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Anyone into practice of occultism in christiandom is not a man of God –Pastor Edoho

Pastor Aniefiok Edoho is the senior pastor of Divine Intervention Covenant INC. He talks to ISAAC NGUMAH on his ministry and other issues. Read on:

Tell your journey so far in the ministry

By the grace of GOD, I started my journey into the ministry in 2008 and by the grace of God; God has called me into preaching of salvation and repentant messages to win souls for Christ.

Can you tell us challanges in the ministry?

The ministry is the hardest work to do in the sense that you have no decision to take; before you take any decision, you have to consult the owner of the church. The ministry is a place that everyday you are in a new school. Theministry can also be compared with marriage where you learn everyday; you must labour in the word and in prayers.

Can you tell us experiences in the ministry?

I had refused to sleep; while others are sleeping, l am awake from 11pm to 2am midnight.

What is your focus in the ministry?

Preparing people for the second coming of Christ through the preaching of the salvation message of Christ.

Tell us your personal encounter with God

l encountered God during a December Retreat at Deeper Life Bible Church in 1999; then by early January 2000, God manifested Himself to me through a child in the dream who ministered to me and changed every thing about me from that time.

What are the signs that proofed that God called you?

l have to raise men and women for the endtime preparation and the ministry has also been equiped with signs and wonders from God.

Tell your impacts so far so in the ministry

We have been able to raise people for Christ and even for the Rapture

What can you say about fake pastors today?

l am not in the position to judge anyone and if there is any body that is not saved, he/she should repent as a matrter of fact, because as a minister, in the last day, you will give account of the life you have lived.

What can you say on occultism in churches today?

Anyone that is into practice of occultism in the christiandom is not a man of God; he is serving and working for the devil.

What can you say on men of god who are living flambouyant lives today?

Men of God should live exemplary lives, living a flambouyant life is not of God, it is a life of the devil.

What can you say on sexual immorality among church leaders today?

Many will perform signs and miracles in His name but on that, he will say to them depart from me ye workers of inniquity into the lake of fire, anybody living such lives will find himself in the lake of fire.

What can you say on prosperity teachings in churches today? 

You should not allow prosperity teachings to eat up your mind; the main focus is truth about salvation which will lead to eternal life at last. The Bible says seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Tell people about God’s kingdom and then everything will be added to you.

Should men of God go into politics?

Going into politics is to sanitise the whole system. When a righteous man is in power, the people rejoice, politics is not a dirty game as being said by some people, it is how you go about it, the method and all that. If you do it appropriately with God, there will be difference.

Should men of god go with security agents?

Because of crowd or crowding on you, you need one as a minister, just like the case of the the women of blood for 12 years was stopped by crowds until enventually you got access

Should men of god make use of private jets?

It is to make the gospel easier and for the propagation of the gospel. ‘if God will take me to that extent, l will get it’.

What can you say on churches who are buildind schools, hospitals, etc, and yet, it is not accessible to their church members?

Those who are priveileged to have should consider their church members first, they should be able to give them discount because of their contributions through tithes offerings and seeds.

Is your church invovled in grassroots and rural evangelism?

Any church that does not believe in evangelism is not ready to grow, we go to motor parks, motherless homes, hospitals, prison etc, to reach out to souls for christ.

What are your plans to achieve more growth in your ministry?

We do altar calls and we have house care fellowship where we meet and we do go out a lot for evangelism with our fliers and handbills.

What is the church’s contribution towards nation building?

We help young men to grow in the wisdom of God. So far in our environment, we dug a borehole; we have been able to raise young men who will make a difference in this dispensation.

What can you say on the economic hardship in Nigeria?

Sin is the cause of hardships in the land. Nigeria should rise up and pray that God should have mercy upon our land. ‘If my people who called my name will humble and seek me, l will hear their cry’.

What can you say on the achievement of this present government in power last year?

Nothing except the change of the National Anthem and the removal of the fuel subsidy, this has plugged Nigerians into poverty.

What can you say on removal of the fuel subsidy?

The removal of the fuel subsidy was his personal consumption which he used to buy his private jet; the fuel subsidy removal is not adding value to Nigerians rather to the president and his cabinet. So, as a President, he should think of making lives easier for its citiens.

What can you say on the Renewed Hope Agenda of the President?

The President has no hope to renew; when one is talking about renewed hope, we should be able to smile at the end of the day. We were praying that Buhari’s government should go and anyone that comes in will build our hope,when the President was talking about renewed hope, l was hopeful, but it is worst than an infidel.

What can you say on the economic policy of the President?

The economic policy is to revive our economy from consumption to production. The economic policy he has introduced is not to revive us.

What can say on 2014 National Confab?

The only way that the country can have headway is to implement the2014 national concab and restructure this country.

What can you say on the review of the Constitution?

The review of the Constitution will be okay

What can you say on the state of insecurity in Nigeria?

it is alarming

What can you say on state police?

It will reduce the rate of crimes in Nigeria

What can you say on the single six-year term for the President and the Governor?

It will be the best

What is your advice to the President on how to reform his policies?

He should return the entire subsidy that he has removed.

What can you say on the local government autonomy?

It is a welcome development.

For a better society

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