of the congress signed by the president, Joe Ajaero and the acting secretary, Ismail Bello at the end of its National Executive Council (NEC) reads:

“The NEC of Congress in session on Friday 16th 2024, ordered a 2-Day Nationwide Protest to join Nigerians in demonstrating outrage over the massive suffering and hunger facing the masses and workers as a result of the policies of the government to hike the price of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) and float the Naira.

“The NEC-in-session therefore reviewed the execution of the first day of the nationwide protest to assess its effectiveness and take decision on further necessary action to guide Congress in its effort at engaging government to protect the people and Nigerian workers from the increasing scourge of hardship.

“To this end, NEC commended Nigerians, all NLC affiliates, state Councils, Workers and Civil Society Allies across the Nation for trooping out in large numbers to peacefully demonstrate their outrage on the hardship imposed by the government and its twin altars – the IMF and the World Bank.

“NEC also deeply appreciates Nigerian workers and masses for sending a strong message to the powers that be on their united resolve to demand accountability from those who occupy positions of leadership in our nation. It believed that the message has strongly resonated.

Consequently, NEC-in-session resolved as follows:

“To suspend street action for the second day of the Protest having achieved

overwhelming success thus attained the key objectives of the two-day protest on the first day.

“However, nationwide action continues tomorrow with simultaneous Press Conferences across all the states of the federation by the state Councils of the Congress including the National Headquarters.

“To reaffirm and extend the 7-day ultimatum by another 7 days which now expires on the 13th day of March, 2024 within which the Government is expected to implement all the earlier agreement of the 2nd day of October, 2023 and other demands presented in our letter during today’s nationwide protest.

“To meet and decide on further lines of action if on the expiration of the 14 days Government refuses to comply with the demands as contained in the ultimatum.

“Once again, NEC recommits the NLC to continuing defending and promoting the interests and desires of Nigerian workers and the downtrodden masses”.

.Urges FG to quickly address hunger, hardship


However, Activities at the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) were held to stand-still Tuesday, as Nigerian workers under the umbrella of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) trooped out to protest high cost of living, insecurity, inflation and hunger in the country.

As early as 7: 30 am, workers stormed the headquarters of NLC with the energy in them to register their grievances and pain over the situation in the country caused by what they described as inhuman and unfriendly policies of the present administration of President Bola Tinubu.

The workers were visibly seen with different inscriptions such as, “Tax the rich, subsidise the poor”, “make our local refineries work, stop subsidy”, “Nigerians are hungry, bring down the price of rice, food items”, “honour labour agreements”, “IMF, World Bank stop dictating to Nigerian government”, “Where are the CNG buses”, Politicians, stop chasing our rice”, and so on as they moved from NLC headquarters through the federal secretariat to the National Assembly.

Addressing protesters during the rally, the president of the NLC, Joe Ajaero said the federal government failed to provide the immediate palliatives it promised to reduce the sufferings of the mases, urging it to tackle hunger and economic hardship associated with high cost of living in the country.

He said, “we are here for a rally, we are here to tell the federal government that Nigerians are hungry.

“The rally is also to make Mr President to know how Nigerians feels, we know where it is pinching us.

“We are also out to do a protest and to register before Nigerians, the level of suffering  and that there is  hunger in the land.

“We want to call on the federal government to immediately address the issue of hunger in the country.

“There is nobody that does not know that a bag of rice is over N70, 000 or more, we cannot buy Indomie and bread is out of reach, and with N30, 000 minimum wage, if you eat a loaf of bread everyday, you will be spending over N40,000,”.

Ajaero said that the primary purpose of governance had always been the welfare and security of the citizens, and therefore, it should be awake to its responsibility.

The congress president stated that government must rise up to its responsibility of implementing the welfare provisions as contained in Chapter Two of the Constitution of-the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).

He maintained that, among the key welfare provisions is the generation of employment opportunities for citizens through massive investment in agriculture and value-added manufacturing.

Ajaero further noted that to address issues of hunger, government should immediately provide subsidies to farmers to boost agricultural production and food security.

