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Ebonyi govt honours Abakaliki Catholic Bishop, Okoro.

As Umahi performs ground breaking ceremony for construction of N1.4bn twin flyovers

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From. Clement Nnachi (abakaliki


Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi State has performed the Grand Breaking Ceremony for the construction of Twin Flyovers named after the retiring Catholic Bishop of Abakaliki Diocese Dr Michael Nnachi  Okoro.


In the same vein, Umahi has restated that the South-East Governors will hold a meeting to condemn in strong terms the observance of Sit-at Home Order on weekly basis by the Five States in the region.


Speaking on the occassion held at the New Ogbe- Hausa junction along Abakaliki-Afikpo Federal Highway on Tuesday, Umahi said that the Government resolved to celebrate Dr Okoro because he symbolizes   Unity and Love for the State.


According to him. ‘We have been thinking on how to honour you, I want to thank you for the services you have rendered to us”


“The completion period of the twin Flyovers is Nine months (500 Meters), will cost between N1.2 billion to N1.4 billion”


“A lot of people have consulted Bishop Okoro and he had resolved series of misunderstanding between people ”


Umahi enumerated the merits of the Flyovers when completed stating “a lot of Lives will be saved, it will add to the beauty of the capital city abakaliki,


The State Chief Executive wondered why the cost of projects in the country was high compared to other countries.


“In Nigeria , the cost of projects is high all over the world, it is difficult for a country like that to develop,  I do not know why it cost so much to build a flyover in the country”


Umahi insisted that the sit-at Home Order by the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra was destroying the economy of the south east geo-political zone.


“Nobody should say that the south east governors are not doing anything on the issue, I want every voice to be put forward to condemn this high level of irresponsibility”


Earlier in a remarks,  Bishop Okoro commended the Ebonyi State Government for the honour done to him.


Bishop prayed God to protect and continue to Austin the citizenry in all their endeavours.


It would be recalled that Bishop Okoro would be retiring as the Head of the Catholic Diocese of Abakaliki on August 19th 2021 .

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