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 Mazi Udochukwu George-Emenike

ABIA was created out of the former IMO State and established a State August 27, 1991.

Tracing the history of the State, the  Government House Umuahia has to date hosted eight residents as Governors at different times, of which the current democratic experiment from 1999 has had three, with the third yet there. The mantle of leadership in the period moved from one regrettable character to another.

The current Governor is Dr Okezie Ikpeazu since May 29, 2015 with Ude Oko Chukwu as His Deputy.

Before him were Frank Ojobena, the pioneer military Administrator,  1991-1992; Ogbonnaya Onu, first Executive Governor of the State 1992 – 1993; Chinyere Ike Nwosu, Military Administrator, 1993 – 1994; Temi Ejoor, Military Administrator, 1994 – 1996; Moses Fasanya, Military Administrator – 1996 – 1998; Orji Uzor Kalu, Executive Governor, 1999 – 2007; and Theodore Orji, Executive Governor, 2007 – 2015.

Orji Uzo Kalu and Theordore Orji held sway for 2 terms of 8 years each. Okezie Ikpeazu is now on his 2nd and last term of 4 years and will mandatorily vacate office next year 2023 as provided by the constitution. That will leave Abia with solid 24 years of uninterrupted democratic governance.

Abia state today has existed for about 30 years. Within this period, the State may have seen some semblance of development, but the level or quantum of development subjectively fall short of general minimum expectation.

In other words, it could be said in relative terms that Abia has remained underdeveloped when compared with other States in the region particularly if you consider the enormous human and material resources that have been at her disposal. If this is true, the big question would be, ‘why has the state not been able to maximize its potentials for commensurate infrastructural and economic development?’

Some minds have suggested that Abia was acursed; a position I strongly disagree with, but if true, who cursed Abia and why?  Why would a state, created by divine orchestration for a peculiar people who their God knew and blessed even from foundation? In history, there was a man named Balaam and he was invited by the king of a certain country – Moab, to come and curse a people blessed of their God. The name of the king was Balak. Balaam, on arrival for the assignment discovered that the people he came to curse were already divinely blessed.  Wondering how he could curse the people, he replies the king: ‘How shall I curse whom God has not cursed? And how shall I denounce whom God has not denounced’.

From the beginning, Abia was gifted with a people of unlimited capacity, full of strength like a wild ox, intelligent, resilient and above all, the brightest and finest of creative minds available in any field in Nigeria hail from Abia or their roots stem from there, yet the Abia political space remain laid bare for vultures, visionless and uninspiring political leadership displaying moonlight mediocrity in the management of our State resources. In fact every city and community, every sector and in all fronts, from Umuahia to Abriba, to Ohafia, Isuikeuato,Ukwa, Ikwuano etc, the story is same. None is spared. The experience has been a near standstill journey towards Abia dream realization. But who has done this to you my good people of Abia. How are thou forsaken, oh yee great Enyimba city, De Sam Onunaka Mbakwe seems to rumble from his grave.

On the premise of the deplorable state of things in Abia, it seems obvious that something is actually wrong but what really and where is the wrong?

Discountenancing the curse theory, another group opines that the wrong is with the political class who have over the years been in control of governance and have seen to the stunted  growth of the state.

But before we begin to apportion blames, it might be necessary to identify who constitute this political class said to have plundered our dear State. They are first bonafide Abia people. Permit me to say that they are courageous with enough confidence and boldness to dare stand out in the affairs of the State; They wanted either by commission or omission to be part of the decision making process in the State; they are part of us who chose not to be quiet but speak out to be heard; people who presented themselves to be made champions of our welfare and rulers over us.

It is immaterial here whether these people are sincere or not; it does not also matter their level of intelligence, literate or not. What counts is that they presented themselves and sought to be allowed to lead us, and we consciously said yes to them under the prevailing circumstances.

It’s however only fair to observe that this group may have conscientiously offered us leadership within the best of their ability. We may be quick to complain that they gained our mandate through deceit and promises not kept, but it only portrays their insincerity. They are neither sincere nor do they value sincerity. In other words, they cannot offer sincerity because they don’t possess any or such that relates to it. Suffice it to say that Abia political space is like a market which allows everyone access to it. It is a complex market and highly competitive. It’s about getting busier right now with all manner of people routing there to sell their wares both genuine and fake. The products are homogenous but differ only in quality and packaging. Delivery is usually promised but not guaranteed because most of the delivery agents may lack vision and road map to locate and deliver your purchase.