He however, urged the government to open all food storage and enforce equitable distribution across the country.

He also said efforts must be geared towards fixing abandoned factories and revival of the local production and patronage of Made-in-Nigeria goods and services.

He maintained that the fixing of the four refineries have become germane and a matter of urgent national priority.

He stated that electricity and water should be made available, affordable and accessible to all citizens, owing to the dire situation in the country.

According to him, “we want government to invest massively in road-rail infrastructure and social housing.

“There is urgent need for deployment of cheap mass transportation, buses powered by CNG to ease the crisis of transportation for the poor people.

“Government must put an end to further privatisation and liberalization of the economy and take control of the commanding heights of the line with the Nigerian Constitution.

“Go after the oil subsidy cabal and other economic saboteurs instead of helpless Nigerians, put a stop to all dollarization of the Nigerian economy.

“They must also put a stop to wasteful spending and profligacy in government; proper and adequate funding of education and health care at all levels, among others of our demands,”.

For government to have the issues on black and white, Ajaero presented a letter containing 17-point demands of the Congress.

While receiving the letter, Sen. Diket  Plang, Chairman, Senate Committee on  Employment, Labour and Profuctivity commended workers for the peaceful protest.

Plang said that the. NASS would do its best to ensure the quick passage of the minimum wage when implemented, adding that labour demands would be looked into.


.NLC Protest Peaceful, Successful in Imo


Owerri: The Nationwide protest organized by the Nigerian Labour Congress( NLC) to protest against the current economic hardship confronting Nigerians was peaceful and successful in Imo


Workers and other stakeholders in the struggle  guided by the police from the state command,  led by the state chairman of the Congress, Comrd  Chigaemzu Uche assembled at the Labour House in Owerri the state capital at about 8am Tuesday, and matched to Government House Owerri


The Chief of staff to the  state Governor, Brr. Nnamdi Anyaehie on behalf of the Governor, received the protesting workers who handed over their protest letter to him for the Governor


The protest letter explained that the workers were protesting against the economic hardship confronting Nigerians especially Nigerian workers


However, receiving the letter for the Governor, the Chief of staff, Brr Anyaehie, promised to pass the letter to the Governor, Hope Uzodimma whom he promised would send it to the presidency


He noted that the current economic situation in the country today and it’s effect on Nigerian workers did not originate from the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu but from the previous administration in the country


He commended the Congress for it’s peaceful way the protest was held and called for more understanding believing that the present administration of Bola Tinubu would serve Nigerians well


However, before moving to the Government House, the workers were addressed by the state publicity secretary of the Congress and the state Chairman of the Nigerian Union of Journalists, (NUJ),Imo state council,  Comrd Ifeanyi Neanguma



He urged the workers to be guided by the decision of the Congress leadership both at the national and state le


Also, the Rivers State chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), on Tuesday joined the nationwide protest declared by the national leadership of the union, against  economic hardship and insecurity in the country.

The workers marched through major roads of Port Harcourt down to the Rivers State Government House to register their  displeasure and grievances over the hardship and sufferings of the people occasioned by the poor policies of Federal government.

The leader of the protesters and NLC Chairman in the State, Comrade Alex Agwanwor, noted that two Federal Government economic policies instigated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were responsible for the untold hardships facing Nigerians.

“We recall that two policies of the Federal Government are responsible for the unprecedented economic downturn facing millions of Nigerians, the first is the president’s inauguration declaration, fuel subsidy is gone, the impact of that policy has brought about the hike in the price of refined petroleum products, especially premium motor spirit.


“The second is the foreign currency exchange rate floatation policy which has brought about massive depreciation of the Naira.  We understand that these policies were at the instance of the International Monetary Fund and the World bank.”


Addressing the protesters, Governor Siminalayi Fubara expressed confidence in President Bola Tinubu’s ability to address the concerns raised by the organized labour and alleviate their apprehensions.


Fubara, represented by the Head of the Rivers State Civil Service, Dr. George Nwaeke, underscored that the grievances outlined by the protesters primarily fell within the purview of the federal government.


