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Anambra Traditional ruler dies after 25yeara reign

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A popular youthful traditional ruler of Umunya, Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State, Igwe Kris Onyekwuluje has died.

His passing was confirmed by the State Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Hon. Tony Collins Nwabunwanne.

According to the Commissioner, the monarch died on Tuesday.

He described his death as a huge loss, even as he prayed for his soul to find eternal rest in the Almighty.

The commissioner further commiserated with the people of Umunya over the incident, saying that he would be dearly missed.

Information has it that Igwe Onyekwuluje’s demise came barely five days to the proposed Town Union election of his community, scheduled for December 31, 2023.

Onyekwuluje, a psychedelic, clean personality, popularly known as Eze-Nya I was crowned in 1998 as the traditional ruler of Umunya community.

He escaped an assassination attempt in 2015 after the men of the Special Anti-Robbery squad (SARS) foiled an attempt to murder him in cold blood by ten men, who were eventually arrested by the operatives of the Anambra State Police Command.

Before his demise, he ruled his community for 25 years.

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