Champion Newspapers Limited
For a better society

Satan needs no invitation

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Today, I want to talk like a Pastor. Although my articles are not religious, this came to me when I was listening to a sermon at a church that I went to for a Programme.

The sermon gave me the impetus to share with you because the sermon was not limited to just Christians only; it cuts across.

Now; When I said Satan needs no invitation; What I mean is that whether you are a Christian or Muslim, Hindu or Eckankar, the devil has no respect for you.

The devil will regularly visit you to tempt you from time to time.

From research; the devil is an intruder who always visits the affairs of men.

But the Holy Spirit needs to be appeased, coerced prayed to and invited rigorously before he can visit us.

Why this is so, I do not know.

The Holy Spirit as we know brings us good news and good tidings. But he won’t visit us uninvited.

We have to seek the Holy Spirit before he can visit us.

It can be real wisdom for you to know that whenever you are born for goodness and greatness and you are taking one step after another to make it happen; the devil, popularly called Mr. Satan will naturally come uninvited to disrupt that good plan of God in your life for the simple reason that he knows that the plan of God for you is different from that of he (the devil)


He will always come to disturb the will of God for our lives.

On the other hand; whenever any good thing is about to happen in our lives, the Holy Spirit (on invitation) will also show up to perform his miracles. But that can only happen if we did not give the devil any space in our lives.


Whenever we see any business flourishing; the Holy Spirit is at work there. And we have to be on our guard to make sure that the devil is not given any space in our life; that is the only time that the Holy Spirit will have his way.

Also; whenever you see a marriage flourishing and without rancor; you can bet that the Holy Spirit is in charge there.

But close your eyes and open them; if the devil makes his uninvited visitation, Lord have mercy; rancor, distrust, hatred, strife, anger and arguments will just naturally begin to happen.

Be on your guard!


See you at the top.


For a better society


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