The Governor said acknowledgment of the labour union’s concerns underscored a dialogue-driven approach to addressing the challenges faced by workers amidst ongoing economic uncertainties.


He affirmed the significance of the issues raised and reiterated his commitment to prioritizing the welfare of workers in the state.


He said, “To all who listened to every presentation of the labour leader as it is being read out, we can find out none is local, not originating from local source here. They are all national issues and we have hope in the Renewed Hope Agenda of the federal government.


Governor Fubara further assured the protesters that his administration remained committed to alleviating the economic hardships faced by the people of Rivers State.


He highlighted initiatives such as the provision of palliative buses in response to the fuel subsidy removal and the ongoing development of 20,000 housing units for low-income earners.


Additionally, Governor Fubara emphasized his administration’s dedication to improving the welfare of civil servants, citing measures such as the employment of 10,000 youths into the state civil service, promotions, and the provision of bonuses.


In Lagos, Members of the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC , Lagos state chapter, on Tuesday urged President Bola Tinubu to wipe away masses’ tears over the economic hardship prevalent in the country.


The protesters who were also joined by some Civil Society Organizations presented a letter of resolutions to the House of Assembly, for Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu for final submission to the President.


The protesters, comprising of representatives of various unions in their hundreds marched from Ikeja under bridge to Alausa Secretariat.


The leaders of the protesters, stopped at interval to address passers-by and motorists, who were held in traffic jam as a result of the protest march.


The national body of the NLC had announced a two-day protest against hardship and hunger affecting workers and Nigerians in general.


A human rights activist and senior lawyer, Mr Femi Falana, led the peaceful demonstration to Alausa.


Falana said provision of palliatives is not enough to address the economic challenges facing Nigerians.


He said that the government should rather address youth unemployment, and called on the state to put in place a law on social security


“We want a bill for social security in the state, and if Lagos can start, other states will be compelled to follow suit.


“It is no longer enough to give palliatives; it must be on a permanent basis, and that is why a social security bill must be passed by the house in the interest of our people,” he said.


Falana said: “What you have done today is a major victory in the annals of our history.


“The Attorney-General of the Federation wrote to the police that what you are doing today will be contemptuous of court. We replied the government on behalf of NLC that there is nothing contemptuous in enforcing your rights.


“In this particular instance, you insisted on your rights and that is why the Inspector-General of Police came out today,” he said.


Speaking with newsmen, he said, “We can’t continue to implement neo-liberal policies that ‘ll further impoverished our people.


“Nigerians must continue to protect their right. Nigerians have the right to complain and assembly peacefully and demonstrate in line with the provisions of the constitution.


“I am so delighted to see Nigerians and the the Civil Society Organisations made the point that we are a free people.


“We are agitating that the destructive policies of iMF and World Bank should be dropped.The Federal Government should dialogue with labour unions and other stakeholders to tie the fate of our country.


“We can not continue to implement neo-liberal policies that will further impoverished our people.”


NLC state Chairman, Comrade Funmi Sessi, while addressing members of the House, presented the letter to the speaker and clerk of the House.


Sessi called on members of the House of Assembly to amend bills that will improve the living conditions of residents.


“We hope that you are going to help us pass our message to the governor of Lagos State.


“We want the governor to come out tomorrow to address us because we will be at the assembly again to continue our protest, “ she said.


“We want the state of our dilapidated roads fixed. Today is Just the beginning, tomorrow we will come out again.


We have restricted this protest march to only few members of our unions. If we ask every union to bring out their members this place will not even contain us talkless of Nigerians.


“This peaceful rally, we want the President to hear that Nigerians are hungry. The center can no longer hold. We are hungry and angry. And we don’t want to be pushed to the wall.


“We want government policies to be the positive that will bring great relief to generality of the people.


“With the escalated prices of services and goods this is enough. But we still believe in this country, we don’t want this country to go down but we want our leaders to wake up because successive governments have done enough damage.


“But Mr President knows that the office is a continuous one and the challenges ahead of him was daunting. He took the job and said he will wipe away our tears.


