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Normalcy returns in Anambra as security operatives intensify effort, douse attack

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Normal business activities have resumed in Anambra State following intensified efforts of the government and security operatives to secure lives and properties of citizens in the state.


Sources said that the threat alarm issued by a group of hoodlums saying they would attack Anambra on Friday last week failed to hold water.


The threat had shook the state leading to closure of businesses in the early hours of the morning  in target areas like Nnewi, Nnobi, Onitsha, Ekwulobia, Nnokwa, Ihiala, Uga, Aguata, Igbo Ukwu,, among others.


A combined team of security operatives was said to have hounded down some of the hoodlums , and in the process restoring, orderliness leading to normal business activities restoration in the state.


According to government sources there was no cause for alarm as some masked men residents saw were security operatives on routine duty.

Yesterday, business went on normally across the state, except government office, banks, schools which do not work on Saturday and Sunday.  Trading, transportation, and other private

commercial businesses went on  un-harassed in the state.


Paul Nwosu , the honorable commissioner for information

said , “reports reaching Government is that the appearance of armed masked men in Sienna buses  Friday morning in parts of Onitsha caused some panic among the people.


“Truth of the matter is that those they saw were men of  the Anambra State Vigilante Group (AVG).


“Following the mild tension and anxiety among the people, Government directed the Department of State Security (DSS) and the 302 Artillery Regiment, Onitsha to join in strengthening the patrol. He added as follows:


“Normalcy has since returned to the commercial city. Offices and shops have since reopened.


“However, a few miscreants that tried to test the resolve of Government to protect lives and property of its people have been arrested by our security agents and they’re presently providing useful information.


“Reports from Local Government Chairmen in other parts of the State reveal that people are going about their normal businesses while their local AVGs and Joint Task Forces are on red alert.


“Anambra State Government is therefore calling on Ndi Anambra to go about their legitimate businesses without fear.

“There is no cause for alarm. ”





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