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Akpabio, Natasha and call for decorum in ‘senatorial actions’

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In the Nigerian parliament, both in the House of Representatives and the Senate, decorum, morality, and respect are fundamental principles expected to be upheld at all times. However, an incident last week involving Senate President Godswill Akpabio and Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan led Nigerians, both at home and abroad, to question and debate the appropriate conduct of Nigerian federal lawmakers.

During a plenary in the hallowed red chamber, Senator Natasha, representing Kogi Central, rose to speak on an important issue. In response, Senator Akpabio publicly reprimanded her, instructing her to seek permission before addressing the chamber and asserting that the Senate floor is not a “night club.”

The choice of words and manner in which Akpabio addressed Natasha has been met with significant backlash from both traditional and social media circles. Many have criticized his remarks as vulgar, irresponsible, and demeaning, particularly given his role as the third-highest-ranking official in the country.

“Respect is reciprocal,” the saying goes, and in a legislative body that should set an example for the nation, there is an expectation that disagreements or corrections should be handled with tact and professionalism. The incident has not only drawn attention to gender dynamics within Nigerian politics but has also raised broader questions about the standards of conduct expected from those in positions of power.

Senator Natasha, a prominent advocate for social justice and women’s rights, has been thrust into the spotlight not for her legislative efforts but for the manner in which she was publicly admonished. This episode highlights the ongoing challenges faced by women in Nigerian politics, where their authority and contributions are sometimes questioned or dismissed in ways that their male counterparts may not experience.

Moreover, the incident has underscored the power dynamics at play within the Senate and the broader political landscape. As a nation striving for inclusivity and gender equality, such incidents serve as reminders of the work that still needs to be done to ensure that all voices are heard and respected in the corridors of power.

Moving forward, there is an opportunity for the Senate leadership to reflect on this incident and consider measures to promote a more respectful and inclusive environment for all lawmakers. This includes fostering a culture where differences of opinion can be aired without fear of belittlement or disrespect, and where lawmakers are held accountable for upholding the dignity of their colleagues.

The incident involving Akpabio and Senator Natasha has sparked a necessary conversation about respect, professionalism, and gender equality within our politics. It serves as a reminder that the actions of our leaders not only shape legislative outcomes but also influence societal norms and expectations. This is not the first time Akpabio has courted controversy with his public statements.

Earlier this year, he made headlines by publicly announcing in the Senate chamber that funds had been deposited into senators’ accounts for their recess—a statement that struck a discordant note among Nigerians grappling with economic hardships. Such instances have raised significant concerns about the priorities and accountability of those entrusted with legislative responsibilities.

What makes this Akpabio vs Natasha incident even more concerning is its timing amidst growing criticism of the Senate’s perceived alignment with the executive branch, particularly evident in recent decisions such as the removal of Senator Ali Ndume as Chief Whip.

Senator Ndume’s dismissal came after he criticized President Tinubu and raised concerns about the country’s economic challenges and the hardships faced by its citizens. This move has intensified public perception of the Senate as becoming increasingly subservient to the executive, effectively functioning as a rubber stamp rather than a robust check on governmental actions.

In the wake of these developments, the incident involving Senator Natasha and Akpabio has further fueled public disillusionment with the Senate’s independence and integrity. Citizens and civil society groups have voiced their dismay, calling for accountability and a reaffirmation of parliamentary standards that reflect the dignity and seriousness of Nigeria’s legislative body.

Senator Natasha, who has been vocal on issues affecting her constituents and the nation at large, deserves to be treated with the respect and courtesy accorded to all elected representatives. Her contributions to national issues in the Senate should not be overshadowed by inappropriate remarks that undermine her authority and diminish the sanctity of the parliamentary process.

Conclusively, while the apology extended by Senate President Godswill Akpabio to Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan signifies a step towards reconciliation, it remains crucial to uphold the decorum and dignity expected of such esteemed positions.

As a figure holding significant influence, the words of the Senate President carry weight and set a precedent for public discourse. Therefore, it is imperative that all public statements, regardless of circumstance, reflect the respect and courtesy befitting the responsibilities entrusted to such high offices. This ensures not only the maintenance of civility in public dialogue but also fosters an environment where mutual respect and constructive engagement prevail for the betterment of all.

Ozumi Abdul, anipr, is a journalist, columnist, writer, and fact-checker, who can be reached via:



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