“During his campaign he promised us to “Fokan Bale” (relax), we can no longer “fokan Bale,” again.


“The only solution to fokan Bale is to quickly without wasting time do the needful on stomach infrastructure.


“The government should deploy to all the constituencies, local governments, state councils, markets, churches, Mosques, everywhere to deploy food items. People are dying of hunger.”


The Lagos State House of Assembly Speaker, Rt Hon Mudashiru Obasa, represented by Majority Leader, Hon Noheem Adams, noted that the state government was already working to implement the relief measures as rolled out few days ago by Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu,assuring that government will be take into consideration their demands.


According to Obasa; “We will pass your resolution to the governor to roll out permanent palliatives to the people of the state.


“About six days ago, the Governor of Lagos State, Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu, rolled palliatives, such as reduction in Bus Rapid Transit, BRT, fares and other ones.


“Also special committee has been inaugurated to ensure implementation. By the grace of God, we are assuring you that things will get shaped in Lagos, in particular and Nigeria, in general.


“On the issue of Falana that mentioned about social security and employment bill, we will look into it and something be done about it.


“Secondly, on the leadership of the NLC, you will acknowledge Lagos is one of the safest state in terms of security in Nigeria. We are passionate on the issue of creating a state police. Lagos State is ready.”


Meanwhile, Workers in Anambra have called for the restoration of the wage award, designed to cushion the effect of the withdrawal of fuel subsidy.


According to Mr Humphery Nwafor, Anambra State Chairman of NLC, the removal of the wage award by Gov. Chukwuma Soludo, increased sufferings of workers and the masses at large.


Nwafor was speaking on Tuesday to a large gathering of workers in Awka, the Anambra state capital, who trooped out to comply with a two-day protest declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) over the high cost of living.


The protesters converged and moved from Aroma junction to the Government House in Awka, to register their displeasure over the rising cost of living and economic hardship.


Nwafor said “Gov. Soludo had introduced the wage award of N12,000 per worker in September, and said it would last for four months. “The Governor should not have removed the wage award, when the hardship that occasioned its introduction has not abated


. “So, we are appealing that the wage be returned to help cope with the current hardship,” he said. Nwafor said: “We are marching peacefully against government policies that have meted hardship on the entire citizenry, not only the workers. “There is hunger in the land. Workers cannot pay their house rents nor can they afford their children’s school fees and their wages can no more take them home.

.Tax the Rich, subsidize the poor, Ondo NLC urges Tinubu

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) in Ondo State on Tuesday aligned with their colleagues nationwide to demand an end to the pains, hunger and hardship being faced by the Nigerian masses under President Bola Tinubu’s watch.


The labour leaders led the protest on the streets of Akure, walked down to the Alagbaka governor’s office, Akure.


They pointed out that it was high time for President Tinubu to “tax the rich and subsidize the poor” to end the rising cost of living and hardship in the country.


Prospective protesters armed with placards bearing different inscriptions were escorted by armed Police Officers and the men of the State Security Service (SSS).


Victor Amoko, state chairman of NLC, who led the protestors, said their demonstration on the street became necessary in the face of the economic hardship being suffered by Nigerians under the government of Tinubu.


Amoko lamented that Nigerians are facing untold hardship following the bad economic policies of the Federal Government, noting that the situation was getting worse with the rising cost of essential commodities and goods in the country.


“We have tried every possible means to get the government to listen to us but it seems this is the only language that they want to understand.


“So, we are here to press further and tell the federal government that the entire citizens of the country are suffering. There is hunger and poverty in the land. We have made our demand known and part of it is, that we are saying No to hunger.


“Let the government reject IMF and World Bank Policy, so that the entire citizens will also have a breathing space.


The NLC leader said “government should tax the rich and subsidize the poor. Fix local refinery too and end the subsidy. Stop school fees increase.”


He vowed that the members of the NLC are prepared to resist every attempt by the federal government to subvert the will of the Nigerian masses, stressing that it is time the Tinubu led administration addresses the issue of hunger.


Addressing the labour leaders, Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa, observed that the state government felt the suffering of the masses especially the citizens of the state who are also passing through the same hardship.


