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Political parties not instrument of  war, Gov Otti tells Sen. Orji Uzor Kalu

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.As Abia govt sends 300 farmers to Nassarawa to learn agriculture

.’State to be digitalized’  

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Steve Unegbu, Umuahia.


The Governor of Abia State Dr. Alex Otti, has  reaffirmed his philosophy that once elections and litigations are over, partisan politics takes a back seat while governance takes front stage.


Governor Otti made this disclosure on  his Umuehim Nvosi country home in Isiala Ngwa South LGA when he played host to a former Governor of Abia State and  Senator representing the Abia North Senatorial Zone in the Red Chamber of the National Assembly Senator Orji Uzor Kalu.


He explained that he is the Governor of Abia State and not the Governor of any political party.


“‘Like I have always maintained, once after elections and probably litigations are over, political platforms take the back seat and Governance takes the front seat. So, it is in that spirit that I welcome you, not as a member of a different political party but as the servant of the people of Abia State of which you are one of them”


The Governor further stated that, ‘A political party that anybody belongs to is his choice,but  once you are from Abia or you live in Abia, you are part and parcel of this Government”


He thanked Senator Orji Uzor Kalu for recognising and agreeing with him that political parties are not instruments of war but a mere platform and every Abia person wants good governance which he is working with his team to give to Abia people.


Governor Otti appreciated Senator Orji Kalu for periodically offering valuable advice to him and thanked him for coming in fulfilment of his promise after not being able to attend his first anniversary dinner.


Earlier in his speech, Senator Orji Uzor Kalu said that he came to see the Governor to discuss issues about the State and Nigeria, as well as give him progress report about what is happening in the country, stressing that the important thing is the progress of Abia State and not which political party you belong to.


The former Governor  further stated that

“As a former Governor, it was important that consultation continues and I came to discuss some issues pertaining to the State and to Nigeria as a Country and give you progress report of what is happening in the National Assembly”


He agreed that leadership is about the burden and not which party we belong to and  reiterated that the whole aim is to develop the  State.


“Let us not look at what party we belong to, let us look at what we can do for Abia. Let’s keep our political flags and our political parties in our rooms, let’s develop our State’, the Senator declared.


Senator Kalu thanked Governor Otti for receiving him and his entourage at very short notice and giving them quality time despite his busy schedule.

Meanwhile, The Governor of Abia State, Dr Alex Otti has disclosed that his government is giving agriculture the needed attention and has dispatched 300 Abians drawn from various wards of the  State to CSS Farms in Nassarawa State to be trained on agriculture


Governor Otti made this known in Government House, Umuahia during the June edition of his media chat, he said the essence is to ensure food security in the State ,added that they would be trained on various agriculture value chains and the beneficiaries on return will be in position to train others.



He further said as a way of boosting the agriculture sector, that Abia State government is in partnership with organizations and companies in areas of palm oil, cocoa , rice as well as other agricultural value chains.



Governor Otti used the medium to announce  his administration’s plans to digitalize Abia to boost technology in the state.



He pointed out that the project would be heralded by the broadband technology that would provide access to internet in the State, said in the days ahead he would be appointing a chief Information technologist to prepare the State for the digital transformation.

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