My argument here is that there’s nothing wrong with Abia state and the political class who have been leading us. They are in many ways not wholly to blame for our developmental woes because they have been doing their best. While their best may not be good enough and far from the minimum, it remains the best they have to offer. Are there better ways? Yes. Are there options to the leadership quality we have experienced in the State over the last 30 years? No. WHY? Because you and I who are always quick to complain, who claim superior intelligence, more educated, morally sound, sincere with good measure of empathy, have not provided a viable option  by presenting ourselves to Abia people for leadership just as those we accuse of bad governance did to have been in control all these years.

Nature abhors vacuum. That is the problem. Leadership vacuum existed; some people made themselves available to occupy it and indeed occupied it. What could possibly be wrong with that? Absolutely nothing but there is everything wrong with us and we are actually to blame.

Many of us have either been at the periphery as onlookers or at the median, indifferent about the politics of the State. We can no longer afford to remain quiet but get actively involved with a critical voice to encourage those in positions of leadership who are doing well, and criticize others by pointing out their errors. We are stakeholders in the good governance of our State, and when things are going wrong, it is our right and duty to question those whose responsibility it is to do them well. The few who are engaged actively in the affairs of the State and make decisions that affect all of us must be held accountable using any media at our disposal.

How are you impacted by the decisions of those few? Won’t you rather be part of the decisions instead of complaining from the outside? Let’s talk about issues that affect us and our future generations. We must shut the door against political jobbers, sycophants and illiterates who come into politics and governance for themselves and themselves alone, to grab power and line their pockets. Now is the time to determine the type of governance we wish to have and the kind of people we want to lead us towards where we should be headed.

The purpose of power and authority is not for personal aggrandisement but good governance and service delivery to the people.

What therefore is the way forward? We must break out of our cocoon and be involved. Speak up, show disapproval of the wrong doings and take steps to bring a change.

The first step we must collectively agree in our minds and effect with our votes is to state the minimum qualities (Not qualifications) of who should lead us going forward and vigorously pursue it as a goal across and beyond political party lines. We should focus on his person rather than his party leaning. Very key for such a person is his competence, capacity and knowledge of Abia state, the people and their needs. His track records must show him as a creative visionary person and development oriented. His disposition to improving the economy, developing our road infrastructure, healthcare, education, industry etc., must not be in doubt. Abia people want to be united as one people and only a person with capacity, brilliance and vision can point us the way to go to realize that vision.

Interestingly the most contemporary political debate in the State is the Abia charter of equity which proponents argue should determine the geographical extraction of the next governor. Never has the contest been this fierce and heated as being generated by the forthcoming 2023 gubernatorial election build-up. It’s indeed heartwarming to observe the current political consciousness of Abia people this time, which actually affirms it a common knowledge that Abia is suffering haemorrhage and requires urgent attention. However, I think the conversation is good and healthy to bring out the best in us. Therefore let the debate continue.

The main objective here is to sensitize us to go validate our PVC to vote and preach same to everyone and everywhere until it sinks into the consciousness of even the least persons in our villages and families. Teach them to understand why they must shun the next offer of a few cups of rice, garri, oil, or even money to buy their votes. If we sell our votes to them for a meal today, we loose our voices for that period. Let us intellectually and constructively start discussing ABIA state matters with a view to contributing meaningfully to its development.

Now let me put you on notice: all politicians and every public office holder in Abia, current or aspiring, that something monumentally unprecedented is about to hit the political landscape of Abia state. It is coming like a dart fired the path of our enemies to pierce and inflame their vitals. The narrative is about to change. It’s a new dawn. Abia is springing forth and the people are rising like the Lioness, and will be lifted up like a Lion which will not retreat or sleep until it has devoured its prey and drank the blood of the slain.

All of you jostling to continue business as usual in Abia state must pay attention to this and never allow your hearts incline toward or stray into that path because it leads to the place of the dead and going down it is a confirmed ticket to the chambers of death.

Mazi Udochukwu George-Emenike wrote in from Lagos

Lagos. 08033075998

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