Aiyedatiwa, who was represented by the State Head of Service (HoS), Mr Kayode Ogundele, said that his administration had always taken the issue of workers seriously especially with the payment of outstanding salaries and arrears.


He, however, explained that the government was unaware of what the people were going through, adding that the administration on board had always keyed into the welfare of the state workers.


“The issue of labour and workers are very critical to the governor. That is why we take your issues seriously. For some time now, we have been enjoying peace and harmony.


“This government has taken proactive steps to ensure the level of hardship is reduced by clearing the arrears of workers and It is one of the steps to keep the workforce going in the face of economic reality in the country.


“Also, the free shuttle (buses) for transports which ought to have stopped since last year December but the government decided that it should continue in the interest of the workers,” he said.


The governor further revealed that the state had also been planning to roll out the CNG busses which had already been purchased and would soon be out for use in different parts of the state.


While noting that Ondo was among the few states in the country that are paying N35,000 wage awards to workers, Governor Aiyedatiwa added that the government will continue to roll out welfare incentives for the benefit of the workforce.


“These are part of the steps the state government is taking in ensuring that our workers have a soft landing and cushioning the effect of the economic hardship in the country,” he said.

.NLC protest records high turnoutin Ibadan

The two day protest declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) on Tuesday drew hundreds of Nigerians to the streets in Ibadan, Oyo state capital , including the state governor, Engr Seyi Makinde who joined the protesters in solidarity with them.

As early as 8.40 am , the protesters could be seen in large numbers under the Mokola, Ibadan bridge roundabout , with T-shirts, and fez caps , while some were holding placards with different inscriptions calling on the government to immediately end the current hardship being experienced in the country without delay.

There was heavy presence of security agents, including the police, Civil Defense and the DSS at the Mokola Roundabout and other strategic locations to prevent breakdown of law and order.

After converging at the Mokola Roundabout, the protesters proceeded to the Agodi
NLC Secretariat located at Agodi Government Reserved Area , where they joined others who also gathered for the protest.

The protesters who chanted war songs along the roads visited Gate, Total Garden , and the state Secretariat Complex, Agodi, Ibadan , while there was heavy traffic on the road.

The state governor , Engr Seyi Makinde , while receiving the crowd of protesters at the Total Garden Roundabout, called for calm and patience , assuring that the difficult times being experienced by Nigerians will soon pass.

Makinde, who declared his support for the protesters calling for an end to hardship and hunger being experienced by the people, however, warned that the protests must be peaceful and constructive in order to achieve the desired result.

The governor said it was time for the country as a whole to come together and address the challenges and problems facing it, adding that it is, indeed, a trying period for Nigerians.

He compared the present situation with what obtained in 1989, during the days of the Structural Adjustment Programme, saying that reforms always come with consequent challenges but it has become imperative for all Nigerians to work together.

The governor also warned against generalisation that states had been doing nothing to ease the hardship, stating that Oyo State Government had been paying wage awards to workers and pensioners in the state since October 2023.

He added that the state government only recently extended the payment of the wage award by another six months to allow for the conclusion of discussions on a new minimum wage.

He said: “My message to the protesters and people of Oyo State is to simply let them know that this is a trying period for our country. It is not the time for divisive activities. We have to pull together and confront the challenges that we are faced with.

“Usually, when you are going through a period where you are trying to reform a system, there will be challenges. We saw it in 1989 during the Structural Adjustment Programme. We had riots but, at the end of the day, we still all came together to solve our problem.

“I told the NLC president that this is not the time for lies and propaganda. No one can say that no state is paying wage awards, as we have been paying it to our workers and pensioners since October 2023.

“Even, I have extended it by another six months to give us the opportunity to sit down and negotiate the minimum wage and the adjustment that will come with it.”

Assuring the protesters that he would deliver their message to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Governor Makinde appealed for calmness from the protesters, saying: “So, I have appealed to them though I know that this protest is their right. I will pass the letter they gave to me to the President.

“I know there is hunger and anger in the land, but the solution is still for us to pull together.”


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