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ONICCIMA, UNIZIK Business School, traders brainstorm on trade, commerce growth 

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By Phil Okose, Onitsha
The caretaker committee of Onitsha Main Market Traders Union, OMMATU, Anambra State, led by Chief Ikechukwu Ezeoha, recently  played host to a delegation of Onitsha Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture ,(ONICCIMA), and UNIZIK Business School.
Speaking, Mr Stanley Anyadufu, the Director General of ONICCIMA,  explained the aim of their first ever visit to Main market, stating that the aim of their visit was to discuss with the traders about the future and progress of trade and commerce in Anambra state.
He stated that the economy of Anambra state which is driven mainly by trade and commerce has to adapt to the new innovations happening in the world to enable us compete favorably in the future.
“The future of trade and commerce will be driven by aggregation, warehousing and e-commerce (internet of things)”.
Mr Anyadufu reiterated that traders in main market won’t be left behind pointing out that ONICCIMA partnered with UNIZIK Business School, in order to help the traders to be prepared and respond proactively to the changes coming in the future.
He announced that they partnered with UNIZIK Business School, to introduce the teaching of Chinese language to traders which will aid them in their business transactions with their chinese partners.
The Head of UNIZIK delegation and also the Deputy Director of UNIZIK Business School, Associate Professor Chinedu Onyeizugbe, while thanking OMMATU, for their warm reception also advised them to prepare themselves for the inevitable future changes in the business environment.
According to the Deputy Director of UNIZIK Business School, “there may be no physical shops in the next 15 years. If we don’t do the right thing, our businesses may go into extinction”.
He further stated that the chinese language will be taught in addition to other courses like basic accounting, and business management.
” The chinese language will be a three month course and is slated to begin in September, 2022.classes will be held every Saturday and Sunday which will alternate between physical and virtual classes.”

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